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Thai Girl Checklist...


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And if you want to really have a snit, I'd advise any Thai interested in a foreign male over the age of 50 to insist that the male underwent a colorectal exam and heart disease test. Expat unmarried males in Thailand are deemed a high risk group overall because of their age, and sedentary lifestyle featuring smoking and excessive drinking. The last thing a Thai woman wants is to be changing some guy's colostomy bag after he has had a stroke.

TG to 50 year old farang"I'll only marry you after a Doctor looks up your arse"

Perhaps all guys should make sure woman get breast and cervical cancer checks too.... :o

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One of my top priorities was someone smart enough, for me to want to be around them, but stupid enough to want me. I guess that is why it took my 20 years in Thailand before I found the right one.

Hardly surprising - with that stupid checklist.

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agree jetjock. attraction becomes stronger the longer you know someone. the longer you know someone the more attractive they can become if they are a good person. and if they are an idiot, then a traditionally really good looking person can become quite ugly to my in no time.

Agree with the last sentence, but I've met very few people that pulled off the previous sentence. Most of my relationships start off physically charged and wane. This isn't a problem if you replace the lust with other mutually beneficial things.

Maybe you are referring to attractions outside of the physical and then I agree with all said.

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One of my top priorities was someone smart enough, for me to want to be around them, but stupid enough to want me. I guess that is why it took my 20 years in Thailand before I found the right one.

Hardly surprising - with that stupid checklist.

Gee, you guys sure are slow on the uptake! I went through the trouble of putting that line in there for someone to pick up on. It shows that at least one guy read the whole post and not just the title.

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And if you want to really have a snit, I'd advise any Thai interested in a foreign male over the age of 50 to insist that the male underwent a colorectal exam and heart disease test. Expat unmarried males in Thailand are deemed a high risk group overall because of their age, and sedentary lifestyle featuring smoking and excessive drinking. The last thing a Thai woman wants is to be changing some guy's colostomy bag after he has had a stroke.

TG to 50 year old farang"I'll only marry you after a Doctor looks up your arse"

Perhaps all guys should make sure woman get breast and cervical cancer checks too.... :o

Cervical cancer OK now - we have a vaccine.

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Decent listening skills. Thais are notoriously poor listeners.

They listen, just not for very long. They think we are too long winded and can't get to the point. Just keep it simple and short or you will lose their interest.

Really - I guess discussing complicated topics with them over dinner such as how to formulate a candidate vaccine for dengue or the prevalence of Hep B in rural Thailand is a bit much?

Now I know you are winding us up!!!!

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Decent listening skills. Thais are notoriously poor listeners.

They listen, just not for very long. They think we are too long winded and can't get to the point. Just keep it simple and short or you will lose their interest.

You mean

blah blah listen, blah blah blah get to the point blah blah keep it simple blah blah lost interest....

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Decent listening skills. Thais are notoriously poor listeners.

They listen, just not for very long. They think we are too long winded and can't get to the point. Just keep it simple and short or you will lose their interest.

You mean

blah blah listen, blah blah blah get to the point blah blah keep it simple blah blah lost interest....

Who are we to argue with 20 years experience searching for "Miss Right"?

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Decent listening skills. Thais are notoriously poor listeners.

They listen, just not for very long. They think we are too long winded and can't get to the point. Just keep it simple and short or you will lose their interest.

Really - I guess discussing complicated topics with them over dinner such as how to formulate a candidate vaccine for dengue or the prevalence of Hep B in rural Thailand is a bit much?

Now I know you are winding us up!!!!

It is not about how complicated but how interesting. Often they are not interested in the same things. Boring and longwinded comes out the same regardless of the subject matter.

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Fair play to you. If more farang took a step back and looked at the relationship like this in the early stages, and became a little more choosey, we wouldn't have such a <deleted> reputation for scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I will be honest here, it sounds more organised / better than the reality - if I had made a list and read it before meeting her I would have run a mile from her as a G/F let alone a wife..........maybe I was further gone than I thought?!, albeit their were things that had dropped off the list which otherwise would have involved me walking away.

If I was coming to Thailand looking for a wife to bring back to Farangland, I would go for a woman with proffesional qualifications (not just a degree and prospects) or skills that could transfer to Farangland. Maybe a Dentist or a Teacher or a Doctor / Nurse...........or a plumber :o ..........not to say that any of these would think I was a "catch"!

Also I would want a woman in at least her late 20's, whether always single or divorced (at least 6 months BEFORE we met, and no seperated women) on the basis that she will probably be old enough to have learnt that "happy ever after" comes from your own efforts rather than from simply marrying Mr Wonderful (Thai or Farang). For me no previous kids would be important (why would I pay for second hand kids? OR how could I respect or trust a woman who would dump them with relatives to move abroad) but I appreciate that attitudes differ on this point.

Family NOT expecting me to help £££ wise would also be important. Or to regard the Missus as a long term £££ cash generating investment.

I did not quite tick all the boxes........... :D

If I was intending to live in Thailand my requirements would probably differ a bit.

(Note I have not mentioned love, honesty, big t#its etc etc on the basis that these are assumed to be a given)

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I wouldn't even consider a checklist for any woman unless:

I were a permanent resident in her country

I fully understood her language, the laws of the land regarding marriage and her reasons for wanting me

I had adequate financial security to weather any eventual crisis

I could give her what she needs, and those needs were in reasonable bounds

I were completely sober and in full possession of my wits

I had made allowance for being wrong in my choice

I had sufficient funds for a ticket home

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I had made allowance for being wrong in my choice

An exit plan - yes, for me this was so automatic it never got a second thought.

Certainly I would suggest that any Mr Farang sit down and work out what would happen to him £££ wise and emotionally if things just did not work out (as they simply can do) but including if she did turn out to be the "Thai Wife from hel_l" who fulfilled all the stereotypes and created a few new ones of her own..........could you recover?. particulalry true if most of your earning years are behind you............

IMO hoping for the best, but having a plan for the worst case scenario is not unromantic, just sensible.

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I had made allowance for being wrong in my choice

An exit plan - yes, for me this was so automatic it never got a second thought.

Certainly I would suggest that any Mr Farang sit down and work out what would happen to him £££ wise and emotionally if things just did not work out (as they simply can do) but including if she did turn out to be the "Thai Wife from hel_l" who fulfilled all the stereotypes and created a few new ones of her own..........could you recover?. particulalry true if most of your earning years are behind you............

IMO hoping for the best, but having a plan for the worst case scenario is not unromantic, just sensible.

My wife met my criteria and the past three and a half years have been great. Without a doubt the best of my life. That said, I STILL have an exit strategy because I'll always be a cynic. I absolutely refuse to spend more than I can afford to walk away from.

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I wouldn't even consider a checklist for any woman unless:

I were a permanent resident in her country

I fully understood her language, the laws of the land regarding marriage and her reasons for wanting me

I had adequate financial security to weather any eventual crisis

I could give her what she needs, and those needs were in reasonable bounds

I were completely sober and in full possession of my wits

I had made allowance for being wrong in my choice

I had sufficient funds for a ticket home

Sounds like a checklist to me!

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I wouldn't even consider a checklist for any woman unless:

I were a permanent resident in her country

I fully understood her language, the laws of the land regarding marriage and her reasons for wanting me

I had adequate financial security to weather any eventual crisis

I could give her what she needs, and those needs were in reasonable bounds

I were completely sober and in full possession of my wits

I had made allowance for being wrong in my choice

I had sufficient funds for a ticket home

Sounds like a checklist to me!

No, that's only a shortlist of prerequisites before I even begin with a wish list of what I consider the ideal woman for me.

And these prerequisites apply anywhere in the world.

Perhaps you haven't had to consider such things yet.

I wish you well, I'm happy for you and I hope you'll never have to.

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It's easy.get somebody that is either an orphan and is well minted or has parents that are filthy rich....But they can't belong to the hi-so,kissy kissy,spoilt rotten,i've got a new dragster,look at me....crowd. :o

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This is for the single guys who are still looking. For us married guys I just hope everybody is happy with what they got. This is just a beginning list and not all-inclusive. Of course it helps if "both of you" love each other too.

1. Social class

2. Educational background

3. Language ability (both Thai and foreign)

4. Family size

5. Family source of income and financial status

6. Which region are they from originally (appearance)

7. Age (range)

8. Sexual background (virgin, parent, prostitute etc.)

9. Religion

10. Children (yes or no)

11. Food

12. Where to live

This is assuming you are reasonably attractive, have a good job and good manners. If not then you will probably have to be happy with whoever might be willing to put up with you. If you are going to live in a village then much of this does not apply either. If your job requires you to mingle in polite society then your choice of partner can greatly affect your acceptance in social settings.

If you are new you may have a hard time judging these things or just think I have my head "where the sun doesn't shine".

For example: Thais don't just "eat". They have several words for eating depending on social class and educational background. The words can range from what royalty do, on down the social and regional ladder. In polite Thai society you will most likely hear "than" or "rathphrathan" instead of "kin" (transliterations vary greatly). If you have never heard these terms for eating you should ask yourself, why?

One of my top priorities was someone smart enough, for me to want to be around them, but stupid enough to want me. I guess that is why it took my 20 years in Thailand before I found the right one.

It's a good list. A checklist is a plan.If you fail to plan you may be planning to fail without recognizing it.

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One of my top priorities was someone smart enough, for me to want to be around them, but stupid enough to want me. I guess that is why it took my 20 years in Thailand before I found the right one.

I was looking for a slut in bed which took me about one hour, taking into account the 50 minutes bus ride from airport to downtown :D


Me barely concious and a weak pulse :):D

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