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Suvarnabhumi Airport

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A couple of months ago I read of a diamond ring stolen from a guy worth 500 000 Baht while scanning his goods at a x-ray machine in the airport. This is really ridiculous and after following complaints - I thought - theft by security staff would stop. But today I talked to a friend (she is Thai) and she told me that she lost her diamond ring at the airport and her bf lost his watch. Immediately my alarm bells were ringing and the story of the x-ray scam came into my mind. I asked her if the goods disappeared in a x-ray machine and she confirmed :o

This must stop :D and if police or AOT can't handle this we should be aware!



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normally u wear that sort of thing - if u are daft to keep that in your checked luggage then your asking for it to be nicked.

I think the x-ray machine being referred to is the one next to the metal detectors where you put your carryon and all other items through before boarding the plane. Some airports ask you to remove everything from your pockets, including watches, etc. and put them in the plastic tray to go through the x-ray machine. I once noticed some very suspicious workers at Phnom Penh after I put my wallet inside my carryon and they wanted me to step over to the side while they x-rayed my bag again. I said firmly, "NO, I will wait right here where I can see what's happening to my bag until I step off to the side." It would be very easy for a worker to notice something in the x-ray machine, reverse the motor to have it return back out, steal whatever item they wanted, then send it back through, provided the workers were all in cahoots. I've never noticed any suspicious activities by the security people at BKK, but that's certainly not to say it couldn't happen.

Edited to add: My carryon is a small bag but has a combination lock. I put any of my valuables inside it before the x-ray machine and be sure it's locked going through, then unlock it and check to be sure my valuables are all there once it comes out. I never use those plastic trays. Way too easy for someone, perhaps not even an airport worker, to nick something while you're preoccupied with the metal detector / wand screening.

Edited by Soju
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I mentioned this sort of thing (and the fake customs people) on another forum specifically for travel and not one person came up with a similar story. This leads me to believe that either these incidents are very uncommon or the stories are a fabrication.

A 500,000 baht (15,000) ring in your luggage? Isn't the whole jist of owning something valuable that you take good care of it?

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I agree with Soju, I never put anything in the plastic trays, always into my carry-on bag which is firmly shut (albeit not locked). Don't do it any any airport, not just Suwannathingy.

I take my watch off (goes into said bag), but not my wedding ring (my only piece of jewellery) which stays firmly on my finger - and no-one has ever asked me to remove it to be fair.

Also never put anything of serious value into checked in baggage - and certainly at the TG check ins there are big signs telling you not to ...


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The "magnetometer heist" takes place at airport security check-ins, again perpetrated by a gang. Just before stepping through the magnetometer after placing your belongings on the belt, a con artist alerts you to a ticket envelope on the floor. You pick it up, but by the time you discover it's not yours and finally step through the magnetometer, your stuff is gone.

Not to be confused with the Pilfered Baggage or the Bogus Custom Officials scam.

Edited by UnknownPoster
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How can they be stolen? Does the scanning machine magically suck them off the tray while they are being x-rayed? Don't the owners notice?

Come on . . ..

Skepticism noted, but, belongings being stolen in airports is a regular occurrence all across the world. I woulnd't say rampant or common, but it certainly goes on. So, no, it didn't get sucked up, a human being stole it. I saw a story about the tactics thieves use at airports in the U.S. when stealing someone's belongings. It can happen if someone gets stuck in line before going through the metal detector and their bag has already passed through the x-ray machine and is just sitting there. That's just one example. Distraction is the key, though. It does happen and is not unheard of, so I'd say your cynicism is misguided in this particular thread. Just like pickpockets, these thieves have to have fast hands.

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How can they be stolen? Does the scanning machine magically suck them off the tray while they are being x-rayed? Don't the owners notice?

Come on . . ..

Skepticism noted, but, belongings being stolen in airports is a regular occurrence all across the world. I woulnd't say rampant or common, but it certainly goes on. So, no, it didn't get sucked up, a human being stole it. I saw a story about the tactics thieves use at airports in the U.S. when stealing someone's belongings. It can happen if someone gets stuck in line before going through the metal detector and their bag has already passed through the x-ray machine and is just sitting there. That's just one example. Distraction is the key, though. It does happen and is not unheard of, so I'd say your cynicism is misguided in this particular thread. Just like pickpockets, these thieves have to have fast hands.

Yes, but we're talking about rings and watches. For a start NOONE is obliged to put such things through the xray machine at security checkpoints. The only place I know that does that in Asia is Manila, and even that is only watches, not finger jewellry.

And even if we had to, surely you only lose sight of it for the 20 seconds it takes going through the machine.

I don't understand how it can be stolen. Even if distracted, surely the owner would know it was missing pretty soon or that it hadnt come out. And sure the only likely suspects would still be there?

How hard does life have to be?

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The security/screeners know where the video cameras are aimed and they know these people are getting on an airplane. They work as a team and can easily steal items while customers are distracted.

Of course, nobody has the 'right' to frisk the workers. They claim the customer is attempting a scam.

A corrupt Airport in a corrupt Country. Half the employees in the Aiirport could know about it.

What are the chances sombody would report it? Thais don't turn Thais in, and the cops look the other way, especially if the victim is a Foreigner.

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The security/screeners know where the video cameras are aimed and they know these people are getting on an airplane. They work as a team and can easily steal items while customers are distracted.

Of course, nobody has the 'right' to frisk the workers. They claim the customer is attempting a scam.

A corrupt Airport in a corrupt Country. Half the employees in the Aiirport could know about it.

What are the chances sombody would report it? Thais don't turn Thais in, and the cops look the other way, especially if the victim is a Foreigner.

Utter nonsense. Every single word of it.

With an 'everyone is out to get me' attitude like that, I'm surprised you dare to get out of bed in the morning.

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The security/screeners know where the video cameras are aimed and they know these people are getting on an airplane. They work as a team and can easily steal items while customers are distracted.

Of course, nobody has the 'right' to frisk the workers. They claim the customer is attempting a scam.

A corrupt Airport in a corrupt Country. Half the employees in the Aiirport could know about it.

What are the chances sombody would report it? Thais don't turn Thais in, and the cops look the other way, especially if the victim is a Foreigner.

Utter nonsense. Every single word of it.

With an 'everyone is out to get me' attitude like that, I'm surprised you dare to get out of bed in the morning.

Another expert opinion from a starry-eyed rookie.

You should get a few years on the ground before making such remarks.

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"There have been numerous reports of theft at Suvarnabhumi Airport, police say, including at least two from tourists who say their valuables disappeared while they were being scanned."

"Piyarat said he had written to airport officials asking to check the scanner's photographic record but was provided with unclear CCTV pictures taken from one angle. He was told that there was only one camera in the area. "

"It has been difficult to investigate the claims because the airport does not cooperate, Sitthichai said."

"The official declined, however, to comment further, saying it might affect the reputation of Airports of Thailand."

The published story here:


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The security/screeners know where the video cameras are aimed and they know these people are getting on an airplane. They work as a team and can easily steal items while customers are distracted.

Of course, nobody has the 'right' to frisk the workers. They claim the customer is attempting a scam.

A corrupt Airport in a corrupt Country. Half the employees in the Aiirport could know about it.

What are the chances sombody would report it? Thais don't turn Thais in, and the cops look the other way, especially if the victim is a Foreigner.

Utter nonsense. Every single word of it.

With an 'everyone is out to get me' attitude like that, I'm surprised you dare to get out of bed in the morning.

Another expert opinion from a starry-eyed rookie.

You should get a few years on the ground before making such remarks.

I've got a few years on the ground, thank you.

I also use the airport twice monthly. Perhaps I have a few more smarts about me but none of the numerous things that are reported as endemic have ever happened to me here or in any other SEA airport. I often wonder why that is.

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The security/screeners know where the video cameras are aimed and they know these people are getting on an airplane. They work as a team and can easily steal items while customers are distracted.

Of course, nobody has the 'right' to frisk the workers. They claim the customer is attempting a scam.

A corrupt Airport in a corrupt Country. Half the employees in the Aiirport could know about it.

What are the chances sombody would report it? Thais don't turn Thais in, and the cops look the other way, especially if the victim is a Foreigner.

Utter nonsense. Every single word of it.

With an 'everyone is out to get me' attitude like that, I'm surprised you dare to get out of bed in the morning.

Another expert opinion from a starry-eyed rookie.

You should get a few years on the ground before making such remarks.

I've got a few years on the ground, thank you.

I also use the airport twice monthly. Perhaps I have a few more smarts about me but none of the numerous things that are reported as endemic have ever happened to me here or in any other SEA airport. I often wonder why that is.

Humility surely is not your strongest attribute.

I'm in awe of your ability to prattle on about how educated, enlightened and experienced you are.

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How can they be stolen? Does the scanning machine magically suck them off the tray while they are being x-rayed? Don't the owners notice?

Come on . . ..

Skepticism noted, but, belongings being stolen in airports is a regular occurrence all across the world. I woulnd't say rampant or common, but it certainly goes on. So, no, it didn't get sucked up, a human being stole it. I saw a story about the tactics thieves use at airports in the U.S. when stealing someone's belongings. It can happen if someone gets stuck in line before going through the metal detector and their bag has already passed through the x-ray machine and is just sitting there. That's just one example. Distraction is the key, though. It does happen and is not unheard of, so I'd say your cynicism is misguided in this particular thread. Just like pickpockets, these thieves have to have fast hands.

Yes, but we're talking about rings and watches. For a start NOONE is obliged to put such things through the xray machine at security checkpoints. The only place I know that does that in Asia is Manila, and even that is only watches, not finger jewellry.

And even if we had to, surely you only lose sight of it for the 20 seconds it takes going through the machine.

I don't understand how it can be stolen. Even if distracted, surely the owner would know it was missing pretty soon or that it hadnt come out. And sure the only likely suspects would still be there?

How hard does life have to be?

Not true! I was forced on several occasions to remove my watch at Suvarnabhumi and place it in the plastic tray for x-ray while I went through the metal detectors. This was specifically at the domestic gates, while flying with TG, immediately after the airport first opened last September. At the time they were extremely strict about security. After being asked a few times to remove my watch, I got in the habit of just doing it automatically now, so don't know if they still do it or not, but being their security screening does not seem as strict anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if they no longer do this. I have no idea if they made people remove finger jewelry or not, being I don't wear any myself.

I also recall having to remove my watch on at least one other occasion while traveling in Asia, but don't recall if it was ICN, or some other airport. Definitely wasn't Manila though as I hadn't traveled to Manila in a long time when it happened. Not disputing that Manila doesn't make you remove your watch, just saying I haven't tried going through there wearing a watch recently. Different airports have very different screening guidelines, and even at the same airport they can vary extensively from one time to the next. For example, I never know what I'm going to get at ICN. Sometimes they make me remove my shoes, belt, everything from my pockets, and as I already stated I think one time perhaps even my watch. Other times just my belt. Other times just my shoes. Sometimes nothing. So the fact that you haven't been asked to remove your watch at Suvarnabhumi is just as understandable as is the fact that others have had to remove their watch.

Being I never know what to expect for sure, I simply get in the habit of removing it all and putting it in my bag while I'm in the lounge, or some other place well before the security checkpoint. Especially at third-world airports I don't like to be seen by the security staff putting an expensive watch or other valuables inside my bag right before it gets x-rayed and risk having something stolen. Not that it is likely anyways being I lock my bag, but I figure why take any chances when it's just as easy to remove my valuables earlier on.

One final comment on this subject, I doubt that it would be very common for theft to occur while there are a lot of people queued up behind the x-ray machine. If it is happening, it's likely happening in cases where a last-minute passenger comes through alone and is in rush to catch a flight almost ready to depart. Many people in such cases are thinking only of one thing - catching their plane - and can easily forget to check that all their items are present in the plastic tray at the opposite end of the x-ray machine. If they were forced to remove their watch, jewelry, and various other items, they might simply grab the contents of the plastic tray when finished and shove everything into their bag in their rush without really checking that everything is there. With nobody behind them, there's nobody to witness what the screening personnel do. By the time the passenger is on the plane and calmed down enough to look in their bag, the plane is already gone and there's little to nothing they can do at that point. It is likely that some people wouldn't even have a clue as to where their valuables were lost/stolen, and think possibly it happened on the plane, or they dropped it inadvertently in their rush. If security personnel are stealing items in such cases, where nobody else is queued up to be watching them, it is very easy for them to deny that they stole anything. If the passenger catches that one of their valuables is missing, they can always pretend to check the x-ray machine and have it magically reappear with the excuse of "oh sorry sir, it must have fallen out while going through the x-ray machine." So if caught while at the security point, they can easily deny it and get out of any possible trouble. If caught later after the plane has departed, again very easy to deny. A very easy method for security personnel to make extra money, if they are all in on it. A single rogue security employee would probably not be able to pull it off with any regularity without risking getting caught.

Edited by Soju
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Bendix are you kidding? 20 seconds? It takes a split second. Airports are busy, crowded places and not everyone takes the precautions they should. It happens all the time, even in western countries. Just try to wrap your mind around it.

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Went through Swampydoom last night - wasn't asked to remove watch or wedding ring - everything that was in my carry on when it went into the x-ray was there again when it came out. Note, it was 02.15hrs at the time and I was the only person going through to catch a hideously delayed TG flight to Europe so may not have been a fair test...

Now I'm stuck in Zurich, having missed my original connection to Nice, sincerely hoping my checked bag will make it there and unscathed!


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I wouldn't doubt that a diamond shows a distinct impression when x-rayed. Probably lights up like a ....well, like a diamond.

Also, we all know how magicians can hoodwink even savviest of observers via sleight of hand, so why is it such a stretch to think that some harried passengers might be getting ripped off by some nimble fingered thieves at the x-ray machine (?)

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