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POMs - every Aussie is taught from an early age that those from the Mother Country only bathe once a week (if lucky) :o

Interesting you should mention the British jackspratt. Being British but living in the US for a 12-year stint, I can remember one American acquaintance telling me this joke:

Q. Where does an Englishman hide his wallet?

A. Under the soap

There was a certain irony though as the person who told this joke suffered from acute halitosis and when socializing - was always first out of the cab and last to the bar. Lesson learned? Some of the best complainers are also some of the worst offenders. :D

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Affluent people in the indian sub continent are at least as hygienic (cleanliness, frequency of showers/batheing, washing hands, sanitary habits etc) as the thais - and certainly as europeans in their home countries (not all of whom bathe daily). Of the poor in those countries I cannot speak from any extensive experience; but my hunch is that in both India and Eirope they are less than ideally clean or hygienic.

However the smell of indian food - cooking and cooked - is more pungent than thai or european (and certainly japanese). It may be something to do with its basis being spices fried in onions. Thai food uses chilies but no spices. But this theory is getting into guesswork. And I think the smell of the food does effect body odour.

However, the the posts getting carried away with the awful smells in India and Pakistan are ludicrous.

Both indian and thai kitchens, even among the affluent, tend to be segregated from living quarters - japanese not, but this may be because of the japanese winters. But this getting further into pontificating territory, so I'll stop.

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Affluent people in the indian sub continent are at least as hygienic (cleanliness, frequency of showers/batheing, washing hands, sanitary habits etc) as the thais - and certainly as europeans in their home countries (not all of whom bathe daily). Of the poor in those countries I cannot speak from any extensive experience; but my hunch is that in both India and Eirope they are less than ideally clean or hygienic.

However the smell of indian food - cooking and cooked - is more pungent than thai or european (and certainly japanese). It may be something to do with its basis being spices fried in onions. Thai food uses chilies but no spices. But this theory is getting into guesswork. And I think the smell of the food does effect body odour.

However, the the posts getting carried away with the awful smells in India and Pakistan are ludicrous.

Both indian and thai kitchens, even among the affluent, tend to be segregated from living quarters - japanese not, but this may be because of the japanese winters. But this getting further into pontificating territory, so I'll stop.

I will agree with much of this. However, on many business trips I've taken, it is not your business hosts who offend, but rather the service staff (not including nicer hotels). For example, drivers, coffee and tea boys in the conference rooms, etc.. For the average foreigner on business, not walking the streets, that is where you encounter it.

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However, the posts getting carried away with the awful smells in India and Pakistan are ludicrous.

especially when the posts come from people who (instead of washing) wiped their butts after sh*tting till they learned some hygiene in Asia.


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However, the posts getting carried away with the awful smells in India and Pakistan are ludicrous.

especially when the posts come from people who (instead of washing) wiped their butts after sh*tting till they learned some hygiene in Asia.


Naamm naamm :D

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go to Pratunam and a lot of the Africans (from Africa) could use some deodorant :D Same goes with the Indians.

But go to Khao San Road and sweaty farang are in abundance also.

Basically everybody apart from me STINKS !!


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Basically everybody apart from me STINKS !!

Well said !

Is your ear wax dry ?

Dry earwax boosts sex appeal

By Deborah Smith

January 24, 2006

The advantages of dry earwax, if any, are unknown. But people with wet wax tend to sweat more and have more body odour, researchers say.

A GENETIC study of more than 3000 people worldwide has solved one of life's mysteries: why some people have dry earwax while others exude a brown sticky goo.

European and African people tend to have wet, sticky earwax while dry wax is common among people with east-Asian ancestry.

To find out why, Japanese researchers genetically tested 64 Japanese people with the dry type and 54 Japanese people with the wet type. They found that, of the 3 billion pairs of letters that make up the human genetic code, a variation in just one letter determined the type of wax a person was born with.

Further tests were carried out on 3250 people from 33 ethnic backgrounds. They revealed that the genetic variation responsible for dry wax was present in Koreans and northern Han Chinese, but not in Africans or African Americans.

In other populations, this genetic variation became increasingly less common the further south or west of north-east China the ethnic group originated, with Solomon Islanders, the French and Hungarians having a low frequency.

The researchers, led by Koh-ichiro Yoshiura of Nagasaki University, said the findings suggested the mutation for dry earwax arose long ago in north-east Asia and spread as its people migrated to other countries.

The mutation's high frequency in native Americans "may reflect their ancestors' migratory waves from Siberia over the Bering land bridge to the American continent", Dr Yoshiura suggested.

Earwax helps to trap insects, clean the ears and keep them moist. The advantages of dry earwax, if any, are unknown. People with wet wax, however, tend to sweat more and have more body odour, the researchers said.

This suggests that dry earwax may have become more commonplace because of its association with reduced body odour, which in turn might make people more attractive to a mate in the cold, cramped living conditions of ancient north-east Asia.

The findings, published in the journal Nature Genetics, represent the first example of a tiny genetic variation, known as a single nucleotide polymorphism, being linked to a visible physical trait.

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never saw a thread in ThaiVisa containing a bigger load of crap... and all from self-appointed "experts".


Thank god for you Dr Naam. For a moment, I thought I was alone.

What a pathetic thread, on so many different levels.

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could it maybe also be due to body hair also? In general (to my knowledge) Thai and Japanese have less body hair than some other asian countries. Also the french ladies are known to forgo shaving under the arms. I think we sweat more when we have more body hair, and when we do the hairs trap the persperation and thus i guess causes more odor. ?

Bizarre topic, but great XD

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I read (don't know first hand) that the desert Arabs don't stink.

Since a lot of the body odour comes from perspiration, we northern Europeans probably smell less at home.

On the debit side many Europeans don't have the opportunity to shower as often as people in hotter climes.

I sweat profusely in a torrid climates and have to shower up to 5 times a day, for my own comfort and regardless of whether I already smell sweet or not.

This would be impossible for the average 9 to 5 worker.

Fair comment to the Thais, I've never stood close to a Thai girl who didn't smell clean.

And a footnote to Dr. Naam, quite a lot of Europeans are used to washing their butts before they ever visit Asia.

Maybe he hasn't heard of bidets; they're quite common in Germany and France and much easier to use than butt guns.

Edited by qwertz
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Personal observation only:

1. Indians

2. Africans (especially Nigerians and Somalians) sierra leone

3. Pakistanis

4. Poles

5. Mexicans

6. Azerbajanians

7. Turks

8. Croatians

9. Koreans


sierra leone F##k me mate they would knock a fly of a bucket <deleted>

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Gotta love the Thai standard of personal hygiene! (apart from the nose pick..but lets turn a blind eye on that one :D) I also appreciate when I smell incense in the air (great for covering up the smell of .. other less pleasant odours). So i also love that Thais burn incense. ( Unlike in Amsterdam where I am sure what is most commonly burnt there sent me giddy even when just walking around for a bit.. :D Heck im pretty sure body odor wouldnt even be an issue if Amsterdam. You either smell of what your smoking or if you do have some odor, your so out of it you dont give a shi. ..monkeys.)

um but digressing a bit from the topic..and babbling... :o .

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Maybe he hasn't heard of bidets; they're quite common in Germany and France and much easier to use than butt guns.

they were not so common in my home country "D" a decade ago Quertz and even now not even 10% of new built homes in Germany have bidets. not to talk about UK or the Greatest Nation on Earth™ where the average citizen thinks "peedays" are either for peeing or to wash vegetables because the kitchen sink is too small.


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As I read through this thread I'm reminded of those nasty little guys who sit in the corner of bars, beginning every phrase with the classic: "I'm not racist, but . . . "

Gee Bendix, I don't know, but it seems to me that there are a lot of brave folks on this forum starting topics, guys like Weho, and others, who seem to me to be the bravest; holding themselves out there to ridicule, defending their beliefs. Other guys who just "lurk" on the forums, waiting to nail the defenseless "idiots" seem to me to be the biggest cowards.

Give me a brave poster any day over a coward responder.

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As I read through this thread I'm reminded of those nasty little guys who sit in the corner of bars, beginning every phrase with the classic: "I'm not racist, but . . . "

I guess there is much truth in that really.

For me I didnt find the OP topic racist, but i did find some of the extreme responses racist.

I dont mind people making observations about my own country, if based on their personal experiences. I may not agree with their observation but its personal to them. I do, however, take offense if they start to mock or are downright insulting to my country and culture. There is a line between general observations and base insults.

Well..thats just my personal opinion on that one.. :o

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Seems like Bendix and Dr. Naam are the party poopers of the day. Everybody else, breathe in and enjoy.

anybody reading these scientific dissertations what ethnic group/nationality stinks or smells finds out in no time who is a "pooper" and who is not.

of course that is based on the assumption that the reader's IQ is slightly above 75 :o

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