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Paying The Police To Stay Out Of Prison


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What do you think of this?

My GF was telling me the other day about an old friend of hers whop was caught selling some exstacy. This was about 6 months ago.

I think since then she's been out on remand but last week she had to report back to the police. The police are now saying that if she pays THB 50K she can avoid going to prison. She has another few weeks to either find tha cash or

I naturally thought this was some sort of request from a corrupt police officer but my GF thought it was a ligitimate situation and happens depending on the severity of the crime committed.

Is this true?



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What do you think of this?

My GF was telling me the other day about an old friend of hers whop was caught selling some exstacy. This was about 6 months ago.

I think since then she's been out on remand but last week she had to report back to the police. The police are now saying that if she pays THB 50K she can avoid going to prison. She has another few weeks to either find tha cash or

I naturally thought this was some sort of request from a corrupt police officer but my GF thought it was a ligitimate situation and happens depending on the severity of the crime committed.

Is this true?



I used to go by the saying " its not what you know , its who you know " , but after living in LOS for 6 years now my saying has changed to " its not what you know or who you know , its how much cash you've got ".

Taz ,I believe the story to be true mate.

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What do you think of this?

My GF was telling me the other day about an old friend of hers whop was caught selling some exstacy. This was about 6 months ago.

I think since then she's been out on remand but last week she had to report back to the police. The police are now saying that if she pays THB 50K she can avoid going to prison. She has another few weeks to either find tha cash or

I naturally thought this was some sort of request from a corrupt police officer but my GF thought it was a ligitimate situation and happens depending on the severity of the crime committed.

Is this true?



god bless the thai police, as this is how the system works and it works very well, especially for farang that get caught with drugs on the southern islands.

the deal used to be that if you got caught smoking the wacky tobaccy the cops would charge you 50000 baht, or you could go to court. up to you. :D

its now 60,000 baht if your caught smoking and the cops on koh phangan are the richest in thailand as the full moon party is a cops tea party. :o

so i suppose its a fair deal is'nt it, as one must pay if they get caught, and many a young farang has got out of a tricky situation by paying the money.

play the game and get caught, you can go free with a bit of spare cash. :D

thats normal in thailand. :D

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Not quite the same.

If you turn up for the court, you'll get your bail money back.

But you will still be sentenced, and if jailed, you can't buy your way out.

Here, if you're sentenced for a reasonably minor crime, in some places you have a choice to pay a fine plus the cost of what it would be to keep you in jail or to serve the time without remission.

The rich go free and the poor stay in jail.

That's life.

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Not quite the same.

If you turn up for the court, you'll get your bail money back.

But you will still be sentenced, and if jailed, you can't buy your way out.

Here, if you're sentenced for a reasonably minor crime, in some places you have a choice to pay a fine plus the cost of what it would be to keep you in jail or to serve the time without remission.

The rich go free and the poor stay in jail.

That's life.

i made a mistake a while ago pleaded self defence ,police not happy that i would'nt pay them 50000 b so went to court (even though i payed the other party the hospital bill and he didnt press charges) got 2 days in samui prison 12 hours community service and 1years probation ,should of paid the police ,i mentioned this 50000b to the judge ,thats why i spent 48 hours in jail :o

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why did you have to defend yourself?

because some lunatic was going to try to bash me ,i got in 1st and broke his jaw ,i also paid 108000b for his hospital bill :o

Sounds like an expensive night out! :D


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god bless the thai police, as this is how the system works and it works very well, especially for farang that get caught with drugs on the southern islands.

the deal used to be that if you got caught smoking the wacky tobaccy the cops would charge you 50000 baht, or you could go to court. up to you. :D

its now 60,000 baht if your caught smoking and the cops on koh phangan are the richest in thailand as the full moon party is a cops tea party. :o

so i suppose its a fair deal is'nt it, as one must pay if they get caught, and many a young farang has got out of a tricky situation by paying the money.

play the game and get caught, you can go free with a bit of spare cash. :D

thats normal in thailand. :D

God bless corruption and graft?

You have got to be joking.

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Thanks for the reply guys...

Still not sure though if thie is a ligitimate request from the police or if its just the police linig their pockets.

Worth pointing out that the person in question is a thai female and not a farang and this has nothing to do to me ... I won't be paying 50K to anyone. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Having said that I'd pay up if it were me!


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Good for you Lazeeboy (on the assumption you didn't start the altercation), and double good for you for telling it how it is to the judge. If more people had your backbone this would be a better country to live in.

To the OP - your GF knows the score at least as well as any of us here. Show a litle faith.

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doesnt the same happen in europe ?

Bail , pay it and your allowed free b4 your hearing , dont pay your locked up?

I do not think we are talking about bail here............... :D

In any bureaucratic system, it is amazing the way papers get lost in the system. :o

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the deal used to be that if you got caught smoking the wacky tobaccy the cops would charge you 50000 baht, or you could go to court. up to you.

its now 60,000 baht if your caught smoking and the cops on koh phangan are the richest in thailand as the full moon party is a cops tea party.

Actually that's not how it works, it's more now. The cops may or may not try to extract an immediate fine from you and if you can pay it and get away that's probably good. If not, you go to jail. They set bail and if someone pays it you get out to wait for your court date (at which time the bail is returned). A girl I know had to pay 50,000b bail. At court they decide your fate- possibilities are a fine, jail time, and deportation. This girl got 55,000b fine for a small bag of weed. She got her bail and passport back without any deportation.

That girl had been on the island a long time though. The tourists in court with her had to pay 100,000b and 200,000b fines, respectively, for a joint each. I don't know how much their bail was.

more info- Narcotics Act of 1979

Edited by girlx
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You must have some punch!

108K baht!

Must of sent his jaw into oblivion! Was he in a coma!!!???

48 hrs jail time or 50K baht to the BIB, I know what my answer would be... 'To the slammer boys' :o

Me too. Anyone want to pay me 25,000 baht per day to sit in jail for them ? I am told that hiring someone to sit out your jail time is also an option for the rich.

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You must have some punch!

108K baht!

Must of sent his jaw into oblivion! Was he in a coma!!!???

48 hrs jail time or 50K baht to the BIB, I know what my answer would be... 'To the slammer boys' :o

Me too. Anyone want to pay me 25,000 baht per day to sit in jail for them ? I am told that hiring someone to sit out your jail time is also an option for the rich.

JR Texas: I agree with many of the posters.......it is NORMAL behavior to pay money to "get out of jail" or to "stop an investigation." It happens all of the time in Thailand. So what? I am from the USA.....the country with a Supreme Court that violated the rights of the citizens to elect a president (talking about Al Gore who should have been the president and not the Bad Bush....but you can't throw the members of the SC in jail.)

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You must have some punch!

108K baht!

Must of sent his jaw into oblivion! Was he in a coma!!!???

48 hrs jail time or 50K baht to the BIB, I know what my answer would be... 'To the slammer boys' :o

Me too. Anyone want to pay me 25,000 baht per day to sit in jail for them ? I am told that hiring someone to sit out your jail time is also an option for the rich.

I will do it for just 20,000 baht!!!!!!!!

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god bless the thai police, as this is how the system works and it works very well, especially for farang that get caught with drugs on the southern islands.

the deal used to be that if you got caught smoking the wacky tobaccy the cops would charge you 50000 baht, or you could go to court. up to you. :D

its now 60,000 baht if your caught smoking and the cops on koh phangan are the richest in thailand as the full moon party is a cops tea party. :o

so i suppose its a fair deal is'nt it, as one must pay if they get caught, and many a young farang has got out of a tricky situation by paying the money.

play the game and get caught, you can go free with a bit of spare cash. :D

thats normal in thailand. :D

God bless corruption and graft?

You have got to be joking.

sorry mate, but if you were refering to western world i would agree with you but when it comes to los corruption has been here for ever and seems to work just fine. i mean not everybody benefits from it but many do so let it be as you will never stop it.

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the deal used to be that if you got caught smoking the wacky tobaccy the cops would charge you 50000 baht, or you could go to court. up to you.

its now 60,000 baht if your caught smoking and the cops on koh phangan are the richest in thailand as the full moon party is a cops tea party.

Actually that's not how it works, it's more now. The cops may or may not try to extract an immediate fine from you and if you can pay it and get away that's probably good. If not, you go to jail. They set bail and if someone pays it you get out to wait for your court date (at which time the bail is returned). A girl I know had to pay 50,000b bail. At court they decide your fate- possibilities are a fine, jail time, and deportation. This girl got 55,000b fine for a small bag of weed. She got her bail and passport back without any deportation.

That girl had been on the island a long time though. The tourists in court with her had to pay 100,000b and 200,000b fines, respectively, for a joint each. I don't know how much their bail was.

more info- Narcotics Act of 1979

did not realise that the courts were handing out such stiff penalties for getting caught with a joint, so it goes to prove that corruption is a good thing as the punters that payed the cops 60,000 baht are getting a good deal. :o

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I hope, that when the day comes, that the corrupt system works against you ,you will be similarly pleased.

yes, well that dont worry me in the least as i know what the deal is and would just pay them off. :D

you must remember that all a corrupt cop wants is money so it depends on your negotiating skills to what you pay.

jessus mate, cant have it all your own way you know, that the story of life and besides that, there are corrupt cops in every country on this earth.

trust me, as we got our fair share in australia and thats suppost to be a first world country. :o

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sorry mate, but if you were refering to western world i would agree with you but when it comes to los corruption has been here for ever and seems to work just fine. i mean not everybody benefits from it but many do so let it be as you will never stop it.

Well tell that to the victims that were just run over in the bus incident.

Corruption has been in most parts of the world for yonks.Doesn't make it right.In fact,it sucks big time.If more people tried to stop it or refused to pay graft,this would be a much better place for Thai people to live.The problem,is that it is accepted as the norm.I'll never foprget the look on a cops face,when the wife made him write out a ticket for a parking fine.On asking her why she just didn't give the POS THB100 etc,she said "If more people refused these people money,most of the corruption will stop..It hurts our country"

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sorry mate, but if you were refering to western world i would agree with you but when it comes to los corruption has been here for ever and seems to work just fine. i mean not everybody benefits from it but many do so let it be as you will never stop it.

Well tell that to the victims that were just run over in the bus incident.

Corruption has been in most parts of the world for yonks.Doesn't make it right.In fact,it sucks big time.If more people tried to stop it or refused to pay graft,this would be a much better place for Thai people to live.The problem,is that it is accepted as the norm.I'll never foprget the look on a cops face,when the wife made him write out a ticket for a parking fine.On asking her why she just didn't give the POS THB100 etc,she said "If more people refused these people money,most of the corruption will stop..It hurts our country"

why dont we wait and see what comes out of it. :o

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sorry mate, but if you were refering to western world i would agree with you but when it comes to los corruption has been here for ever and seems to work just fine. i mean not everybody benefits from it but many do so let it be as you will never stop it.

Well tell that to the victims that were just run over in the bus incident.

Corruption has been in most parts of the world for yonks.Doesn't make it right.In fact,it sucks big time.If more people tried to stop it or refused to pay graft,this would be a much better place for Thai people to live.The problem,is that it is accepted as the norm.I'll never foprget the look on a cops face,when the wife made him write out a ticket for a parking fine.On asking her why she just didn't give the POS THB100 etc,she said "If more people refused these people money,most of the corruption will stop..It hurts our country"

why dont we wait and see what comes out of it. :o

What,just the bus incident?How about the thousands more?How about the Politicians son that got away with killing a guy? :D

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you must remember that all a corrupt cop wants is money so it depends on your negotiating skills to what you pay.

yeah but once you pay they can keep extracting more money out of you via blackmail, can't they?

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why did you have to defend yourself?

because some lunatic was going to try to bash me ,i got in 1st and broke his jaw ,i also paid 108000b for his hospital bill :o

LZ - weren't you more worried about being black listed if you didn't pay?

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What do you think of this?

My GF was telling me the other day about an old friend of hers whop was caught selling some exstacy. This was about 6 months ago.

I think since then she's been out on remand but last week she had to report back to the police. The police are now saying that if she pays THB 50K she can avoid going to prison. She has another few weeks to either find tha cash or

I naturally thought this was some sort of request from a corrupt police officer but my GF thought it was a ligitimate situation and happens depending on the severity of the crime committed.

Is this true?



Lots of principles mentioned on this thread which I agree with, but when in Rome etc etc...........

If accused of something illegal in Thailand it is always best to get a bribe in as early as possible - it's cheaper and simpler. Note that I said accused, not charged or convicted or sentenced..........or even guilty!

With all this talk of bribing ones way out of trouble, perhaps it is worth cautioning that simply money does NOT always buy your way out of trouble in Thailand - even for Mr Farang............especially once IN the legal system.......it can also depend on the alledged offence and your connections / abilities.......or simply not be possible.

But Thailand does IMO have a good system of "restorative justice"......in that an offended party can be compensated £££ wise by yourself which has an impact on your legal troubles..........sometimes making them go away completely..........

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