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Main Phone Cable Stolen Again


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They bloody did it again!

No internet this morning, checked phonelines and all three numbers I have are dead silent.

Contacted TT&T and was informed the main cable has been cut and stolen.

Second time in about 2 years time here! Just hope they repair it a bit faster then last time, took over a week back then!!!

Serious problem for me, most my bookings are phoned in, and most of my guests do need the internet access!

Currently using a laptop with a Sierra Wireless Edge aircard as a back-up....

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I wonder what had happened.

I had a call on one of my landlines last night at about 9.30 p.m. and this morning I kept trying to send a fax, before realising that both my lines were dead. I reported them, but wasn't told about the theft of cable - but she did sound a bit amused about my predicament. :D

It's times like these when ipstar comes into it's own, Monty. :o

BTW I was trying to fax a site survey request to JSat to install a new satellite TV system. Never mind - sent it by email instead,via ipstar. :D

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Wow, they were fast this time, 2 out of three lines are already working, luckily the ADSL line is one of them :o

16 hours flat after the line was cut we are on-line again. Amazing...

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Not only phone cables but also the copper conducting networks of lightning protection systems are fair game. On my condo, we lost all the down-conductor network on the roof but the air terminals were left so that we wouldn't notice for a while.!!!

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Wow, they were fast this time, 2 out of three lines are already working, luckily the ADSL line is one of them :D

16 hours flat after the line was cut we are on-line again. Amazing...

nothing amazing...they coiled up the cable, sold it back to TOT and re-installed it.... :o

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They bloody did it again!

No internet this morning, checked phonelines and all three numbers I have are dead silent.

Contacted TT&T and was informed the main cable has been cut and stolen.

Second time in about 2 years time here! Just hope they repair it a bit faster then last time, took over a week back then!!!

Serious problem for me, most my bookings are phoned in, and most of my guests do need the internet access!

Currently using a laptop with a Sierra Wireless Edge aircard as a back-up....

You've been lucky Monty if it's only happened twice in 2 years. At our side of the lake near soi Siam Country Club it's been 3 times in just over a month. The first time, last month, they actually told us the cable had been stolen but then it happened again last week and same this week. Each time took a least 2 days to reconnect.

The new cable hasn't improved the ADSL connection though. :o:D

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