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Chiangmai tm87 visa change exempt extension to non O thai spouse

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Hi all. 

I recently went to Chiangmai immigration, (on the wrong day, busy as hell) but still managed to get the visa put in. 

Many Chinese applicants got turned away as they had come to late to apply that day, many pleading with the front desk to no avail.


After the chaos of the new system, where 1 person checks the documents hands to another to check, you'd think this would mean the document was ready to be stamped and signed off, picture taken, payment given off you go. You would be wrong. 

Numbers weren't being called out, (given as a ticket, as you walk in through the covid time machine) so again chaos prevailed. Many Chinese in front had to sign, add, change documents, making the preapproved check, a complete waste of time.


This happened to me, because I didn't add birth certificates ( it wasnt on list of documents), albeit I had them ready and waiting when asked inside. No-one outside knew.


My main concern about this visa change was the section regarding my wife's surname, it mentions a document 6.1.3 to state her status before marriage. I didn't have it.


I asked 7 days ago when getting my visa exempt extended, to which I was told, I only needed kor ror 2,3. Ok fine.


The 2 things that were an issue for immigration; were the photos, the print place cropped them badly.

The second being my wife's name change. Now, my wife went from her family name to mine. This can be seen on the Kor ror 3 document, and tabien baan when her parents had briefly lived with us whilst changing houses, ie same name. 

The immigration office dealing with the application had an issue, asking where the document was, and strangely showing another applicants documentation to show it in the tabien baan. Showing us their photos sitting on the bed...


I informed her that the officer previously, had said it was not necessary, at this moment a senior officer came over and asked for my wifes ID. As she could see my wife's ID had my name on it, that was apparently enough to satisfy the issue.


After that, my passport was given back, with collection date receipt and told to come to desk no3 on the date specified. 


With that at 5.10pm we fled to our freedom, with only a confused Chinese family and a single woman behind us left to sort.


Hopefully the visa is kosher, and then its onto the visa 1 year extension.



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