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Massive Problems With Speed - Speed Test - Yuck


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Hi all

I am never so confident posting on this section. I always feel such a bloody newbie, as im pretty clueless with anything tech.

Anyway - not sure if anyone has any pointers for me. My internet connection has dropped in speed hugely over the last 6/7 weeks. I have TOT Gold Cyber which is not super quick - but quick enough for my needs at around 750kbps download speed. For several weeks now, it has been running at around 120kbps download speed - thats quite a reduction.

Srange thing is - my upload speed is three times faster... 335kbps. I recall that previously, the upload speed was way lower than the download speed. Clearly something is amiss here?

A friend suggested a try a tracert (something i have never done before). I ran a tracert to yahoo.co.uk and came up with the following info;

-25 'hops' in total

-1st hop (from my router) 99ms

-2nd to 16th hop around 27ms

-the last nine hops range from 300 to 600ms

Does this (or should this) indicate anything?

Its becoming a chore now. I dont have UBC here, and dont realy want it. I watch a lot of streaming media and now, i cant even do that. Google Videos etc all say 'error, file not found' when i know for a fact the video files are there, as i tested from an internet cafe. This must be something to do with my sudden low speeds, right? Since my speed has been so slow, i can not watch streaming media - apart from liveleak, and then i get the old 'buffering' every few seconds.

Please people - any pointers would be muchio appreciado.



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any pointers would be muchio appreciado

learn to accept the things you can not change

sounds as if you have a new connection on your pipe .

(ie , a pipe is sold to be shared amongst x people , looks fab if your first , until new customers join in .)

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sounds like it yep.

sell you 1024K for example and put 10 other people on the same one.

so depends if the others are online or not sharing your connection.

yes, its a scam/ripoff and should be illegal in a country with laws.

also maybe....

seems to be a big bandwidth choke in thailand.

my connection from aus to bangkok is as fast as i pay for.. but..

from bangkok to this server, for example, it slows down markedly.

thailand has only one main pipe to the www, i believe.

www.speedtest.net is good for checking speeds.

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Also factor in how much traffic is affecting the server from which you are attempting to obtain streaming media. The quality of the remote server is also a factor.

Consider downloading the media (without listening or watching it), then play it back at a later time on your own system. Or try to see if there is a "mirror" site that carries the same content.

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>should be illegal in a country with laws.:o

I just decided that high speed internet is perceived as mostly the choice of foreigners thus any rip off is acceptable.

the entire concept of acceptable low life vice / rip off / theft vs unacceptable thought boggles my gourd.

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Jeez. I am buggered then, yup?

Just so I am clear - i signed up for the quickest packagae they had at 1000B month (ok, not a huge amount, but that was the most they had). It works fine for 5/6 months and then they pump more clients through my 'pipe' which takes up bandwidth.

Is that about the jist of things?

I may aswell just downgrade my package to the cheapest one they have, which i believe is 400B month. It would be the same speeds.

Funny thing is - this happened overnight almost. It went from 750kbs to 120KBPS pretty much overnight, and has never changed.

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