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what happens when the marriage fails in under 12 months in australia with a thai girl?

do they need to return to thai,no questiond asked, or are there other circumstances that may rule the desision?

what happens when the marriage fails in under 12 months in australia with a thai girl?

do they need to return to thai,no questiond asked, or are there other circumstances that may rule the desision?

If the relationship breaks up before the permanant visa is granted then the girl would have to return as her sponsorship has been withdrawn...the Immigration will need to be notified of the breakdown.

However there are circumstances where it is not necessary for her to return and she can apply for a permanant visa off her own bat....

Due to the vagueness of your post I am hesitant to list the circumstances....I am sure that you will find them if you so desire.

what happens when the marriage fails in under 12 months in australia with a thai girl?

do they need to return to thai,no questiond asked, or are there other circumstances that may rule the desision?

If the relationship breaks up before the permanant visa is granted then the girl would have to return as her sponsorship has been withdrawn...the Immigration will need to be notified of the breakdown.

However there are circumstances where it is not necessary for her to return and she can apply for a permanant visa off her own bat....

Due to the vagueness of your post I am hesitant to list the circumstances....I am sure that you will find them if you so desire.

I'll post one such reason if you won't, domestic violence. If the lady reports that then that is one reason why she will not be automaticaly kicked out. Apparently there are a large number of 'mail order brides' from former Russian countries who report domestic violence months after they come to Aus and then live happily ever after without their beloved husband.

what happens when the marriage fails in under 12 months in australia with a thai girl?

do they need to return to thai,no questiond asked, or are there other circumstances that may rule the desision?

Can you give some details?

I have a yearning for a good dose of I told you so posts.

what happens when the marriage fails in under 12 months in australia with a thai girl?

do they need to return to thai,no questiond asked, or are there other circumstances that may rule the desision?

If the relationship breaks up before the permanant visa is granted then the girl would have to return as her sponsorship has been withdrawn...the Immigration will need to be notified of the breakdown.

However there are circumstances where it is not necessary for her to return and she can apply for a permanant visa off her own bat....

Due to the vagueness of your post I am hesitant to list the circumstances....I am sure that you will find them if you so desire.

I'll post one such reason if you won't, domestic violence. If the lady reports that then that is one reason why she will not be automaticaly kicked out. Apparently there are a large number of 'mail order brides' from former Russian countries who report domestic violence months after they come to Aus and then live happily ever after without their beloved husband.

the reason I dont list circumstances is because break-ups are usually bitter.....I dont know enough of the situation and therefore I dont feel it is right to get too involved. It can also be a legal minefield....I am not a lawyer nor an Immigration worker and this is where the info needs to come from


its a thai girl married to an oz guy here for around 8 month and shes in a refuge now for the second time.. i only here one side of the story and snipplets from the other so im not shure what really has been happening but apparently she went to the police twice but did not want to press charges on him? and i here that she will be helped to find a job and place to stay still ?

its a thai girl married to an oz guy here for around 8 month and shes in a refuge now for the second time.. i only here one side of the story and snipplets from the other so im not shure what really has been happening but apparently she went to the police twice but did not want to press charges on him? and i here that she will be helped to find a job and place to stay still ?

So long as she has a police report and the refuge staff to assist her then she will be allowed to stay....she will get a special benefit and the refuge will help her to find a accomadation.

I once dated a girl who was going through this...she also had a kid with him and one of her own...she lost custody of her thai child at one stage but kept the Oz one. It got really bitter with accusations flying everywhere....

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