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Loving The Attention


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Hello Everyone; new to the list and happy to have found it.

Great info here and I hope to share many experiences with you.

As I a single white female living in Thailand might I admit that the attention given to me is lovely.

The men seem to pay attention me and even if back west I may seem aged or not model material everywhere I go in Thailand seems suitors are readily available.

I know the size issue with the Thai men is issue after having been with western men and after my trip to Jamaica (blush!), but I find them not so comfortable with being nud_e.

Is this a cultural issue ?

Have other experienced this?

I am a free spirit and after my divorce now choose to live life to the fullest , with my nice settlement check I see very little probelms in doing this in Thailand.

Hope to meet some of you gals as we seem to have very common interests.

Ciao !

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Bragging about settlement checks is not likely to win you many potential suitors on this forum.

I am sorry if this came off as rather brash.

A most gracious and unexpected apology indeed.

I'm sure it's just the unbridled euphoria of your new found freedom here bubbling through.

There are in Thailand, however, a percentage of males, also divorced, who have also come here to escape as you appear to have done and there will be some again amongst this group who perceive themselves to have been less than fairly treated during their divorce settlements. Mysoginists indeed you will come across. But Thailand is big enough to avoid most of them and small enough to make good friends all over.

Welcome and prosper in heart and body, mind and spirit.

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Well, personally I didnt take it as brash or bragging in the least SweeTips.

Anyway..hello and welcome! Its great that you are feeling happy and appreciate being here. More power to you.

I will leave any practical advice regarding dating to the other good ladies here as after a messy split I have remained single by choice for a longgggggg time now! :D Unlike you Ive locked my poor wee heart up and dont feel like testing the waters, but it is refreshing to see a woman going out and siezing dating opportunities.

Just wanted to give a warm hello and welcome. So:


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lol misterman, you sound so excited by the idea :o

I had thought that too..but well..benifit of the doubt an all that. Hope not.

Always surprises me why people could be bothered to make false posts. Are their lives really that unfufiled?.

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An utter troll from a guy who likes to pretend he's a woman and is looking for confirmation that there might be someone on the planet with a smaller appendage than his own.

I had thought exactly the same thing, GH. Well, not the appendage bit - but I try not to think about those! :D:D

What I find interesting is that, till now, only male members seem to have cottoned onto that. Percy2 - you were wrong on one of your 3 assumptions. I'll leave you to figure out which... :o

So, this is what complaining does. Really wish (in so many ways) I'd kept my big mouth shut a couple of weeks ago, seeing the current changes. :D:D

Sorry, I'm wrong, looking back, it seems one and a half female members thought the same.

Edited by November Rain
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Derogatory posts towards women have been deleted. If this is all you contribute in the ladies forum then please refrain from doing so. Further such posts will result in suspension.

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An utter troll from a guy who likes to pretend he's a woman and is looking for confirmation that there might be someone on the planet with a smaller appendage than his own.

Are you bitter about something?

What on earth have I possibly done to upset you to point of you insulting me?

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An utter troll from a guy who likes to pretend he's a woman and is looking for confirmation that there might be someone on the planet with a smaller appendage than his own.

Are you bitter about something?

What on earth have I possibly done to upset you to point of you insulting me?

Sowie, girl. These folks sprout from out of nowhere and drop brain-dead comments in the women's forum. It is better to ignore them. Do not let them ruin your party. :-)

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An utter troll from a guy who likes to pretend he's a woman and is looking for confirmation that there might be someone on the planet with a smaller appendage than his own.

Are you bitter about something?

What on earth have I possibly done to upset you to point of you insulting me?

Sowie, girl. These folks sprout from out of nowhere and drop brain-dead comments in the women's forum. It is better to ignore them. Do not let them ruin your party. :-)

Thanks for that. Hard to understand why someone would go after me in such a harsh manner for making a post here.

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Are you bitter about something?

What on earth have I possibly done to upset you to point of you insulting me?

If at some time in the future it becomes clear that you are who and what you claim to be in your opening post I shall apologise without reservation.

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Sowie, girl. These folks sprout from out of nowhere and drop brain-dead comments in the women's forum. It is better to ignore them. Do not let them ruin your party. :-)

Are you talking about GuestHouse? Do me a favour & search for his posts and read some of them. He is competing for the title of the least brain-dead person on this forum!

As for folks that sprout from nowhere... :o

Oh, and before you start with the "brain dead comments in the women's forum" thing - I am a woman.

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I don't want to make a brain dead comment here, or interrupt, but can I just surmise the OP?

She's got a huge wad of cash, she's after some Thai guys to take care of her sexually though she understands they might not be as big as the Jamaican guys she had on her last trip out of the West. Now she wants to know do they go naked easily like other guys do?

you're either getting trolled on dealing with a sex tourist, please attack as appropriate.

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I don't want to make a brain dead comment here, or interrupt, but can I just surmise the OP?

She's got a huge wad of cash, she's after some Thai guys to take care of her sexually though she understands they might not be as big as the Jamaican guys she had on her last trip out of the West. Now she wants to know do they go naked easily like other guys do?

you're either getting trolled on dealing with a sex tourist, please attack as appropriate.

Honestly, <deleted> is wrong with people on this forum??? --- someone posts a perfectly nice post about being happy in Thailand, asks a simple question about Thai guys and gets called a troll?

Oh, and TV is against sex tourists now? That's news to me, given half of the posts you see here day in and day out.

Don't pay them any mind SweeTips, you're probably having a nicer time than most of them put together!

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