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How To Join The Tourist Police Volunteers In Pattaya?

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Can someone give me some information on this, or a web site or PM me some info, before I am drive to distraction and a bad state of permanent mential insanity, by my neighbour!!!!

How or Where Can I find out (on the web I preferr) some information on how someone can join the

Tourist Police Volunteers in Pattaya (farang vols... like he lads on Walking Street).

My neighbour is German, retired young over here and has taken the idea he wants to be Tourist Police Vol in Pattaya.

He is not on the internet, and he is one of those really prepared people, who needs all the information, beofore they

as much as pick the phone up to actually cal the Tourist Police and ask. (you know how organisted the germans are.. well this gentleman leads the pack!!).

I emailed main Thai Tourist Pol web site last week and heard nothing back.

He wants to see all the "brochures" and get all the basic info, so he makes a good impression before he approaches them.

My gentlly suggested fobb off that he go to Walking street and ask himself has been refused.

So he is asking me 2 or 3 times a day now, and before I go mad, I want to see can I get some info to shut him up!!! see he does look after my place when I am in BKK etc... so I owe a favour back.

I googled and found nothing relevant re joining information.

Where can I get the basic infor... requirements, duties, minimum shifts, who can join etc etc...

If anyone can post here, tell me, give me a web site I can print off and give to him.. or if any Pol Vol here please PM .




Is there a brochure for this?

I'd be interested if this is available in other parts of the country, too.

We "farangs" can contribute in out own, humble way to further justice and make the place safer for us to live in.


I think the people who give time for Farang Tourist Pol Vol... its a great idea.

even though... am I right to assume they do not have the full powers of arrest etc??

(or can someone fill us in on that? serious question, please no irrelevant posts)

By the way, that web site posted ... there is very little information on that site. is that an offical site?

As in as far as I can see... I could not find, for want of a better word the "Brochure" with the join info etc...

Heck.. if I have time I might join myself... this is getting interesting! maybe the krav maga instructor training I got would be useful! (or do they just call in the armed back up.. :-( ) seriously look interesting.

I think even if it an extra Police manpower presence on the streets, if the Vols do nothing more than show presence, and have to radio for the Thai Police with the arrest powers to come.. just having extra polce presence, eyes and ears in public areas.. that is an excellent contribution.

Ireland just over 1 year ago brought out part time police reserves.. now I think they get a decent level of training, and pay.. but this should have been done years ago in Ireland... even if it is just to get more of a presence on the streets.

I did read some survey that said, just having more guys on the street in uniform even if they did nothing more that walk the best... greatly reduced crime stats in areas in dublin.. that had lots of petty crime.

Hm.. looks susupiciously like some personal opnions are being aired here....


Oh no no no no... its not like that at all now lads.

( for the record, since someone is assuming I have an angle here, and I will stop opinions after this, while the whole concept and idea, I have a very positive and supportive personal opinion, I do have some question mark, type personal opinions, I am not going to air them, however, I am mentioning this as Mid and Mobi and trying to assume I have an "angle" to my personal opinion, which is truthfully just not the case at all, I posted on here asking a true, valid, serious question, trying to find info for my neigbour, as forum thread usually go, the OP moves in various directions, but if it not true nor fair to assume I am posting on here, trying to angle a personal opinion... so I have to call and ask our Moderator, to Moderate himself.. now that is only fair.!)

However, I was very interested, its a serious and valid question, about the powers of arrest???

Is it against form rules, to ask about the powers of arrest?

( Personally I do not think there is anything worng with asking that, as a legit question.. its not a p*ss take or wind up etc etc)

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Proud Charter Member of The T.A.O.P.

Uncle Buck whats T. A. O. P?

What a great website the TVP have did any one bother to look at it?

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