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Bringing Pets Into Thailand

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My wife and I are considering moving to Thailand, but have 3 cats which we don't want to leave behind. We're having real difficulty trying to find out what the rules are regarding bringing family pets into the country, so would be extremely grateful if anyone can give us some advice, or let us know where we can find out more.

Many thanks.

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Seriously.....there actually are oppressive regulations, the worst being 30 days of quarantine. If you wish me to give advice as to how to legally circumvent the intent of these laws, pm me, as I don't want to appear to flaunt rules that I generally approve of. PS: My saluki hound informs me that cats are actually disgusting tasting.

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Seriously.....there actually are oppressive regulations, the worst being 30 days of quarantine. If you wish me to give advice as to how to legally circumvent the intent of these laws, pm me, as I don't want to appear to flaunt rules that I generally approve of. PS: My saluki hound informs me that cats are actually disgusting tasting.

Haven't tried domestic cat but the BBQ Serval Cat I've eaten tasted quite good.

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See you have had real help so far, not very encouraging for a newbie, there are plenty of sensible people on this forum- honestly!

I bought three dogs(I believe cats are treated the same) in to Thailand, a friend brought 15! No probs provided you have the relevant paperwork. Usually means arranging with a vet from your hometown to ensure that the animals are free from diseases (certificate of health). Need to pre book space with the airline and have suitable containers.

Quarantine was about 45 mins at the airport whilst veterinary dept completed their paperwork(despite some sites saying 30 days!)

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My wife and I are considering moving to Thailand, but have 3 cats which we don't want to leave behind. We're having real difficulty trying to find out what the rules are regarding bringing family pets into the country, so would be extremely grateful if anyone can give us some advice, or let us know where we can find out more.

Many thanks.

IF you had bothered to tell us from whence you sprung, it might have been a bit easier to advise you. The rules, obviously, vary from country to country, dependent on local common pet diseases.

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I'm bringing my 10 month old iguana (taste good with curry, but i'm not planning to eat it ) and according to the Airline, Thai officials only require the Medical Cert from the your local Vet (atleast a week before departing) and an export papers in which the airline you take would prepare it for you.

Besides that just prepare all the info required by the airlines such as what animal, size, color, age, and not forgeting the details of the cage also.

An additional advice, take photo of your pet before checking them in... polaroid would be good, or digital camera. In case they lost your pet during handling.


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Thanks for all the help so far. Not sure I'm quite ready to try eating something I canosder a part of the family, but maybe I could eat my cats and regurgitate them after I clear customs!

But seriously though, for those of you who asked - I'm from the UK - not sure if that has any impacy on my ability to bring pets into the country (but I guess it may effect the lenght of time I'd have to keep them in quarantine?)

By the way - what's the weather like over there at the moment? This time last year in the UK it reached 100 degrees for the first time in recorded history. This year has been the coldest and wettest in recorded history! Who said there was no such thing as global warming????

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Well....the agricultural counsellor at the Royal Thai Embassy in London will give you the full rundown of Thai government requirements, and compliance will mean no arrival lock up for Tabby / ies. Your airline will have a lot of useful information too, as will your vet.

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By the way - what's the weather like over there at the moment? This time last year in the UK it reached 100 degrees for the first time in recorded history. This year has been the coldest and wettest in recorded history! Who said there was no such thing as global warming????

It's been sun , sun, rain ,sun, rain and more sun here and then the rain again then the sun.... it goes on.

Prefered if you could provide you pets with air-condition room first before they get sunburn or heatstroke when they are here, the afternoon could be hot and humid. Takes time for them to climatise anyway.

Anyway check sites at google for weather conditions in Thailand it may help you alot.


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Very well said Dr. PP as to these people seeking information about the pet situation. I myself brought Tiger in back in march, and I contacted the Thai Embassy in Washington for the step by step rules which they sent to me via fax.

One thing that they told me is the animals must have a rabies vaccination at least 21 days prior to departure, must have a health clearance from the vet to travel no less than 10 days before departure, must have all identification and descriptions done, have the complete medical history of such animal, and of course must meet the airline criteria which only allow two animals on board for the flight.

This part I know as of animals being on board inside the cabin. Only TWO are allowed at one time per flight segment. I see they say they have three. That third one is the problem. It will have to go to the cargo section of the aircraft provided they can handle that part emotionally.

Also please do tell them they must call in advance and reserve their flight for bringing an animal inside the cabin. The airlines have to check if other animals have been reserved to be on board for the same flight, and they must obtain clearance from the main headquarters of such airline carrier minimum of 4 days in advance.

It is wise to make back up copies of all pertinent information. Do keep your originals without a doubt. I do know you will need some copies for the airline carrier, which is the medical certificate, and you will need copies for them to fax, and you will need to make all of the copies for the final destination.

Oh if you can get your cats to meow a lot if your arrival is late at night, the chances are good that they will not quarantine such because the caretaker wants to get his nights sleep. Cost for each animal the fee is 100 baht. :o:D

Also the airlines will be asking the size of the animal containers, height, width, and length, the type of such container, the weight of such animal, description of such animal, and its age. The airline carrier booking agent will be more than happy to help you and assist you in getting your animals to travel and also advise you of what to do and what you must have etc.

They in turn will check and verify if it meets their criteria. When you go to the airport, the airline will then have to send a fax out to the final destination Animal Control, notifying them what is coming in. Also the same agent at the airport will double check the final countries animals allow list etc., in their computers.

For me this alone took about 45 minutes at the airport, as they sent a fax to thailand and got thailands back with their response of confirmation. Without that they will not allow the animal to board. Last note, since it is long haul, make sure you have enough water, and food and any other needs for your animals during the flight.

This is the experience I went thru just only 4 months ago.

Also the cost for tiger to fly was only 117.00 dollars USA.


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