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Cambodia rice exports rise to $516 million in four months

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Cambodia exported 221,138 tonnes of milled rice and 1,648,474 tonnes of un-milled rice, with a total value of $516.21 million in the first four months of 2022, according to a release from the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF). Forty-eight exporters sent products to 54 destinations, of which Cambodia exported 115,255 tonnes, or 52.12 percent, worth $62.74 million to China and Hong Kong Autonomous Region.



The Kingdom exported 68,555 tons, or 31 percent, valued at $51 million to Europe. The export to Asean countries amounted to 21,876 tonnes or 9.89 percent, with a value of $13.90 million. The exports to other countries were valued at $11.74 million, representing 15,452 tonnes, or a share of 6.99 percent. Exports of all types of fragrant rice were 67.12 percent, white rice (30.13 percent), steamed rice (1.07 percent) and organic rice (1.68 percent).


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501071306/cambodia-rice-exports-rise-to-516-million-in-four-months/



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