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Ive used skeetoleen and it doesnt work worth a darn,,, In Alaska we had some military stuff left over from the 50s and it was mighty potent... The misqueto coils I used in alaska caused every misqueto to fall out of the roof of a two story cabin,,, The ones I use here are like fake counterfit bug coils and dont do anything... I stopped buying the aresol can sprays also as they wont even kill when sprayed directly on the dudes when they are on the wall,,, they just fly away.......... I just got some of the WILD LIVES 95 which I payed 200 baht for and it is 95% deet and seems to work well... The bottle claims it will repel leaches and is made in Thailand... In the house I try to keep three fans blowing full blast and one directly on me and this works pretty good but my wife always turns the fans down and off as I have never met anyone here that likes air blowing on them....


We've had several threads on repelling mosquitoes.

The citronella derivatives seem to work as a skin spray, but most Thai girls also find them repellant.

The best suggestion -- eat plenty of marmite every day :o

We've had several threads on repelling mosquitoes.

The citronella derivatives seem to work as a skin spray, but most Thai girls also find them repellant.

The best suggestion -- eat plenty of marmite every day :o

That Marmite would even kill soi dogs :D


Have you tried those plug-in things. They plug into a power socket and emit noise on a radio frequency that humans cannot hear. Its supposed to drive them away.

Never actualyl tried one, but i have been reccomended them many times.

Should be able to pick them up at big supermarket stores, never seen them in the smaller local shops though.

Have you tried those plug-in things. They plug into a power socket and emit noise on a radio frequency that humans cannot hear. Its supposed to drive them away.

If humans can't hear them how do you know if they are working or not?

If humans can't hear them how do you know if they are working or not?

Cos you dont get bitten by mossies, sheesh some people are just plain silly :o


I actually thought the ultra-high frequency emitting contraptions were for rodents/BG's, not mosquitoes/BG's.

The only electric plug-in mosquito repellants I have found require a refillable chemical cartridge. The electricity, running in low voltage through the contraption, releases the chemical repellant, much like an electric mosquito coil, but without the smoke.

Anyone else care to verify/dispute this? I didn't think sound waves were an insect chaser.

Anyway - forget skeetolene, you might as well p*ss on yourself.

If you can, try and get hold of some RID (purple bottle, spray or roll-on, available from Australia, possibly other countries).

That stuff is the duck's nuts for repelling mosquitoes....., and leeches, BG's, etc


I like air blowing on me. But like you, I've yet to meet someone else who likes it.

One thing that works for outdoor parties is dry ice. Just put some dry ice in an area away from your guests and the mosquitos will be attracted to the carbon dioxide from the dry ice rather than from your guests. Unfortunately, this doesn't help for everyday.


If yo uare looking at long term solutions Ireckon yo uhave to look at screening your place or something like that because using deet based repellants over long periods is not recomended.......you mighht grow an extra finger or something. Then everyone would think you were a right banjo playing yokal hill billy.

Do you have any of those ceramic pots around the house filled wiith water some plants and tiny fish......they are like a mossie trap......mossies try to breed inthe water but the fish eat em I think. Of course they can fly fromother places too......so screens as well would be good.

Other than that.......try wearing light colours......yeah you might look like a poofta but at least you wont get bit.


I agree with the best defense is a good offense idea... I went after the source as best I could here,,, First I found that the septic tanks in my area were not sealed and these were were provideing huge amounts of ms... Next I hired some guys to cut the tall grass behind my house... There are at least 60 rai of coconut plantation behind my house and off to the side so I cant cut it all... Across the street is rain forrest and I think the government would get ivoled If they saw a falang out for a buldozer ride...The biggest problem is the coconuts as at some point they came through and cut the tops off and drained the milk and threw these on the ground which makes a perfect ms condo... My neigbors and helpers dont understand why I insist they pick up all these old cocnut shells,,, Ohh falang.I also paid to have the local helper seal the space between the wall and the roof with bricks and install a exaust fan to exit the heat... This has helped a great deal but I carry bug dope in my pocket for a last resort.......... I plan to soon add many fish tanks and I would like a Koi pond but that is on the back burner for now...


I've found banana plantations to be the worst places for mozzies.

I think the sound thing works - it would certainly be effective against soi dogs (or maybe they'd think it was a food-call)

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