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List of private and bilingual schools

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Does anyone know if there is a list of private/bilingual schools that I can access? My daughter currently attends an international school, and while it is great, I am starting to become concerned about her Thai language so considering transferring her to another school with a stronger emphasis on Thai. Is there a website or somewhere I can access with a comprehensive list? I've already read through a few older threads in this forum but not quite found what I am after yet ????

Thank you 

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I have been involved in education in Thailand for over two decades, and never seen such a list. The Bangkok Post used to (maybe still does ?) publish an annual magazine featuring international schools.  An online version might be available ?   I realize though that this magazine probably features the sort of school where your daughter is now, not the type you are looking for.

It might be beneficial to state your daughter's grade level, and your preferred geographic area.  If Bangkok, be specific.  It is a big city.

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