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Asian Guys Meeting Farang Women


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I think giving head is a term used when a woman gives head - a man doesnt give head to a lady he - well

its not called giving head :o

Around here you can say it for both women and men, but I'm guessing it varies depending on where you are.

What do you call it, then? :D

The "lady" gives the head .... the "gentleman" gets the head

A tip is customary before parting.


What sort of tip would that be? "Watch out for ducks?" :D

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Yes, well lets keep it on topic, shall we?

I don't mind these kinds of topics personally, as the poster isn't actually looking for a date here, just hints and advice on how to get one. Seems sensible enough to me to ask women what they like. I also agree with NR that there are far too many men responding to a topic in which they have a limited understanding.

Stanny, be yourself, girls can usually see through a fake and won't be interested. Most girls, even ones in a casual fling, are still concerned with personality, humor and decency. Treat a girl with respect , as a human being, instead of like an object to be used, have a sense of humor and be real and you should be fine. Khao San Road is an excellent place to go as 1) you are on a budget, there are plenty of young budget travellers there so you should find not only female company but some friends as well and 2) there are alot of single travellers there, so it will be easier to meet people.

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I must be a womens lib-er.

I can't afford to pay for one, so lets just ask for tips on how to get a "farang one" as they have a reputation for being eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasy.

I say when you approach the girl, let her know up front. You are broke. You will not be buying her a drink and you definetly can't afford to treat her to breakfast the next day.

Now I know why I support prostitituion.

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I must be a womens lib-er.

I can't afford to pay for one, so lets just ask for tips on how to get a "farang one" as they have a reputation for being eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasy.

I say when you approach the girl, let her know up front. You are broke. You will not be buying her a drink and you definetly can't afford to treat her to breakfast the next day.

Now I know why I support prostitituion.


Yeah, I think a fair amount of foreign women that live here get a bit tired of being stereotyped and commodified by race. "I've never been with a white woman before, how about it?" or "I haven't been with a white woman for ___ years, how about it?" are not great chat-up lines. Even references to being "exotic" can be taken to mean this.

But, try Khao Sarn as travelers may not have become as aware of the issues of being stereotyped in this part of the world. (I'd still advise against the above chat up lines, though.)

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How about "We could sit here all evening, get drunk and talk about stuff that doesn't interest us at all just to make some conversation and hope it leads somewhere. Or we go to my room right now and have hot passionate sex all night."

Either you'll get slapped in the face or you'll both have a great evening. Hey, at least you're honest. Just don't forget to ask for each other's names in the morning.

Edited by rainman
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Alaina is right. Don't use my chat up lines.

Make them think you are really interested in them for their brains and not the experience.

Better yet, keep your travel fare, save a little bit more, and fly to europe. Say some ex eastern bloc country (seriously) where you will be a novelty / exotic. You can even promise them the chance to live in Malaysia.....

Be discreet though, their men may find you to be a threat.

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How about "We could sit here all evening, get drunk and talk about stuff that doesn't interest us at all just to make some conversation and hope it leads somewhere. Or we go to my room right now and have hot passionate sex all night."

Either you'll get slapped in the face or you'll both have a great evening. Hey, at least you're honest. Just don't forget to ask for each other's names in the morning.

classic rainman, did that work on your wife?? Somehow, I'll bet not :o

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classic rainman, did that work on your wife?? Somehow, I'll bet not :D

I didn't try it with my wife, but something makes me thing it wouldn't have worked. But for two people sitting in a bar looking for the same, it would probably work just fine. Go straight for the cherry, so to speak, rather than eating through the whole cake first. :o

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This seems to me to be a typical case of a guy who can't afford the local girls and has seen too many movies where the farang girl gives it up after 60 seconds, (because it is a movie and nobody wants to watch the long story). Even in a movie, people often don't even kiss before they go to getting naked and right into the action. I don't know about everyone, but that's not the way it happens for me.

And many farang women, do not find Asian guys sexy, and they don't exactly have a reputation of knowing how to please women (outside of those growing up in farang countries). I blame this to some extent on the "pay as you go culture" in Asia, where they learn how to enjoy sex from experienced people, but not how to give enjoyment. Because, for example, when I pay to go to a restaurant, I don't go in the kitchen and do the cooking do I? No, I just sit back and wait for what I am paying for.

First I would tell the OP to be honest with farang women, about what he is seeking, although he probably won't do this. Second, I would say, work on your skills so at least they get something out of it. (For those who are okay with sex and only sex.) Talk to farang men maybe about this. Otherwise you are unlikey to get a repeat performance with the same lady, if you have nothing to offer, except some bodily fluids and your own pleasure.

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This seems to be a typical case where the Asian guy is misunderstood and gives the impression that he is desperate and wants to know how to get laid. Okay gee, I get it alright. Caucasian women aren't easy. Media portrays them wrongly. Why do people keep repeating this? Not everyone have that perception. My question was simple. I just wanted to know if there was a scene there for Asian men with farang women because this is rarely discussed as opposed to the reverse. And when did I ever mention that I can't afford to take out the local ladies. I may be on a budget but I am nowhere as tight as I can't even afford a few dates. I appreciate all the honest advice and it looks like I've got my answer, so thank you. It's pretty generic, but I guess it all boils down to I won't know until I try it out myself.

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This seems to be a typical case where the Asian guy is misunderstood and gives the impression that he is desperate and wants to know how to get laid. Okay gee, I get it alright. Caucasian women aren't easy. Media portrays them wrongly. Why do people keep repeating this? Not everyone have that perception. My question was simple. I just wanted to know if there was a scene there for Asian men with farang women because this is rarely discussed as opposed to the reverse. And when did I ever mention that I can't afford to take out the local ladies. I may be on a budget but I am nowhere as tight as I can't even afford a few dates. I appreciate all the honest advice and it looks like I've got my answer, so thank you. It's pretty generic, but I guess it all boils down to I won't know until I try it out myself.

Personally, I think people are being a bit mean.

This isn't particularly a PC opinion, and I expect to get some flak for it :o , but I don't mind of bit of objectification, and I objectify people as well, in certain contexts. What is most politically correct is rarely what is the hottest. What is rare, unusual, different to us will always have a certain sexual appeal, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. What's wrong is not being able to see the person behind it as a human being,or not treating them like a human being, a person. Why can't a certain exoticism be a bit of icing on the cake, if it's someone you already like?

But I would agree a little bit with MTW, and not just in the case of Asian men wanting to date farang women: you have to have something to offer her in the bedroom, you have to think of her pleasure. I think straight men of all nationalities would get laid a lot more (without having to pay for it in Nana), if they realized that women want sex too, as much as men do, but they are in it for their own pleasure as well, not just to service some selfish guy that's going to think only of himself.

I'm not accusing you of being selfish, stanny, I'm just suggesting that your plans have a better chance if you give off the vibe of being a considerate, generous (in the bedroom sense, not the financial sense) lover.

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Alright I'll give you the skippy. Are you hot or what? No pretending from me dude, either you're good looking or you're going to have a ###### REAL hard time hooking up with a falang girl, or any girl really. This countries full of mediocre to butt ugly Asian men, you need to stand out a bit or forget it. Dont listen to all that advice about personality, you've got a few seconds and a smile to make the first impression and that will have very little to do with how much of a nice guy you are... and I'm convinced nice guys finish last anyway so.... I have VERY little experience with falang women but my Thai buddy dates them EXCLUSIVELY, he's just good looking enough to get their attention, after that it is his charm that gets them into bed. But if he was ugly.... no way. He's only 5 foot 7 and 63 kg but this guy dates hot white women all the time and seriously... I'm a little jealous. If you don't know whether you're cute... well than you are right, you'll find out when you get here heh.


Edited by DamianMavis
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Keep it real and simple. It doesn't have to be complicated, you know. :o Do not try too hard. Just be yourself and treat her with respect. Show her what you're made-of and don't hide your inner light. Comprende?

Edited by GracelessFawn
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I think straight men of all nationalities would get laid a lot more (without having to pay for it in Nana), if they realized that women want sex too, as much as men do, but they are in it for their own pleasure as well, not just to service some selfish guy that's going to think only of himself.

Personally, I can honestly say I've never paid for sex. But you do have a point ...why is it always that men pay women for sex? Why don't women pay men for sex? Okay, there are some rare cases, but that's maybe 0.0000001%. I always thought the reason was because women can go longer without sex than men can. :o

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Maybe most men are incompetent buffoons sexually and have ruined it for all other men by being so bad that now women worldwide dont think sex is as good as it really is because of all the lame experiences heh. Candiangirl keeps mentioning how we should think of the womans pleasure etc etc... DUH. Any man that doesnt pride himself on bringing his women to multiplie orgasms EVERY time is no man at all. And yet I keep hearing the same thing... that most men suck in bed. Which only makes it harder for everyone to have sex since so many women have lame experiences and are therefore very choosy and careful when picking their next lover which makes it more difficult for men to have sex which leads them to paying for it..... HA! A silly connection but perhaps true in some ways.


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Personally, I can honestly say I've never paid for sex. But you do have a point ...why is it always that men pay women for sex? Why don't women pay men for sex? Okay, there are some rare cases, but that's maybe 0.0000001%. I always thought the reason was because women can go longer without sex than men can. :o
orrrrr..maybe its because seeing as the average guy gen sucks in bed, women actually have a better time sexually when they are alone. So it not really than they are going longer without sex, its just they are going longer without a sexual partner :D
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I think giving head is a term used when a woman gives head - a man doesnt give head to a lady he - well

its not called giving head :o

Around here you can say it for both women and men, but I'm guessing it varies depending on where you are.

What do you call it, then? :D

The "lady" gives the head .... the "gentleman" gets the head

A tip is customary before parting.


What sort of tip would that be? "Watch out for ducks?" :D

Depending on many factors 500 - 1000 Baht ... Quack Quack

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Personally, I can honestly say I've never paid for sex. But you do have a point ...why is it always that men pay women for sex? Why don't women pay men for sex? Okay, there are some rare cases, but that's maybe 0.0000001%. I always thought the reason was because women can go longer without sex than men can. :o

What turns women on is feeling like the ultimate object of desire (beautiful, desirable, etc), while what turns men on is achieving the object of their desire. You can buy someone's body, but you can't buy their desire, so sleeping with hookers doesn't have a lot of offer us.

I was stuck on an island for 6 days once with my friend's boyfriend, a whoremonger if there ever was one. I didn't like him much, but I took the opportunity to ask him every question I've wondered about sex tourism. For example: "When you're sleeping with a guy, don't you wonder if he's repulsed by your body, and is just thinking of something else to pass the time?" He said it had never even occured to him. I guarantee you that women don't think the same way.

Edited by canadiangirl
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Maybe most men are incompetent buffoons sexually and have ruined it for all other men by being so bad that now women worldwide dont think sex is as good as it really is because of all the lame experiences heh. Candiangirl keeps mentioning how we should think of the womans pleasure etc etc... DUH. Any man that doesnt pride himself on bringing his women to multiplie orgasms EVERY time is no man at all. And yet I keep hearing the same thing... that most men suck in bed. Which only makes it harder for everyone to have sex since so many women have lame experiences and are therefore very choosy and careful when picking their next lover which makes it more difficult for men to have sex


I like your theory, I think there's a lot of truth to it. :o

Well, there are other reasons women are more choosy about sexual partners, and especially about casual sex: risk of pregnancy, women are at more risk of contracting STDs, risk of physical violence, risk of affecting their reputation (people thinking they are a slut, bad reputation, etc). On top of all these risks you put the fact that a lot of straight guys are pretty rubbish in bed, so you probably won't even get a few orgasms out of the risks you're taking --- well, a lot of girls just go home alone.

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Any other places than Khao San Road you could recommend? I'm not after a relationship or one night stand, just friends. Would like to meet Thai girls as well. I'm Asian and get mistaken for being Thai all the time in Thailand.

Edited by Rin9o
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Maybe most men are incompetent buffoons sexually and have ruined it for all other men by being so bad that now women worldwide dont think sex is as good as it really is because of all the lame experiences heh. Candiangirl keeps mentioning how we should think of the womans pleasure etc etc... DUH. Any man that doesnt pride himself on bringing his women to multiplie orgasms EVERY time is no man at all. And yet I keep hearing the same thing... that most men suck in bed. Which only makes it harder for everyone to have sex since so many women have lame experiences and are therefore very choosy and careful when picking their next lover which makes it more difficult for men to have sex


I like your theory, I think there's a lot of truth to it. :o

Well, there are other reasons women are more choosy about sexual partners, and especially about casual sex: risk of pregnancy, women are at more risk of contracting STDs, risk of physical violence, risk of affecting their reputation (people thinking they are a slut, bad reputation, etc). On top of all these risks you put the fact that a lot of straight guys are pretty rubbish in bed, so you probably won't even get a few orgasms out of the risks you're taking --- well, a lot of girls just go home alone.

I think you have expressed the western womens vewpoint very well, western feminist women that is, as well as the reasons many western men come to Thailand.

Well done!!

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and well done jimmy, your lack of humour & bad attitude towards western women is why you are no longer welcome to post in the ladies section. all future posts will be deleted ok.

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I like your theory, I think there's a lot of truth to it. :o

Well, there are other reasons women are more choosy about sexual partners, and especially about casual sex: risk of pregnancy, women are at more risk of contracting STDs, risk of physical violence, risk of affecting their reputation (people thinking they are a slut, bad reputation, etc). On top of all these risks you put the fact that a lot of straight guys are pretty rubbish in bed, so you probably won't even get a few orgasms out of the risks you're taking --- well, a lot of girls just go home alone.

I think you have expressed the western womens vewpoint very well, western feminist women that is, as well as the reasons many western men come to Thailand.

Well done!!

Well done hansum man! I think you've expressed very well why you have to pay for it.

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I also think that most women are not prepared to pay for sex because there are a lot of men out there who would do it for freeee!

I have lots of male friends back in Europe who would never sleep with a prostitute for similar reasons a woman wouldn't.

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I also think that most women are not prepared to pay for sex because there are a lot of men out there who would do it for freeee!

I have lots of male friends back in Europe who would never sleep with a prostitute for similar reasons a woman wouldn't.

Agree Ave. Even one of we detested farang women can go out with the sole intention of a one-night stand, if we so desire and get it. With Farang men, as well, strangely... :o

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True, but with Thais it could be easier if we wanted that kinda thing. You just need a little bit of eye contact and the rest is easy. Mind you, I find eye contact extremely embarassing and I don't usually look for a partner anyway.

(I remember when I first arrived in Thailand, a short round flabby blob, no blue eyes, no blond hair, no inviting bikini, all covered up, no make up, totally au-naturel and I mean it! I was trying not to move to make myself invisible. They all arrived like a pack of hungry wolves, some of them very good looking too! I felt seriously intimidated and ran away. They kept coming back refusing to take my no for an answer. I remember telling one of them that although I'm a woman when I say "no" I don't mean "yes".. :D )

I also think that most women are not prepared to pay for sex because there are a lot of men out there who would do it for freeee!

I have lots of male friends back in Europe who would never sleep with a prostitute for similar reasons a woman wouldn't.

Agree Ave. Even one of we detested farang women can go out with the sole intention of a one-night stand, if we so desire and get it. With Farang men, as well, strangely... :o

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Maybe most men are incompetent buffoons sexually and have ruined it for all other men by being so bad that now women worldwide dont think sex is as good as it really is because of all the lame experiences heh. Candiangirl keeps mentioning how we should think of the womans pleasure etc etc... DUH. Any man that doesnt pride himself on bringing his women to multiplie orgasms EVERY time is no man at all. And yet I keep hearing the same thing... that most men suck in bed. Which only makes it harder for everyone to have sex since so many women have lame experiences and are therefore very choosy and careful when picking their next lover which makes it more difficult for men to have sex


I like your theory, I think there's a lot of truth to it. :o

Well, there are other reasons women are more choosy about sexual partners, and especially about casual sex: risk of pregnancy, women are at more risk of contracting STDs, risk of physical violence, risk of affecting their reputation (people thinking they are a slut, bad reputation, etc). On top of all these risks you put the fact that a lot of straight guys are pretty rubbish in bed, so you probably won't even get a few orgasms out of the risks you're taking --- well, a lot of girls just go home alone.

I think you have expressed the western womens vewpoint very well, western feminist women that is, as well as the reasons many western men come to Thailand.

Well done!!

what a stupid think. ha!


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Maybe most men are incompetent buffoons sexually and have ruined it for all other men by being so bad that now women worldwide dont think sex is as good as it really is because of all the lame experiences heh. Candiangirl keeps mentioning how we should think of the womans pleasure etc etc... DUH. Any man that doesnt pride himself on bringing his women to multiplie orgasms EVERY time is no man at all. And yet I keep hearing the same thing... that most men suck in bed. Which only makes it harder for everyone to have sex since so many women have lame experiences and are therefore very choosy and careful when picking their next lover which makes it more difficult for men to have sex


I like your theory, I think there's a lot of truth to it. :o

Well, there are other reasons women are more choosy about sexual partners, and especially about casual sex: risk of pregnancy, women are at more risk of contracting STDs, risk of physical violence, risk of affecting their reputation (people thinking they are a slut, bad reputation, etc). On top of all these risks you put the fact that a lot of straight guys are pretty rubbish in bed, so you probably won't even get a few orgasms out of the risks you're taking --- well, a lot of girls just go home alone.

I think you have expressed the western womens vewpoint very well, western feminist women that is, as well as the reasons many western men come to Thailand.

Well done!!

So you think that feminism equates to women taking care of themselves. I would have thought that it was a G*d given right rather than a political statement. Jimmy - you are a sadly-deluded man.

Boo - good on you. I have no further interest in reading anything that this sad man has to say.


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