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Hello everyone,

Met a girl while on holiday in Thailand recently. Anyway, long story short - we hit it off. Don't quite know what it was about her, but we had a great time. I ended up staying in Bangkok for my whole 2 weeks instead of traveling around like I had planned... Purely because I wanted to spend all the time I could with her. I fell in love with her & she feels the same for me too. The tears at the airport said more than her limited english could ever say.

Anyway, I had a look at the British Embassy website while I was there and had a good look round. I came to the conclusion that if I wanted her to live with me, I would need either a fiance visa, spouse visa or student visa. However, at the time I dismissed the student visa as she isn't financially well off. So could never prove she could stay in the UK without resorting to public funds. Plus I know from friends the UK colleges and universities charge overseas students huge sums of money compared to British citizens. So at the time I decided on a fiance or spouse visa.

Then I did the deed and asked her to marry me!

This was a few days before I left and I can't really explain (kinda spiritual..) to everyone how I came to that decision. But I don't regret it..

Now the problem is, I'm not sure where to go from here. I've never thought that I would be in the position where I would be going through the visa options out there. All of which seem very confusing at the moment.

I'm not 100% sure how to prepare for the visa, as from the little I know already, it can be quite a struggle. I was thinking about sponsoring my fiance for a visitors visa, go back to Thailand with her in about 6 months and marry her then. As she wants to get married with her parents with her, traditional style. Then again, I was also thinking about waiting that little bit longer, saving up and going to Thailand to Marry her, then try for a visa... I just hate the idea of the imigration service rejecting her on either of these.

Another problem I face is that I currently live with my sistor.. I was about to move in to a new place when it went through.. I was seconded from work to go to another city, so I didn't have time to find a new flat to rent. Now, I'm back, ready to get my own place - again. Does this pose a problem for any visa application?

Also, I don't have any savings anymore. Spent them... I have a fairly good job and a good income, enough to support her. Though I will have to save for a few months to get any of this to work. At the moment I can save £500-700 per month, though that will change when I get my own place..

What I need to know is..

How much will this all cost? I've done some research which shows I may need £3,000.00 or more, or am I looking at the wrong web sites?

Should I start keeping records now of our emails etc.. For evidence of our relationship?

Have any of you guys fell for a woman, like I did? Or am I foolish to rush into marriage so soon... As my friends tell me.

I didn't go to Thailand looking for love, so I'm a little shellshocked - to say the least. But I know I can't turn my back on her or how I feel. Did that in the past - not good.

Any advice would be welcome..



Have a look round this sub-forum for other threads on settlement visas and you'll soon begin to build up a picture of what's required.

The one thing that jumps out is that if you've only known your g/f a short period of time, she may find it difficult to demonstrate that you intend to live together permanently. Keep saving the phone bills/cards and any e-mails you send/receive. With regard to the money, you are under no obligation to have savings of a cetain amount, rather your g/f will need to show that she can be maintained without claiming public funds. If you're in employment and can service your debts plus have a bit over, this will be sufficient.


Hello everyone,

Met a girl while on holiday in Thailand recently. Anyway, long story short - we hit it off. Don't quite know what it was about her, but we had a great time. I ended up staying in Bangkok for my whole 2 weeks instead of traveling around like I had planned... Purely because I wanted to spend all the time I could with her. I fell in love with her & she feels the same for me too. The tears at the airport said more than her limited english could ever say.

Obtaining a settlement visa is going to be difficult, as you've only spent a couple of weeks with her you wont have much in the way of evidence of your relationship, which, is an important part of the application, I would suggest that you maybe travel to thailand a few more times before committing too heavily and keep a record of everything, i.e telephone records, emails hotel receipts etc. this way you'll know if she's 'the one', and you'll have a better base for an application in the future.

Anyway, I had a look at the British Embassy website while I was there and had a good look round. I came to the conclusion that if I wanted her to live with me, I would need either a fiance visa, spouse visa or student visa. However, at the time I dismissed the student visa as she isn't financially well off. So could never prove she could stay in the UK without resorting to public funds. Plus I know from friends the UK colleges and universities charge overseas students huge sums of money compared to British citizens. So at the time I decided on a fiance or spouse visa.

Then I did the deed and asked her to marry me!

This was a few days before I left and I can't really explain (kinda spiritual..) to everyone how I came to that decision. But I don't regret it..

Now the problem is, I'm not sure where to go from here. I've never thought that I would be in the position where I would be going through the visa options out there. All of which seem very confusing at the moment.

If your really gonna go for it, do a search of this forum and you'll get all your answers!

I'm not 100% sure how to prepare for the visa, as from the little I know already, it can be quite a struggle. I was thinking about sponsoring my fiance for a visitors visa, go back to Thailand with her in about 6 months and marry her then. As she wants to get married with her parents with her, traditional style. Then again, I was also thinking about waiting that little bit longer, saving up and going to Thailand to Marry her, then try for a visa... I just hate the idea of the imigration service rejecting her on either of these.

Another problem I face is that I currently live with my sistor.. I was about to move in to a new place when it went through.. I was seconded from work to go to another city, so I didn't have time to find a new flat to rent. Now, I'm back, ready to get my own place - again. Does this pose a problem for any visa application?

Also, I don't have any savings anymore. Spent them... I have a fairly good job and a good income, enough to support her. Though I will have to save for a few months to get any of this to work. At the moment I can save £500-700 per month, though that will change when I get my own place..

What I need to know is..

How much will this all cost? I've done some research which shows I may need £3,000.00 or more, or am I looking at the wrong web sites?

The settlement visa its self is £500 and a bit more for other costs, translations etc, but no where near £3000!

Should I start keeping records now of our emails etc.. For evidence of our relationship?


Have any of you guys fell for a woman, like I did? Or am I foolish to rush into marriage so soon... As my friends tell me.

YES! and yes your friends are probably right, travel tp thailand a few more times and take it slowly, would you marry an English woman so soon???

I didn't go to Thailand looking for love, so I'm a little shellshocked - to say the least. But I know I can't turn my back on her or how I feel. Did that in the past - not good.

Good luck

Any advice would be welcome..





Keep all phone statements,Western Union if sending her funds,emails,letters,cards etc.I think that you will stand a better chance with a vistor visa than the settlement.I was given duff info regarding this last June i went to apply for a Vistors Visa but was told by the Place next door to Regent House otherwise and i am still fighting as my wife was refused.I would steer clear of agency's that gaurentee you a visa at a price but that is up to you!!!

Good Luck

Roger :o

... As my friends tell me.

I didn't go to Thailand looking for love, so I'm a little shellshocked - to say the least.

Hi Sean,

Firstly, do not listen to friends who have niether been in the same situation, or have heard stories of similar scenario's. If they have knowledgeable and informative and possibly constructive views, well, listen but still paddle your own canoe.

Just a word of caution, a lot of people don't go looking for love, but are fascinated by the whole world of difference, culture and the Mad Hatters Tea Party that strikes them all of a sudden, throw in beautiful girls that are completely different to what they have known before and Bam, shell shock.

Take a deep breath and look through this forum, it is a gold mine of information, ask plenty of questions, there will always be someone to answer.

If you are still overwhelmed by the prospect of what to do, in way of how to progress your application, do not be suckered into using an Agent off the street, they cannot guarantee you anything, if they do, they are disreputable.

If you decide to go that route, ensure it is an OISC registered company.

Good Luck



Thanks for the advice guys.. :o

I've decided on a visitors visa. That way we can live together for 5-6 months, see how it goes. No doubt I'll collect masses of proof of our relationship during that time.

My GF called me today, we had a talk and I'm shopping around for an open ticket from Thailand to the UK. That way I can send it to her without worrying about the visa. I read that visitors visas take about 2 weeks to be decided. Plus I have to sort out a new flat, so I've decided to get that around early august.

Hopefully I can get her to the UK around mid to late august.. September at the latest..

I'm not going to use any off the street immigration firms, If I use anyone it'll be davies khan, the scousers posts have convinced me of that!

From what I understand. I think the visa proccess is a little like a college assingnment. Every question must have the evidence to back up the answers given, in an easy to follow way so that immigration officials can easily skip through it.. Or that's how I plan on presenting everything.

Do any of you guys know exactly what info I need to sponsor for a visitors visa. I take it 6 months proof of income should be sufficient. I've not been unemployed for any time since before 2000, so I can go all the way back then if needed.

Anyway, thanks for the advice. I'll go through this website like you guys advised.


Thanks for the advice guys.. :D

I've decided on a visitors visa. That way we can live together for 5-6 months, see how it goes. No doubt I'll collect masses of proof of our relationship during that time.


You seem to have missed the point, old chap, and if you're not a troll you are incredibly naive. (if you are a troll then I'm incredibly naive :o )

The point is that you seem to ignore the advice you've already been given, which is that your girfriend won't get a visa on the basis of a few days' acquaintance with you. be it settlement or visit. You've already been advised to go back and see her a few times before making an application. If she applies for a visit visa she won't get one unless she can demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt her intention to return to Thailand afterwards - your bona fides as a sponsor will have little to do with it.

I've decided on a visitors visa. That way we can live together for 5-6 months

we had a talk and I'm shopping around for an open ticket from Thailand to the UK.

Do any of you guys know exactly what info I need to sponsor for a visitors visa.

Expecting 6 months as a first time visitor doesn't demonstrate she is coming to 'visit'

The embassy recommends you do not buy a ticket until you know the result of the visa application

These guys know what is required for a visitors visa.

Good luck, you'll need it, but I guess dreamers do sometimes get visas granted.

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