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When A Man Loves A Woman?


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When a man loves a woman.... as in true adult love - what are the boundaries?

Funnily enough, we think we know what we want as we grow older, but surprises do come along:

She prefers her long-hair tied back, because it's really hot in the tropics - he wants it down 'cos it's more feminine...

She loves flowers no matter what - he says it's a waste of money 'cos flowers die so quick in the tropics...

She works really hard at her profession, despite low rewards - he says it's a waste of time and she works as a professional slave and should go back to her own country to save money and go travel the universe with this 'man who loves this woman'.

She decides he's probably right but decides on a few more months tangential experience in new fields - aside from the fact her family is arriving for a reunion in less than 2 mths - he decides she should go now and if her family really cares, they will pay for her to come back in 2 mths. :D

She decides that this wonderful western man - whom she met in the tropics - is not so wonderful after all.


Tricked again...


ps. did I mention a spouse visa to my home country? She's not that stupid!

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A lot of men try to change the woman they -start to- love and men do that more often than women, as far as my experience* learned.

I think that's wrong since love, real love, is about respect for one another.

A small hint..yes...but 'telling' that he/she better do such and so, is fundamentally wrong and says more about the self esteem of the other than the woman/man he/she loves.

Usually, men are more dominant than women and try to create a 'dream' woman rather than to accept the pro's and contra's; they forget they have the same.....unless HE is perfect of course.... :D

Hang on Khall and do what your heart tells you !

* Just a few weeks ago a long time friend told me the story that he met this absolute wonderful Lady from a traditional family in the Far East.

She is educated, stylish, intelligent and sweet and they fell madly in love.

The first thing he told me was: "she is SO absolutely wonderful, but..........she has to change her hairstyle because I don't like it....".

I got upset and told him to back off and give her some time to adapt to his Western experienced lifestyle.

He laughed but finally he accepted this 'minor' and not important item in a great love. Great but silly friend.


LaoPo :o

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My bestfriend has been bugging me about my long black hair. She gives me <deleted> about my long black hair coz she says, "it's not modern enough." I decide to keep it after the boyfriend has mentioned how he loves my long black hair on me.

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I don't get it. What is up with men and having long hair and having hair down.

Men can shave off all their hair, do what they feel is most comfortable, but for the life of some men, the concept of having your hair up in a ponytail, is just outrageous.

Khall, if you choose orchids they can last for at least a min. of 2 weeks, I think I have had other flowers for 2 weeks.

You need to make sure you trim the stems at an angle, put them in sugar water with some bleach, and they should keep for quite a while.

Actually I have found quite a few flowers that keep quite well in our non-airconditioned house.

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I love my wife, despite her faults, and she is not on her own in the fault department. She has changed a little bit during the course of our relationship, and so have I, neither one of us has asked or urged the other to change in any way, some of the rough edges have naturally eroded, without request, so that we now fit together well.

Some things she does drive me crazy and I drive her up the wall sometimes too..... but non of those things are life-threatening and we work around them i.e. I am on permanent laundry duty, as I like my shirts to be the same colour as bought, not blotches of pink and I don't get involved if any structural maintenance is required for the house or shop, she handles that far better than I without losing her cool.

Major differences in traits just have to be accepted, they cannot be changed (and if you were identical, that would be so boring wouldn't it?) if something as trivial as not liking your partners hairstyle gives you cause for concern, sorry, but you may only find the right partner by choosing one from a catalogue.

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khall, your hair looks fab up or down.

everyone loves flowers. whether they die in the heat or not should not matter. its the thought that counts.

if this man loves this woman, and this man is cashed up, then this man really wouldnt care about this woman working her ass off to save. he would just say 'i love you and i want to see the world with you'

me thinks that if this woman decided to return to her home land, that she should make the decision in her own time and not when this man tells her to.

love and respect run on a two way street. i dont like complete wusses, but i also dont like a man to tell me what to do and when to do it (subtle advice is always appreciated however).

if this woman does not love this man, she should perhaps consider thanking him for the advice and wish him a good life.

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I don't get it. What is up with men and having long hair and having hair down.

Men can shave off all their hair, do what they feel is most comfortable, but for the life of some men, the concept of having your hair up in a ponytail, is just outrageous.

just to clafiry, i think SHE likes her hair up because of the heat and HE wants HER to wear it down because it looks more feminine.

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Funny really. It seems men have a general good level of self-esteem with regards to their appearance (even if they.. well..dont look so great), yet, are very judgemental with their comments on women. Women, in general seem to have a low level of self-esteem (even if they look pretty ###### good) yet, are not as judgemental of men.

No idea how relevant that comment is really. Just a random observation..

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And pretty darn true as well, eek.

Sorry to hear he wasn't a keeper khall. My hubby has a wonderful Thai friend whose wife recently ran off with another man (stupid girl) but alas, he has already found a girlfriend. The good ones get snatched up quickly :o

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So did Bryan Adams get it right with the song, Do you really love a woman?


Do you really love a woman?

to understand her, you gotta know her deep inside

her every thought, see every dream

and give her wings if she wants to fly

and when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms

you know you really love a woman

[chorus 1]

When you love a woman

and tell her that she’s really wanted

When you love a woman then tell her that she’s the one

Because she needs somebody, to tell her that its gonna last forever

so tell me have you ever really, really ever loved a woman

To really love a woman, let her hold you

till you know she needs to be touched

you gotta breathe her, you gotta taster her

till you can feel her in your blood

when you can see her unborn children, in her eyes

you know you really love a woman

[chorus 2]

When you love a woman

and tell her that she’s really wanted

when you love a woman then tell her that she’s the one

Because she needs somebody, to tell her that you’ll always be together

so tell me have you ever really, really ever loved a woman

Oh you've got to give some faith, hold her tight

a little tenderness, you gotta treat her right

she will be there when you take good care her

ohh you gotta love your woman yeah

And when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms

you know you really love a woman

[chorus 1]

Just tell me have you really, really every loved a woman

Ohh just tell me have you ever really really ever loved...

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I can tell my wife I like her hair long and she gets it cut. I still love her. She likes it one way I like it another. I still love her.

We do not always see eye to eye. But I will always try to understand. Not that I always do but I try and I can bet she does not understand me some things. I do not want my wife to be anything but what she is.

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I thought common knowledge was that men hope that their woman will never change, (stay pretty, young and sexy) and women hope they can change their man into something better(give up his bad habits and ways). Neither proposition works. You can't force people to change or to stay the same. A good choice of partner is one that you can completely accept the way they are and that accepts you too. If you create the right environment with the right person you will both want to be better people. Not because your partner demands it but because you love them and think they deserve a better you. If you make a poor choice all bets are off.

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I want my Khall back!!!!! You know what I'm going to say don't you......... Dump Him Fast !!!!! Pleeeezzeeee. I don't like seeing you in this state and Khall, if it was anyone else you'd tell them to do the same dear. Sorry to be harsh but you need to be by yourself for a while to think. Love you xxxxx

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For anyone seeking true unconditional love - bad news - you can't have it.

It's an involuntary emotion which you expect to be reciprocated in equal measure.

This is most unlikely to happen and if you expect it, you may be very disappointed.

Settle for as much as the other can give, however, and at least that's a good start.

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For anyone seeking true unconditional love - bad news - you can't have it.

It's an involuntary emotion which you expect to be reciprocated in equal measure.

This is most unlikely to happen and if you expect it, you may be very disappointed.

Settle for as much as the other can give, however, and at least that's a good start.

I disagree qwertz.I have the source of true unconditional love right here:


She loved me even when I looked like crap, overweight, hair unwashed. She loved me food or no food. Nothing like a dog to love us even when we don't necessarily deserve it :o

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Of course SBK's dog loves her unconditionally as she loves it.

It's a good trade off; they're always there for each other.

And a dog doesn't have to work late at the office, or want a night out with the boys, or a male bonding fishing/hunting weekend.

It won't complain either, as SBK says, if you're not looking top notch today or you're getting thick around the waistline.

And its fidelity to her is beyond question.

So, gentlemen, the next time you feel your lady is treating you like a dog, consider this - maybe she loves you unconditionally.

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It's an involuntary emotion which you expect to be reciprocated in equal measure.

hmmm...Ive always wondered about trying to describe love in words....and have to say that this does capture one aspect of it....probably a big part infact....why else would our heart ache when the feeling is not returned......

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It's an involuntary emotion which you expect to be reciprocated in equal measure.

hmmm...Ive always wondered about trying to describe love in words....and have to say that this does capture one aspect of it....probably a big part infact....why else would our heart ache when the feeling is not returned......

because of expectations........... because we grow up influenced by the society, believing what they expect love should be.........

To me, love, real love is all about letting go. If you love someone you don't tie a leash around them or put them behind bars. You let them go... let them be... set them free... If they come back, it means you're lucky. If not, smile............ Life is all about letting go. It's like an airport - people arrive and depart.

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It's an involuntary emotion which you expect to be reciprocated in equal measure.

hmmm...Ive always wondered about trying to describe love in words....and have to say that this does capture one aspect of it....probably a big part infact....why else would our heart ache when the feeling is not returned......

because of expectations........... because we grow up influenced by the society, believing what they expect love should be.........

To me, love, real love is all about letting go. If you love someone you don't tie a leash around them or put them behind bars. You let them go... let them be... set them free... If they come back, it means you're lucky. If not, smile............ Life is all about letting go. It's like an airport - people arrive and depart.

Too true! My life is an airport - I arrive/ depart &/ or ditto!

Thanks Greenshone... :o ( I think, or maybe not!!!) :D

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A good friend of mine made an observation that struck a chord with me. He said that when you have a good woman, they make you good also. I am now, after 5 years together, far more compassionate and thoughtful than I ever was before - and she never said a word. She just (just?) loves me and I HAVE to respond.

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