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Where Is Weho?


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(3rd person):

Weho is in Malaysia, and is planning a 2 part travelogue, just for Pattayans. You'll just have to pull yourselves together and be patient. The only "heads up" weho can give at this point is there were some issues at the breakfast buffet, when a guy from Kazakstan cut in front of weho at the egg/omlette "station"... weho told the guy to go the back back on the line, and the Kazak said he told the guy in FRONT of him to hold his spot... weho told the Kazak that there was no provision in the buffet etiquette code that permitted that, especially when a few minutes later, the Kazak's WIFE "piggy backs" in line too... it got a little ugly... full detaiils later.

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I would have loved to have been witness to that, Weho. You would have had my full support at the egg/omellete station.

If there's one thing that drives me up the wall, it's Kazakhs without buffet etiquette. I've updated my list of pet hates accordingly.

Furthermore, the next time I watch "Borat" I will think of you. Yagshemaash.

Keep up the good work and... be careful... it's a jungle out there.

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Well known fact that " Buffet Etiquette " is the hidden stumbling block for EU membership.

It took the Poles years to learn to stand in line and not wipe their nose's on the table cloth.

But saying that just look at them now. Stand behind one anywhere and he'll even pass you a plate.


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The tension is unbearable! Weho, we are waiting for a full report on the omelette incident! Spare no details! If they don't let you back into Thailand, post from an internet cafe in Malaysia! How did you manage the trolleys athe the airport this time? No causalities? Or did you take the train?

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I recently walked past a bookazine store in Bkk and over heard a guy whinging about the price of a book called '1001 low fat reciepies for under 25 baht'

Could it have been the man himself?

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(3rd person):

Weho is in Malaysia, and is planning a 2 part travelogue, just for Pattayans. You'll just have to pull yourselves together and be patient. The only "heads up" weho can give at this point is there were some issues at the breakfast buffet, when a guy from Kazakstan cut in front of weho at the egg/omlette "station"... weho told the guy to go the back back on the line, and the Kazak said he told the guy in FRONT of him to hold his spot... weho told the Kazak that there was no provision in the buffet etiquette code that permitted that, especially when a few minutes later, the Kazak's WIFE "piggy backs" in line too... it got a little ugly... full detaiils later.

Weho, you really must go to India from where it as been written "and to the Bank where I sometimes must go I watch in amazement as I see the crowd grow. They push and they shove and they jump to the front 'til to the back I find I've been shunt." And airports there are just as bad. This writer can be seen keeping lines in order at Delhi airport. You MUST go to India!

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