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Jehova's Witness - Romford, Essex, Uk


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My GF is on a 3 month visa to the UK.

I work Mon - Fri so I'm not at home.

A farang woman knocked at our door whilst I was out after seeing my girlfriend. She can speak a little Thai and asked if my GF, Malai, was new to the area ((I've just moved a couple of weeks ago). She said she has many Thai friends in the area and asked if Malai would be interested in meeting them. Not having many Thai friends over here Malai naturally said yes.

The next day this woman came back with a young Thai woman of about 20yrs old. All of a sudden they're talking religion and the Bible and God and how all the climatic changes in the world are as a result of god etc etc...

They left leaflets in Thai relating to Jehova's Witness etc and now both Malai and I are a little worried. Malai has told the young Thai woman she's not interested in converting or anything like that but is happy to be friends. The Thai girl said that wasn't a problem but continued the heavy heavy about the religion anyway.

Guys.. any of you have any knowledge about this going on in Romford or about Jehova's Witnesses anyway? I don't but you hear some bad stories.

Any advice appreciated.



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6. Heaven is limited only to 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses

If they believe this then I would have thought getting up numbers would be the last thing on their minds. Sorry, didn't care enough to get past No.6

This is straight from the bible, moses' books. 144,000 seats.

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They are the same the world over and will use any leverage / advantage to get into your door / pocket.

Tell them that you and your wife donate blood, for a start.

Here is what these people believe in: Kingdom of Jehovah. :o

I've come across a few nice ones - not pushy, but religion is so important to them I don't think a JW community would be right for just being friends. I think your wife needs to make it pretty clear where she stands. Of course the young Thai JW might be a bit lonely in Romford, too, and might be happy just to be friends, but not when she's on the rounds or in a church setting.

I think the 144,000 is a symbolic figure.

Edited by Xangsamhua
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Tell them to take their poison somewhere else. A JW is forbidden to stay in a relationship with a non JW and they actively break up family and friends to keep the faithful pure and unpolluted by the wrong attitude.

These people will lie cheat and steal to convert a 'soul' and once they have it in their grasp they are ruthless in hanging on to it.

Yes I do have personal experience of these people (they ruined a friends life) and I strongly urge you to stay away from them and indeed any religious group that has 'the one true way'.

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Before this degenerates into bashing JWs, let's remember it's wrong to say all of any group, all Thais, all Buddhists, all Irish, etc. There are good and bad in all communities. If you have had a bad personal experience, it's just that, a personal experience.

I always invite the JWs in when they call. The most visits ever was 3 in a row, they quickly tire of calling when you know your bible and can refute their doctrines using the bible. However, I do respect their dedication to going out there and spreading the word (as they see it) it takes time and effort.

I'm sure (dealing with the op) that a polite and assertive refusal would be enough. If they know you are not interested they will go elsewhere where someone might be interested.

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6. Heaven is limited only to 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses

If they believe this then I would have thought getting up numbers would be the last thing on their minds. Sorry, didn't care enough to get past No.6

This is straight from the bible, moses' books. 144,000 seats.

You mean they have been recruiting for - how long - several decades and they still havent reached the 144,000 mark? Bloody hel_l, they need a new marketing strategy. Anyone have their phone number?

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6. Heaven is limited only to 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses

If they believe this then I would have thought getting up numbers would be the last thing on their minds. Sorry, didn't care enough to get past No.6

This is straight from the bible, moses' books. 144,000 seats.

You mean they have been recruiting for - how long - several decades and they still havent reached the 144,000 mark? Bloody hel_l, they need a new marketing strategy. Anyone have their phone number?

No they are just using the same marketting strategy as used for Pattaya businesses, sell 144,000 seats to 25,000,000 people then disappear.

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I doubt that the young lady in question would be in a position to debate the Bible with them so the polite firm refusal may be the way to go but it is a well used tactic to befriend the lonely and vulnerable to eventually bring them in to the group which may be what the OP is describing as starting to happen to his gf.

This 'false friend' is a dishonest approach used by numerous groups and it is something to be wary of. I am not saying that this is an exclusive JW tactic (or an official tactic of theirs at all) but it is a tactic of various 'cult' style organizations with a religious base whatever it's root.

Newly arrived immigrants to this country are particularly vulnerable to this kind of approach in the abscence of a strong community of similar immigrants to act as a support network.

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Be happy that you don't have a JW for a next door neighbour as I do.

I don't mind when a couple of babes come knocking now and then but my neighbour is a pest and nutty as a fruitcake.

If she ever got you in a jawlock you'd be inclined to give in just to get out of her clutches.

My only escape is to lie and tell her I'm a Brit and don't understand German.

She still leaves heaps of unintelligible bunk outside my door .

Comes in handy for firing up my barbecue though.

Edited by qwertz
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I doubt that the young lady in question would be in a position to debate the Bible with them so the polite firm refusal may be the way to go but it is a well used tactic to befriend the lonely and vulnerable to eventually bring them in to the group which may be what the OP is describing as starting to happen to his gf.

This 'false friend' is a dishonest approach used by numerous groups and it is something to be wary of. I am not saying that this is an exclusive JW tactic (or an official tactic of theirs at all) but it is a tactic of various 'cult' style organizations with a religious base whatever it's root.

Newly arrived immigrants to this country are particularly vulnerable to this kind of approach in the abscence of a strong community of similar immigrants to act as a support network.

Well said; a common mark of most cults. Using an apparent "no strings attached" offer of friendship with ulterior motives. The Mormon cult uses the exact same tactics.

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Forgot to mention, the Mormons send cute babes too.

Cutting edge sales techniques.

They only get ten minutes from me, otherwise I'd risk getting sucked in.

Again, I have to lie and tell them I'm Jewish.

We're still friends, they drop in now and then for a cup of tea.

Be careful, with Mormons.

They can blindside you too.

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This is straight from the bible, moses' books. 144,000 seats.

Depends on whose version of the bible your reading from sonny............ 144,000 what a joke, guess that was a big number one day!

Have your gf ask them to explain the holy trinity, father/son/and holy spirit. When they look dumb-founded kick them out the door with a big note saying Note Welcome..... Get rid of them before the poison takes effect.

Thai Buddist have one of the best way of viewing religions already, keep it simple allow it to be a part of life, but avoid the passionate need to interfere in everyone elses lives and beliefs...

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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Tell them to take their poison somewhere else. A JW is forbidden to stay in a relationship with a non JW and they actively break up family and friends to keep the faithful pure and unpolluted by the wrong attitude.

These people will lie cheat and steal to convert a 'soul' and once they have it in their grasp they are ruthless in hanging on to it.

Yes I do have personal experience of these people (they ruined a friends life) and I strongly urge you to stay away from them and indeed any religious group that has 'the one true way'.

agree! get rid of them any way you can. They hate buddhism so I'd have thought that would be enough - buy a tibetan wrathful deity, hang it on the wall and watch their reaction. Have known two people whose lives were ruined: one the JWs kept trying to kill him just because they wanted his property; another risked his life to kidnap and deprogram another friend. Don't be civil - slam the door in their face. Alternatively offer to help them join the 144,000 before the apocalypse. They have no respect for non-JWs so return the compliment.


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Forgot to mention, the Mormons send cute babes too.

Cutting edge sales techniques.

They only get ten minutes from me, otherwise I'd risk getting sucked in.

Again, I have to lie and tell them I'm Jewish.

We're still friends, they drop in now and then for a cup of tea.

Be careful, with Mormons.

They can blindside you too.

The Moroms have silly little boys riding around Chiangmai in white shirts, long slacks and helmets(and don't forget there ever present nametags). They have bikes from the 1800's, presumably they are more efficient than todays mountain bike versions ... Chiangmai must be an Asian stagging post before they hit other areas, maybe even R&R before they do time in more difficult areas like Nepal/Bangladesh etc........

It's real hard to keep from swerving violently left every time I drive past 'em................ bottom line, I would rather they were road kill.

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They used to regularly knock on my son's door. I happened to be there visiting and I told my son I would handle it for him. I very politely invited them in, went to the refrigerator and got myself a beer even though it was early morning. I asked them who wanted a beer and was told that they didn't drink. I put a BIG frown on my face and told them that I didn't trust anyone who wouldn't drink a beer with me. They left.

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I think that they are OK.

I worked with a couple at Chiang Mai University who are two of the nicest people I've ever met and others come in my bookstore every once in a while and talk with me. When I give them my speel about Christianity and they realize that I know something about it, but don't believe, they come back once or twice, but eventually go on to more fertile fields. :o

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A missionary in Thailand once disclosed his frustration that Thai Buddhists were so incredibly difficult to convert. But, in England, away from her 'support group' who knows. If in doubt, don't let them near enough to get their claws in.

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I think that they are OK.

I worked with a couple at Chiang Mai University who are two of the nicest people I've ever met and others come in my bookstore every once in a while and talk with me. When I give them my speel about Christianity and they realize that I know something about it, but don't believe, they come back once or twice, but eventually go on to more fertile fields. :D

Well, I suppose there's always a chance they'll buy a book if you're nice to them General? :o

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I had a chat with a mormon kid on a flight to the US last year. His parents were so proud of him they bought him an upper class ticket. I find it hard to believe they could convert many in Thailand and asked him that straight out. He admitted it. He said they don't have much success for their 2 year post here.

I was thinking as I was talking to this strapping handsome 20 year old kid, and envisioning him being swarmed by uni girls at RCA on weekends - Boy, you have no idea what you missed these last two years. Probably going home to marry childhood sweetheart.

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My GF is on a 3 month visa to the UK.

I work Mon - Fri so I'm not at home.

A farang woman knocked at our door whilst I was out after seeing my girlfriend. She can speak a little Thai and asked if my GF, Malai, was new to the area ((I've just moved a couple of weeks ago). She said she has many Thai friends in the area and asked if Malai would be interested in meeting them. Not having many Thai friends over here Malai naturally said yes.

The next day this woman came back with a young Thai woman of about 20yrs old. All of a sudden they're talking religion and the Bible and God and how all the climatic changes in the world are as a result of god etc etc...

They left leaflets in Thai relating to Jehova's Witness etc and now both Malai and I are a little worried. Malai has told the young Thai woman she's not interested in converting or anything like that but is happy to be friends. The Thai girl said that wasn't a problem but continued the heavy heavy about the religion anyway.

Guys.. any of you have any knowledge about this going on in Romford or about Jehova's Witnesses anyway? I don't but you hear some bad stories.

Any advice appreciated.



Bloody hel_l if they now have the nerve to go door knocking in Romford there is no stopping them.

John from Brentwood

Edited by Lite Beer
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I know that there is a Kingdom Hall in Brentwood and something is niggling my brain that there is one in Romford too. Could you phone them and ask their pastor/vicar/leader to stop calling. It really is abit much that they are using those sorts of tactics on a vulnerable person.


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