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Alst Employment Opportunities In Thailand

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Hi Guys,

I am a qualified PADI instructor now living in Thailand and I have a degree in Chemistry from the UK. I am considering taking the ALST course in Singapore as I would like to work offshore in Thailand (or SE Asia).

Does anyone know what the employment possibilities are in this field here in Thailand? I don't have any offshore experience...

Thanks for any responses.

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My friend is a freelance commercial diver in Thailand and he says that they are sometimes in need of life support techs but I don't know salary or have any contacts I'm afraid. I'll try and get some more information off him and let you know.

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Any offshore saturation diving spread is required by internationally recognized standards to have access to a hyperbaric chamber in case of emergency. I am not sure about the requirement for ALST's. I do know that offshore work in the Gulf of Thailand is rather large right now. There are probably 5 or 6 full 24 hours diving spreads working right now. It is a rather cliquish business though and tough to break in.


Edited by thaihome
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A friend of mine is an LST, as an ALST you should be starting off at $250 a day once up to LST $500 + a day, depending who you work for. Very, very difficult to break into this market. I hear there are over 40 ALST's sitting around in Pattaya waiting for a start. No experience, no start. Its who you know not what you know. On the other hand, I hear that sat divers are in demand at present

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