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I just learned that my granduncle, Dr. William Beach, and his wife, Elizabeth Wolfe Beach, worked at the Overbrook Hospital, Cheng Rai, Siam, from about 1912 to the mid 1940s. I have a web site with a picture of Will & Elizabeth taken in Siam in 1916 (http://www.capmarine.com/duffie/byfamily.htm#William%20H).

It would be nice if I could add a picture of the hospital to that page. I understand from one of the threads I found on this forum that the original building is still standing. Can anyone come up with a reasonably good picture they could send me?

Thanks, in advance, for your help.

Tim Duffie


  • 7 months later...


I'm trying to venture to Chaing Rai to get some current photos, but thought you might be interested in some historical shots of Overbrook, taken by my great grandfather. The captions are by my great uncle, Clark Briggs.

if foto does not link well, you can also go to a public picasa album at: http://picasaweb.google.com/onethrees/ChiangRai

If you come across any current pix, please pass them along.

Dave B.



I'm trying to venture to Chaing Rai to get some current photos, but thought you might be interested in some historical shots of Overbrook, taken by my great grandfather. The captions are by my great uncle, Clark Briggs.

if foto does not link well, you can also go to a public picasa album at: http://picasaweb.google.com/onethrees/ChiangRai

If you come across any current pix, please pass them along.

Dave B.



Thanks....the pix is great....I'll add it to my family web site so all the family can enjoy.

Since I posted that note I've located Uncle Will's granddaughter in Effingham, IL. She has pictures but isn't able to scan them. I'm hoping to make a trip there somedaya to do it for her.....

Thanks, again....

Tim D.

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