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Us Consulate


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Pretty decent band as these things go. Had to leave early, since I couldn't stop laughing that they ran out of hot dogs on the 4th. Sat across the river, listened to them massacre the SSB and other 4th songs. Watched the fireworks, pretty short, but fun.

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I agree... fireworks show a little quicker than expected, but believe I had the same feeling last year. Need a bigger flourish at the end too.

But as a highlight, I had my first couple slices of Paradise Pizza. That stuff was alright. Especially for the price. I'll go back. Now I understand all the fuss back n forth, but believe it's a pretty straightforward issue. It's cheap good pizza. And imho, beats the pants of Pizza Co any day.

Why the pizza ? Because they ran out of hot dogs. And cokes. And seven up. Drank a diet coke instead - probably what I needed, but not what I wanted.

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All the food groups were represented, The ice cream from buds, subway, Mac donalds, Paradise pizza,and star bucks. Plus the hotdogs. Corona beers at 50 baht was nice. Saw some people I had hoped never to see again, and others that I never see enough of. Its amazing how many fat Americans were there.. me being one of them of course. Music was good and the massage was a nice touch. Interesting, they were doing the sing along with SSB and I guess it got some home sick as a few were teary eyed. hmmm could have been the throws of a heart attack from all the fat that was consumed there... but over all it was nice to see such a diverse group of Americans all in one place.

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"Saw some people I had hoped never to see again...."

Too true. One guy - the dog man- I totally can't stand. Then there's the patchwork quilt of those who would come here on a mission to change the culture of those would listen to them. I avoid them like the plague for fear of telling them what I think of what they do. DId notice the odd babe mixed in among them too, oddly enough.

But like you said, I ran in to some old friends and some newer friends that were great to see. Good time. Think I timed it right showing up at 6:3- though. Can't believe some were there since 4. Yikes!

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Shows what kind of a heathen American I am; didn't realize it was 4th of July till I read this thread.... :D

Never really liked the 4th; kinda like GF Day in Britain. Sudden bangs make me nervous at times (lived in Afghanistan). :o


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Hmmm... did it seem at all funny that they were selling sodas for 30 baht, and beers for up to 100 baht? Where do you think the profit was going to? Maybe the quick fireworks show, maybe the band? Just curious.

Actually, I thought the beers were one of the few highlights! 50THB for a Sam Adams bottle, 100 THB for a Guinness Draft Can (not the real thing obviously, but still good). Back in the day, for 50THB Sam Adams on the 4th? I'd have laid down a 1k and grabbed a pizza (whole pie) and "regaled" my enthralled neighbors till they carted me out. Nowadays, slice and a coke, and out the door to my waiting Thai wife who couldn't get in (my fault, didn't know I had to register her 4 days ago.)

BTW, if that song that goes "And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free" by that red-neck wasn't a snide joke and has become some kind of 4th of July song, I'm not going to any more 4th parties that I don't throw myself.

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A certain Saloon keeper also fell foul of the 4 day registration rule for the family and left in a bit of a huff completely unimpressed with his Country's security measures.

I live opposite the consulate and was certain I heard the British national anthem but with some bastardised wording. What's all that about or was the vodka taking hold at an early hour?

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Hmmm... did it seem at all funny that they were selling sodas for 30 baht, and beers for up to 100 baht? Where do you think the profit was going to? Maybe the quick fireworks show, maybe the band? Just curious.

Bud, Coors and Corona were all 50B. I've never seen a Corona anywhere in Thailand for less than 120B.

Only the Samuel Adams and Guinness were 100B. Guinness costs that much or more anywhere else, and Sam Adams is unavailable in Thailand, as far as I know

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I avoided it this year because it was grim last time, and not much better three years ago. Then, I walked around, didn't see anybody I knew (I shouldn't have gone alone, perhaps), nobody wanted to talk, the food was mediocre and expensive, it was hot, etc. Even if they had wanted to talk, I suspect there was a good chance we'd disagree about politics or religion and not convince either one of us. I should have gotten a group together, gone later in the afternoon, etc. It's not a holiday I enjoy celebrating, because when it's done American style, it's too patriotic, too "Go kill a Commie for Jesus and Ronald Reagan"....

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I haven't had a Coors in 16 years.

Maybe it would have been worth going after all. :D


When I worked in Chicago at the United Airlines main reservation center some of the staff would fly out to Denver (United's center at the time) and bring back a few cases. They flew for free. Was considered a luxury at the time because it was only sold in Colorado.

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...when it's done American style, it's too patriotic, too "Go kill a Commie for Jesus and Ronald Reagan"....

How did you ever come to this reasoning by enjoying a day off, having a bar-b-q with friends and family, maybe a little parade, finished by watching pyrotechnics in the evening?

Maybe I just led a sheltered life, but that was my typical July 4th in the US for more than four decades. I certainly don't feel the impulse to kill anybody for anyone on the 4th... or any other day.

Edited by Rice_King
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...when it's done American style, it's too patriotic, too "Go kill a Commie for Jesus and Ronald Reagan"....

How did you ever come to this reasoning by enjoying a day off, having a bar-b-q with friends and family, maybe a little parade, finished by watching pyrotechnics in the evening?

Maybe I just led a sheltered life, but that was my typical July 4th in the US for more than four decades. I certainly don't feel the impulse to kill anybody for anyone on the 4th... or any other day.

We just might have to revoke your citizenship Trotsky! :o

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" It's not a holiday I enjoy celebrating, because when it's done American style, it's too patriotic, too "Go kill a Commie for Jesus and Ronald Reagan"

Yeah, it's a weird mix of feelings to celebrate the USA. The Fourth was always fun went it meant BBQ's, family, watermelon, fireworks. And then maybe more fun when it meant BBQ's n drinking fests with my best friends back in my 20's. When you're here, and especially in these times it's hard not to think of the current administration and their ability to make everything seem terrible. Last year I managed to forget. Drank a couple beers with friends. Was having a great time. Then had to use the facilities....'thru that building, and on your left' they told me. I forgot what was in the consulate as I hadn't visited in a couple years. Right there, ruining my buzz was the devil's triumvirate in giant ugly color staring right at me. Above the help window are those awful portraits of Condie, Dick, n Bush. Had I not felt that there were probably 100 video cameras there I would have celebrated the 4th with a good old American act of vandalism and graffiti. That would've been sweet.

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" It's not a holiday I enjoy celebrating, because when it's done American style, it's too patriotic, too "Go kill a Commie for Jesus and Ronald Reagan"

Yeah, it's a weird mix of feelings to celebrate the USA. The Fourth was always fun went it meant BBQ's, family, watermelon, fireworks. And then maybe more fun when it meant BBQ's n drinking fests with my best friends back in my 20's. When you're here, and especially in these times it's hard not to think of the current administration and their ability to make everything seem terrible. Last year I managed to forget. Drank a couple beers with friends. Was having a great time. Then had to use the facilities....'thru that building, and on your left' they told me. I forgot what was in the consulate as I hadn't visited in a couple years. Right there, ruining my buzz was the devil's triumvirate in giant ugly color staring right at me. Above the help window are those awful portraits of Condie, Dick, n Bush. Had I not felt that there were probably 100 video cameras there I would have celebrated the 4th with a good old American act of vandalism and graffiti. That would've been sweet.

Those are some Gi-normous pictures of the Evil Trio!

Edited by calibanjr.
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Is it customary for the US president to make a speech from an army base on July 4th ? I mustn't have been paying much attention in the past, but happened to catch some film on the news last night.

President Bush Thanks Military on Independence Day at Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Iron Mike Plaza

Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Independence Day

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thanks for the warm welcome. (Laughter.) It's a pleasure to be back here at Fort Bragg -- "Home of our Airborne and Special Forces." (Applause.)

I flew down on Air Force One, and our pilot, Colonel Tillman, he said, "I can open the hatch and drop you out by parachute." (Laughter.) I said he had the wrong President Bush. (Laughter.) Old '41, I call him -- happens to be my dad -- has jumped five times with the Golden Knights of Fort Bragg. (Applause.) Mother appreciates you helping him down safely. (Laughter.) He's the only skydiving President, and that's a distinction I think he's going to keep. (Laughter.)

Ever since I left the White House this morning I've been looking forward to coming here and saying, HOOAHH!


THE PRESIDENT: It's a pleasure

(For the rest, check the White House website.)

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Not sure what too political means.. Not completely sure of the rules here... cant talk about American politics or just Thai or ??? Maybe some clarification might be a good thing when deleting posts. But anyway... I had a great time at the 4th and I will go again next year. And I now know about Paradise pizza which I heard of but never tried and I will be buying many many pizzas from them in the future.

Okay, I'll admit to a little paranoia, but I don't want to be sitting at one of those crowded tables with five American strangers, and one of them says to me, ...deleted.
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I totally agree with PB on this issue. I was there and did feel a bit out of place with all the bleeding heart flag wavers there.

The holiday and why we have it I understand. But what happens after July 4th, 1776 to the present is quite shameful.

That's why I don't live in the USA anymore. Love it or leave it. Thailand is much more agreeable to me.

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"Pardon me for spoiling the celebration. Maybe that's one reason I didn't go this year - don't want to be a party pooper. Happy 4th of July."

PB, you wouldn't have spoiled it. It's just like sitting on the school bus or in the classroom as a kid. There's always a bunch of goody two-shoes sitting in front who are oddly happy and never questioning anything. And then there's the undercurrent of the bad kids sitting in the back. You're just one of the naughty ones from the back of the class! There were two different celebrations going on a the event for sure. And I know all of my conversations with ppl there were different from the ones the people who sang their little hearts out and wore red whit n blue to the thing were having.

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