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Over one-third of Cambodia’s population to be urbanised by 2050: World Bank

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Cambodia’s urbanised population is expected to rise to 36 percent by 2050, according to the World Bank. According to the bank’s estimates, “Cambodia’s rate of urbanisation is lower than what can be expected for its GDP”. The figures for January 2021 from Data Portal showed that Cambodia’s urbanised population sits at 24.5 percent, compared with globally urbanised population of 4.35 billion people, or 56 percent.


For greater context, countries with similar levels of GDP to Cambodia, such as Bangladesh and Kyrgyzstan, have an urbanisation rate closer to 35 per cent. The journal, What Drives Urbanisation in Modern Cambodia? Some Counter-Intuitive Findings is authored by Partha Gangopadhyay, Siddharth Jain and Agung Suwandaru.


Their analysis unveils some fascinating characteristics of Foreign Direct Investment and its impact on Cambodia’s urbanisation. They note that in the short-run, “If FDI increases by 1 percent, urbanisation increases by 0.36 percent in Cambodia. If FDI decreases by 1 percent, urbanisation still increases by 0.34 percent.”


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501045575/over-one-third-of-cambodias-population-to-be-urbanised-by-2050-world-bank/



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