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Hi tropo, yes internet access varies between dial-up as slow as Los and satellite broadband which isnt to bad ,but pretty exy ,many guest houses are WiFi.

Thank Ozzy. Doesn't sound too bad at all. I was inquiring about the broadband specifically because if I set up there for awhile I'd need to have broadband at home.

How about apartments? Do they come fully furnished, and if not can you get your hands on all the necessities needed to set one up?

tropo, apartments are available ff, in the $100-200 pm ,as I posted previously ,there is no letting agent as such in town so you have to spread the word among the ex-pats re your requirements, a good source are the motodups,just offer a $20 bounty for the one that finds you suitable accom.

IM (not so humble) O: The thing that struck me about Sihanoukville three years ago was the opportunity that I was seeing for development......it could turn out to be an amazing place with a deep water port, airport, beautiful scenary (mountains and ocean).

The Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese are really taking an interest in Cambodia.......investing in energy development, among other things. After tapping oil reserves and completing hydroelectric dam projects, Cambodia is set for ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. That will change things.

People that get in on the ground floor now could do very well within the next ten years (maybe). Of course, on huge advantage is the sane visa/business rules. Crime still worries me.....poverty and crime tend to go together and that will have to be fixed before hoards of expats move there.

But things are going downhill fast in Thailand.

yes and in addition there is an incredible amount of discontent by many locals

regarding the government who don't give a ###### for the welfare of the general population

-they are lining their pockets as quickly as they can - those of you thinking of opening

a business there should talk to the locals about this issue because it's not good

to have such a discontented population :o

I feel very sorry for the Cambodian people - they just cannot seemed to win

with politicians- first the Khmer Rouge and now a group ( some of which ironically

were even connected directly or indirectly to the Khmer Rouge -but i have never been able

to rationalise that one !!!! :D ) - of corrupt and greedy

people in charge who are definitely not acting in the best interests of the average Khmer !

As in most Third World countries that receive heaps of overseas aid monies ,there are many fingers in the cookie jar,and the perpetrators dont mind flaunting their ill-gotten gains,with their big hum v,s , 4WD LEXUS and outlandish spending habits. And yet I see little indication of the discontent you mention, to most inhabitants ,this is the most stable and peaceful period in their memory,The country is enjoying a developmental boom and this is providing more jobs and income for the khmer, when the country stabilises more and industries are established the situation will I feel improve greatly.

The huge expenditure in the Tourist and Leisure field must be an indication that things are not to bad as these industries are the first to suffer in an unstable environment.

I too feel sorry for the Khmer people,with their disproportionate number of orphans and folk maimed by land mines etc,but I am also heartened by their ability to always come up with a smile despite their many problems.

The amount of charity work carried out by many of the local ex-pat business owners surpasses anything I have seen or heard of in Los.

When hostilities with the Khmer Rouge ceased their leader was given a seat in the Government and the troops went back to their heartland west of Battambang near the Thai border complete with their arms.

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As in most Third World countries that receive heaps of overseas aid monies ,there are many fingers in the cookie jar,and the perpetrators dont mind flaunting their ill-gotten gains,with their big hum v,s , 4WD LEXUS and outlandish spending habits. And yet I see little indication of the discontent you mention, to most inhabitants ,this is the most stable and peaceful period in their memory,The country is enjoying a developmental boom and this is providing more jobs and income for the khmer, when the country stabilises more and industries are established the situation will I feel improve greatly.

The huge expenditure in the Tourist and Leisure field must be an indication that things are not to bad as these industries are the first to suffer in an unstable environment.

I too feel sorry for the Khmer people,with their disproportionate number of orphans and folk maimed by land mines etc,but I am also heartened by their ability to always come up with a smile despite their many problems.

The amount of charity work carried out by many of the local ex-pat business owners surpasses anything I have seen or heard of in Los.

When hostilities with the Khmer Rouge ceased their leader was given a seat in the Government and the troops went back to their heartland west of Battambang near the Thai border complete with their arms.

No i am referring to the numerous land deals done in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukeville which

have involved blantant bribes - look at the " house " the Russians have built on the beach

at Sihanoukeville for the PM. But the locals dont get any benefit.

What about the lake in Phnom Penh - will all those being booted off get any compensation

- not likely !

Yes its stable but it doesnt mean it is a good stability - its stable because the PM and his

government re-wrote the constitution allowing him to stay in power FOR AGES

- no election due for a very long time. So yes it appears stable because the Khmer

are stunned that they can trodden on by their " leaders " yet again :o

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I love Cambodia but of course my Thai wife hates it over there. Its more dangerous for sure but the average everyday people are fantastic. The good thing is if you whisper that you want workers after midnight there will be a line a mile long before sunrise looking for a job, unlike Thailand where one looses face by working for farang.

The Cambodians are such hard workers they even go and live in Laos illegally the same way Mexicans sneak into America for low paying jobs the locals will not do. The other thing is they still have much to offer as far as natural resources, I'm afraid Thailand is pretty much tapped out, "No Pun Intended."

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where are you going to stay? No 5 star hotels there? :o

There is a quality hotel there down on one of the beaches at Sinkynoonkville... modern and as I remember a tower block of about ten storeys in well planned gardens. But it was totally gutted. (As of four years ago or so.)

Yeah, great place to invest. Might be less trouble and a bit quicker to invest in a casino though. As a player I mean.

Is going to be high risk, high return? High risk, low return? Or all about becoming a big fish in a small pond? Why not. The alternative is to launch a takeover bid for a controlling interest in the Dorchester.


Hang onto your wallet!

Andrew Hicks

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I love Cambodia but of course my Thai wife hates it over there. Its more dangerous for sure but the average everyday people are fantastic. The good thing is if you whisper that you want workers after midnight there will be a line a mile long before sunrise looking for a job, unlike Thailand where one looses face by working for farang.

The Cambodians are such hard workers they even go and live in Laos illegally the same way Mexicans sneak into America for low paying jobs the locals will not do. The other thing is they still have much to offer as far as natural resources, I'm afraid Thailand is pretty much tapped out, "No Pun Intended."

natural resources? the khmer rouge were a logging operation.

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Local cuisine and delicacies such as fried rats and tarantulas on-a-stick have never really lured me to the delights of Cambodia.

Firing a LARS rocket at a tethered cow really appeals to my adventurous sporting nature though...

I think you will find fried rats are on the menu in many homes in Thailand as well, your education of cuisine seems impartial.

Sinhanoukville is a wonderful place. Why would you all try and degrade a place that you may of not experienced? You all seem to flee your own countries, whats wrong with those?

Such under educated and narrow minded views on this post....

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This discussion on Sihanoukeville has definitely made me put it on the agenda of interesting places to visit in the next year. Ozzydom has been especially helpful on learning more about this travel destination I do think however that I will skip the local fried rat cuisine and not do any adventurous hiking in the old mine fields.

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This discussion on Sihanoukeville has definitely made me put it on the agenda of interesting places to visit in the next year. Ozzydom has been especially helpful on learning more about this travel destination I do think however that I will skip the local fried rat cuisine and not do any adventurous hiking in the old mine fields.

The rats eaten in S/E Asia are normally not the sewer rat,but the rice rat that lives in and around the rice paddies,its a different specimen altogether,Ive seen them as big as a rabbit.

Anybody that travels the highways would have seen the roadside vendors with a sign that looks like the Batman Insignia ,well they are grilled rat vendors,hundreds can be seen around Ayuttayah.

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What a bunch of totally useless and ignorant farangs.....that by the way "think they fit in".... these idiots are the normal teachers that work in thailands schools and are supposed to be leaders in society. They don't know anything about Cambodia..... and NEVER will because they are too stuck-up to learn anything. All they do is just open their cake hole and let a bad noise out :o

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This discussion on Sihanoukeville has definitely made me put it on the agenda of interesting places to visit in the next year. Ozzydom has been especially helpful on learning more about this travel destination I do think however that I will skip the local fried rat cuisine and not do any adventurous hiking in the old mine fields.

Just read some things about Cambodia and Sihanoukville on the govt. website and other sites, including TF........need to know if the following statements are fact or fiction:


1) A 9 hole gold course has just been built along the oceanfront

2) The area between PP and Sihanoukville has been designated a special economic zone with investment incentives

3) The airport has been renovated and Bangkok Airways is negotiating direct flights from Thailand

4) Several casinos went under, but those that remain are being renovated with the anticipation of waves of tourists

5) A new water filtration plant has been built

6) The beach area is being cleared for hotel/condo development (straw huts going down)

7) The Japanese and Chinese governments are pouring money into the development of the deep water port, anticipating a huge increase in exports and imports


8) The Chinese government is funding a large-scale hydroelectric dam system to help make Cambodia energy independent

9) Several foreign governments/companies are mapping oil reserves and preparing to drill for oil

10) Cambodia is set for energy independence within the next 10 years......this will be a major and positive development as importing energy from Thailand is a major drain on the economy

11) Cambodia, unlike Thailand, has a very small population in relationship to land (very good for future development)

12) Cambodia, unlike Thailand, has an army of young and smart kids that want to make a better life for themselves and their country

13) skip it...

14) Small-scale entrepreneurs can own their own business (100% ownership in Cambodia) and do not have to hire four Cambodians, etc., (far better system than Thailand)

15) Expats wanting to retire in Cambodia can do so without any visa problems (Thailand's visa and business rules are totally insane)

16) Foreigners can lease land in Cambodia for a much longer time period than in Thailand

Cambodia is looking better to me.......especially Sihanoukville.

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What a bunch of totally useless and ignorant farangs.....that by the way "think they fit in".... these idiots are the normal teachers that work in thailands schools and are supposed to be leaders in society. They don't know anything about Cambodia..... and NEVER will because they are too stuck-up to learn anything. All they do is just open their cake hole and let a bad noise out :o

Pot and kettle come to mind... :D

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where are you going to stay? No 5 star hotels there? :o

There is a quality hotel there down on one of the beaches at Sinkynoonkville... modern and as I remember a tower block of about ten storeys in well planned gardens. But it was totally gutted. (As of four years ago or so.)

Yeah, great place to invest. Might be less trouble and a bit quicker to invest in a casino though. As a player I mean.

Is going to be high risk, high return? High risk, low return? Or all about becoming a big fish in a small pond? Why not. The alternative is to launch a takeover bid for a controlling interest in the Dorchester.


Hang onto your wallet!

Andrew Hicks

I imagine you are referring to the now completed Independance Resort Hotel & Spa,well it opened early this year and is truly luxurious, (at $100-400 a night it oughta be).

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Interesting why haven't you briefed me on all this :o

Can get morre then an annual visa?

How are the riding opportunities?

I found this site interesting , including the references to business visas.


PS You might clear some confusion if you clarified what kind of "riding" you envisage. :D

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Interesting why haven't you briefed me on all this :o

Can get morre then an annual visa?

How are the riding opportunities?

Havnt seen you mate,to busy with the fish and running to Cambo.

You can have a Tourist Visa for one month which can be extended for one more month (in PP )

or you can get a business visa for one month which you can extend for either 6 months ($140 ) or one year ($270 ) extensions are done by agents, you just give them your Passport and the appropriate sum and it comes back in about 48 hrs (delivered to your accomodation) you dont see Immigration at all.

Most of the ex-pats who ride have dirt bikes as there arnt as many highways as in Los but they have lots of Forests and National Parks to adventure in.

Licenses are a bit of a joke as people over 60 are not supposed to drive, but they only apply this to Khmers,(there arnt that many over 60 anyway,Pol Pot saw to that) A drivers license for a car and a bike up to 125cc is $35 but if you are falang and attained the noble age of 50 it will cost you $50 ,as for me pushing the big three score and ten ,well I cop an $85 fee. For a bike bigger than a 125 cc you have to do a special license in PP.



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As in most Third World countries that receive heaps of overseas aid monies ,there are many fingers in the cookie jar,and the perpetrators dont mind flaunting their ill-gotten gains,with their big hum v,s , 4WD LEXUS and outlandish spending habits. And yet I see little indication of the discontent you mention, to most inhabitants ,this is the most stable and peaceful period in their memory,The country is enjoying a developmental boom and this is providing more jobs and income for the khmer, when the country stabilises more and industries are established the situation will I feel improve greatly.

The huge expenditure in the Tourist and Leisure field must be an indication that things are not to bad as these industries are the first to suffer in an unstable environment.

I too feel sorry for the Khmer people,with their disproportionate number of orphans and folk maimed by land mines etc,but I am also heartened by their ability to always come up with a smile despite their many problems.

The amount of charity work carried out by many of the local ex-pat business owners surpasses anything I have seen or heard of in Los.

When hostilities with the Khmer Rouge ceased their leader was given a seat in the Government and the troops went back to their heartland west of Battambang near the Thai border complete with their arms.

No i am referring to the numerous land deals done in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukeville which

have involved blantant bribes - look at the " house " the Russians have built on the beach

at Sihanoukeville for the PM. But the locals dont get any benefit.

What about the lake in Phnom Penh - will all those being booted off get any compensation

- not likely !

Yes its stable but it doesnt mean it is a good stability - its stable because the PM and his

government re-wrote the constitution allowing him to stay in power FOR AGES

- no election due for a very long time. So yes it appears stable because the Khmer

are stunned that they can trodden on by their " leaders " yet again :o

Many truths in what you say,but I learned long ago not to bother myself with politics of foreign countries who put up with me.

The local populace seem happy to me and I am happy there ,and thats what counts to me.

The lakeside areas in PP are considered prime location,the residents,(many didnt actually have title to the land )were moved and are supposedly to be rehoused in another area.

Dont forget ,Cambodia is a third World country and the same thing is happening in developing nations ,for instance the market area in Bangkok where people are being shoo-ed out to make way for International hotel development.

I am no scholar when it comes to history ,(even recent) but I have learnt enough to know that despite the <deleted> that has been heaped on the Khmer and their country by the French,America,vietnam and the communists in the past few decades they are bouncing back,they are a remarkably resilient nation.

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This discussion on Sihanoukeville has definitely made me put it on the agenda of interesting places to visit in the next year. Ozzydom has been especially helpful on learning more about this travel destination I do think however that I will skip the local fried rat cuisine and not do any adventurous hiking in the old mine fields.

Just read some things about Cambodia and Sihanoukville on the govt. website and other sites, including TF........need to know if the following statements are fact or fiction:


1) A 9 hole gold course has just been built along the oceanfront

2) The area between PP and Sihanoukville has been designated a special economic zone with investment incentives

3) The airport has been renovated and Bangkok Airways is negotiating direct flights from Thailand

4) Several casinos went under, but those that remain are being renovated with the anticipation of waves of tourists

5) A new water filtration plant has been built

6) The beach area is being cleared for hotel/condo development (straw huts going down)

7) The Japanese and Chinese governments are pouring money into the development of the deep water port, anticipating a huge increase in exports and imports


8) The Chinese government is funding a large-scale hydroelectric dam system to help make Cambodia energy independent

9) Several foreign governments/companies are mapping oil reserves and preparing to drill for oil

10) Cambodia is set for energy independence within the next 10 years......this will be a major and positive development as importing energy from Thailand is a major drain on the economy

11) Cambodia, unlike Thailand, has a very small population in relationship to land (very good for future development)

12) Cambodia, unlike Thailand, has an army of young and smart kids that want to make a better life for themselves and their country

13) skip it...

14) Small-scale entrepreneurs can own their own business (100% ownership in Cambodia) and do not have to hire four Cambodians, etc., (far better system than Thailand)

15) Expats wanting to retire in Cambodia can do so without any visa problems (Thailand's visa and business rules are totally insane)

16) Foreigners can lease land in Cambodia for a much longer time period than in Thailand

Cambodia is looking better to me.......especially Sihanoukville.

A little bit of poetic license in some of your points JR but basically all true.RE your point No.14,dont forget you can hire 5 or 6 local staff for the salary of one in Los.

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The best thing is come and have a look and you will see big money is being spent here in many different fields.

G.E announced last week that they are opening up in PP. South Korean Bank is also opening up in Cambodia, there is a lot of foreign money coming in. In the apartment block where I live 90% are expats that got fed up with Thailand, one is building a 35 room hotel another is building a 23 room hotel, the English lady that lives next door moved from Thailand because of the increasing crime and the arrogrant attitude of the Thais. Others living here are a writer, but most are just retired and are enjoying the lay back life style just like I am.

Hope to see you soon.

Cheers Tony

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12) Cambodia, unlike Thailand, has an army of young and smart kids that want to make a better life for themselves and their country

15) Expats wanting to retire in Cambodia can do so without any visa problems (Thailand's visa and business rules are totally insane)

this did standout i.e. number 12 -they do seem smarter and their English speaking

abilities are far superior to the Thai's - and theyoung people are more aware of what's happening

in the outside world.

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Tony with all the build up is it possible to buy a house for around $40K in the area. sounding like prices may be going up with that kind of activity. I know they certainly have over the past five years in Issan. For a farrang style house In Udon might be hard pressed to get a good one for $60K these days and they don't come with beaches around here. The rental prices sound pretty much in line around here.

Dom that beach really looks nice I need to go see it.

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Note to Thai Visa..................maybe open a new website? My idea first

There already is a forum website similar to Thaivisa forum http://www.cambodiaforum.com

mmmmh maybe ThaiVisa is moving geographically too - note the date of registration (sheet I would have had that name but yet again missed it by a few days)...

Whois Record

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