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Help: Natural Park Resort In Jomtien


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Natural Park Resort - Jomtien

This place is under 1000 baht on the booking sites so I'm not expecting it to be 5 star or anything, but what I'm wondering about is if it's a reasonably well maintained, clean, tidy and friendly sort of place.

This will be for a family holiday, with mum and the kids.

Any other suggestions in the 1000-baht-ish range in the Jomtien or Wong Amat area would be highly appreciated too!! :o Needs to have a pool and be reasonably close to the beach.

Edited by Sanpatong
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Natural Park Resort - Jomtien

This place is under 1000 baht on the booking sites so I'm not expecting it to be 5 star or anything, but what I'm wondering about is if it's a reasonably well maintained, clean, tidy and friendly sort of place.

This will be for a family holiday, with mum and the kids.

Any other suggestions in the 1000-baht-ish range in the Jomtien or Wong Amat area would be highly appreciated too!! :o Needs to have a pool and be reasonably close to the beach.

I have not stayed there but inspected it once as it pops up in all searches.

Quite a nice and clean place it is from outside, a string of townhouses, interesting design.

I peeped into some rooms (that were being cleaned and open, ground level) and they looked like 3 star and a bit smallish but not small.

The place is further along the Jomtien, you can hardly walk to anywhere. It's on the the beach but the beach is not what you want, especially with children, concentrate on the pools. All people I saw were Thai families with kids.

Other places in that price range cater heavilly for Russians, maybe this one does not (or was not when I looked around) and almost always has rooms for rent.

Another good place for that money is Grand Jomtien Palace, but Challett wing only, not the main building. It has 64sqm bungallows (2 bungalows in 1 house, the rooms have a connecting door if a family ocuppies both rooms) and 2 pools, same as Natural Park Resort and from there you can reach a thing or two on foot.

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As for getting to places, there's a lot of baht buses going up and down Jomtien right? So then it would be easy enough to just jump into one to go back up Jomtien beach?

Yes, every minute there is one.....what I mean, i would not want to need a bus to get to 7-11 or to buy BKK Post. Can't remember now, maybe there is one nearby...I think there was FamilyMart around there but with closure of many of them, maybe not any more.

On another PC I should have many pictures from there, will post them tonite if I can dig them out.

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Hi I checked site and are you sure about 1,000 bt per night ? Looked like cheapest 2,500 bt per night.


Natural Park Resort - Jomtien

This place is under 1000 baht on the booking sites so I'm not expecting it to be 5 star or anything, but what I'm wondering about is if it's a reasonably well maintained, clean, tidy and friendly sort of place.

This will be for a family holiday, with mum and the kids.

Any other suggestions in the 1000-baht-ish range in the Jomtien or Wong Amat area would be highly appreciated too!! :o Needs to have a pool and be reasonably close to the beach.

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