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Fag Hags Raping Men


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I have four gay men who are very close friends. Does that make me a fag hag? Should I be offended to be described thus?

To answer those questions in order, I am I dare say and no I am not offended. They are just my friends and words are just words.

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I have four gay men who are very close friends. Does that make me a fag hag? Should I be offended to be described thus?

To answer those questions in order, I am I dare say and no I am not offended. They are just my friends and words are just words.


However "Words cut like a knife, but it feels so right" - Brian Adams

PS I lived at Country Tower in Bangna for a few months hows the old 'hood.

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  I wouldn't want words like these become eradicated from the language as it's fairly useful to figure out people's biases and act accordingly.

A fairly good point - but slightly flawed!  some people could quite easily describe a person in a less than flattering way without being biast - so you may be totaly wrong in your judjement.    If you say that fat guy as opposed to that large gentleman  . . . . does that mean you are fattist

Edited by observer21
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I have four gay men who are very close friends. Does that make me a fag hag? Should I be offended to be described thus?

To answer those questions in order, I am I dare say and no I am not offended. They are just my friends and words are just words.

I lived in Greenwich Village, NYC, in the mid 90's and it was then a term that a friend could use. hel_l, a good friend can say, "Hey bitch", and it can be taken as a term of endearment.

It also began to be used as a slur by other gay men who did not like a woman's presence or by homophobes. Mostly the latter. I was at a drag show in NYC where a drag queen used it in a derogatory way and it just about cleared the place, and not just the few women there left.

At that time, I was introduced to a now good friend who was born with both male and female genitalia. I referred to him as a "hermaphrodite" to a mutual friend and was told that the term is now considered quite rude, and should be called "inter sexed." I was grateful to find out and I did not use the rude term again. Yes, I learned hermaphrodite in biology and I'm not even sure why it's rude now, but it doesn't hurt to learn a new word now and again. My good friend is worth at least that to me.

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Natee Teerarojjanapongs, director of the Thai Political Gay Group, said many gay men were raped by women, who were known as Fag Hags.

The term refers to women who associate mostly and exclusively with gay men either because they like their company or are secretly sexually attracted to gay men.

The above excerpt is from a front page article from today's NATION. Just wondered if anyone had any personal accounts of these Fag Hags and their dastardly deeds?

Natee Teerarojjanapongs is a muppet for GBLT and straight in Thailand. 80% of his idea is ridiculous.I believe he has more and more freetime hence he put funny ideas.

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Neither do I.

Now I'm a little confused whether I'm a candidate for the term 'faghags'.

When I first married ( in the 70's ). Being young and loved the life of the party, I would manage to convince my hubby to go to the social club on the weekend nights. But my hubby was not the type to enjoy this kind of scene, he was more of a outdoors type. So he arranged his good friends ( a gay couple from his work ) to take me along on these club hoppings.

Everyone (the four of us) felt so good about this arrangement.

Lucky me I gain a lifelong wonderful friends. They are perfect for each other; so much respect, devote and care. One thing about them, you never can tell that they are gays from the way they carry themselve. Only few closed friends knew.

Since I'm a female and always hang around with them (in those days), am I a faghog ?

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In Thailand, there's nothing wrong with being a fag hag. The Thailand Political Gay Group would just like to be able to prosecute the large numbers of Thai women who allegedly rape allegedly gay men by enacting resolutions that would be included in the junta's new constitution.

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I must be living a sheltered life (NOT!) but not only have I never previously heard the term 'fag hag', I was not even aware that such a species existed. Call me old fashioned, but seems kinda weird to me... (sounds like they'd fit in with that mob that likes to wear all black clothing and white pancake makeup, with razor blades dangling from their spare parts. Forgotten what they're called)... :o

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Since I'm a female and always hang around with them (in those days), am I a faghog ?

As a native English speaker sometimes when I speak Thai I make mistakes which Thai people find cute, for example when I asked a vendor for a chicken breast by asking for 'nom gai.'

Well, I think your misspelling of faghag is just as cute. :o

Edited by Jimmyd
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i went to soi paradise in phuket last night and met quite a few 'screaming queens' who were the best fun ive had in ages. i questioned the fact that i may be a fag hag and they all agreed! they did not mean it in an offensive way at all.

i also brought up the term 'fruit fly' and they had never heard that one before. but they did like it.

i still dont understand a gay mans fascination with my breasts though............

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I had a lady friend who called herself a fag hag, it was the first time that I became familiar with the term.

She never used it in a derogatory way and was quite comfortable being called a fag hag.

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Last time I used the term "fag hag" on the forum in what I believed was a friendly way (my gay associates typically use it in a friendly way) I was roundly told off by certain female members, and have made an effort not to use the term again. I would advise those posting on the thread to watch their language, too.

Yea, well the younger politically correct language police on these boards can become rather tedious at times, especially when it comes to semantics revolving around varieties of sexual persuasions. I would advise those posting to any thread to pay no heed to these people.

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I have a friend in Vancover B.C. who calls herself a faghag and prowed of it.

At my age it's hard to understand how I could be forced to get it up by she or he.

I can remember times when I could not keep it down but those times are long gone so those men who are being rapped must be young victums, unless those girls are more creative :o

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i went to soi paradise in phuket last night and met quite a few 'screaming queens' who were the best fun ive had in ages. i questioned the fact that i may be a fag hag and they all agreed! they did not mean it in an offensive way at all.

i also brought up the term 'fruit fly' and they had never heard that one before. but they did like it.

i still dont understand a gay mans fascination with my breasts though............

I love you to death Donna ... but sadly I am not fascinated by them :o If I had known you were going ZI would have gone over ... since I returned my UBC box yesterday in prep for my move to BKK

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i went to soi paradise in phuket last night and met quite a few 'screaming queens' who were the best fun ive had in ages. i questioned the fact that i may be a fag hag and they all agreed! they did not mean it in an offensive way at all.

i also brought up the term 'fruit fly' and they had never heard that one before. but they did like it.

i still dont understand a gay mans fascination with my breasts though............

When gay friends try to claim me as their fag hag, I tell them to <deleted> because they're my

hag fag.

But yeah, what's up with gay men and breasts? Haven't you learned those aren't for you, honey?

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i thought of you jd, but i didnt get there til about 11. (early for you i guess). maybe we will have to make it another night? i am going to bkk soon (prob next week) for job interviews etc, so maybe will catch you up there...

last night i felt like karen from will and grace (without the voice i hope).

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i thought of you jd, but i didnt get there til about 11. (early for you i guess). maybe we will have to make it another night? i am going to bkk soon (prob next week) for job interviews etc, so maybe will catch you up there...

last night i felt like karen from will and grace (without the voice i hope).

My movers arrive Wed morning and I fly out Wed at 2. The mew place will obviously be a wreck (and it is out of the city center ... but if you need a place for a night or 2. Let me know.

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I once gave a masage to one of my ladyfriend in Holland.

After a while she jumped on me and started to kiss me all over and doing other things.

She insisted to do the bedroom olympics with her and so I did.

Could she be considered a Fag Hag?

For your info I am not gay.

How to call such women?

Still having mental problems about that....


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i went to soi paradise in phuket last night and met quite a few 'screaming queens' who were the best fun ive had in ages. i questioned the fact that i may be a fag hag and they all agreed! they did not mean it in an offensive way at all.

i also brought up the term 'fruit fly' and they had never heard that one before. but they did like it.

i still dont understand a gay mans fascination with my breasts though............


That's easy. Breast envy. He just wished he had a natural set like yours.... :o

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I once gave a masage to one of my ladyfriend in Holland.

After a while she jumped on me and started to kiss me all over and doing other things.

She insisted to do the bedroom olympics with her and so I did.

p---How very accomidating of you... :o

Could she be considered a Fag Hag?

p--- No.

For your info I am not gay.

p---Are you sure?

How to call such women?

P--- Very friendly...

Still having mental problems about that....

p--- I know exactly how you feel. Don't worry it gets better... :D


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I imagine if this thread was about straight men raping a lesbian there wouldn't be so many responses about party's and living the high life. Just a thought.


Imagine if this thread was about straight men raping straight women.

Just a thought...

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I once gave a masage to one of my ladyfriend in Holland.

After a while she jumped on me and started to kiss me all over and doing other things.

She insisted to do the bedroom olympics with her and so I did.

p---How very accomidating of you... :o

Could she be considered a Fag Hag?

p--- No.

For your info I am not gay.

p---Are you sure?

How to call such women?

P--- Very friendly...

Still having mental problems about that....

p--- I know exactly how you feel. Don't worry it gets better... :D


Hi Pepe,

Thank you for the kind reply,

Yes I am sure I am not gay however I do have some gay friends and I am OK with that.

The girl that sort of raped me is married now and have two kids.

Thanks for understanding how I feel as in your reply, but struggling how to feel better.

This is really hunting me as now I think all girls I meet want to do the same with me and I am a bit scared about it.

Kind regards and if you have some advice please tell.


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They drove me to an isolated area near the beach and the three of them proceeded to rape me, again, and again and again.

I have not been right since (in the head) and have required regular therapy ever since... :D

But Pepe, estas confundiendo la pregunta...eres maricon? (no me digas, compadre!) :o

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I once gave a masage to one of my ladyfriend in Holland.

After a while she jumped on me and started to kiss me all over and doing other things.

She insisted to do the bedroom olympics with her and so I did.

p---How very accomidating of you... :o

Could she be considered a Fag Hag?

p--- No.

For your info I am not gay.

p---Are you sure?

How to call such women?

P--- Very friendly...

Still having mental problems about that....

p--- I know exactly how you feel. Don't worry it gets better... :D


Hi Pepe,

Thank you for the kind reply,

Yes I am sure I am not gay however I do have some gay friends and I am OK with that.

The girl that sort of raped me is married now and have two kids.

Thanks for understanding how I feel as in your reply, but struggling how to feel better.

This is really hunting me as now I think all girls I meet want to do the same with me and I am a bit scared about it.

Kind regards and if you have some advice please tell.



Alex have no fear. "The only thing to fear is fear itself" Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Whenever the opportunity presents itself, "Take one for the team son."

"When in doubt, whip it out" - John Belushi, Samurari Hotel... :D

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Since I'm a female and always hang around with them (in those days), am I a faghog ?

As a native English speaker sometimes when I speak Thai I make mistakes which Thai people find cute, for example when I asked a vendor for a chicken breast by asking for 'nom gai.'

Well, I think your misspelling of faghag is just as cute. :o

Thanks 'Jimmyd',

I had a good laugh myself LOL too.

This is a testimonial that the word 'faghag' is something new to me, really! :D

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