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Youve Been Arrested, Now What?


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If you cant do the time dont do the crime.

Your comment is even better than the post of sanpatong!

Problem is, the OP and this thread is about being innocently accused, but I am sure you 'did the time' and read it first :-)

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Ok so the officer gave me a number to call.

I tried and nobody picked up the phone.

It was Sunday morning at around 5.

You no lucky the officer told me.

Tell me why you go that bar, maybe I can help you the officer told.

I explained everything and then the officer told me that if I could pay a 100.000 Bath all problems would be solved.

I do not have this amount of money and as I not did anything wrong I was surely not going to pay anything to anyone I explained to him.

Up to you he said then and added: Are you sure?

I then realized he was just part of it but only trying to play the nice guy.

Next thing that happened that I had to get my picture taken and fingerprints as they told me they found a few bags of drugs and found prints on it and they told me the owner of the bar/house denied it was his so they had to check it out.

So prints and pictures were taken and I was taken back to the waiting area.

Again after a while the ‘big boss’ came in and was shouting to the other officers.

I had to go back to the hospital for another urine check.

I again asked for two bottles and the staff reacted very irritated.

In the pick up truck I was watched by many locals and some were spitting on me.

Again placed in the waiting room.

During this whole experience I kept asking what I was accused of but no reply other then things like you have bad friend, you take drugs, you have big problem.

I was really tired and tried to get some sleep but after a while someone hit me hard in my stomach. It was another officer screaming and shouting to me in Thai.

I was taken to the same room where they previously took me and where they had there fun with the towel and water.

There where about five officers and they were holding me. I tried to resist but they were too strong.

They asked me to admit I buy drugs from the Club/house owner. I told them I never did.

And at that moment they kept on striking me, not in my face but in several body parts especially my stomach. And kept telling me if I admitted taking drugs I would be free.

I kept telling I did not do anything wrong.

After a while they placed me back in the waiting room. And then some guy came in that spoke good English.

I finally found out what the problem was.

This place was observed by undercover police for a few months and they found that drugs were being sold there so they assumed that anyone there was involved.

After the second urine check they confirmed that I did not have anything in it and also they checked fingerprints found on the bags with drugs and found they were not mine.

In the end I had to pay a fine of 300 Bath for drinking after closing time.

They gave back my belongings and told me to have a good time

I went back to my hotel room about 12, confused and hurt.

(Other things have been done to me but I will not them mention here as I think people will react that they not believe that has been done to me.)

For your info the whole police team was replaced there after receiving many complaints about them a year later.

Kind regards,



Edited by AlexLah
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Ok so the officer gave me a number to call.

I tried and nobody picked up the phone.

It was Sunday morning at around 5.

You no lucky the officer told me.

Tell me why you go that bar, maybe I can help you the officer told.

I explained everything and then the officer told me that if I could pay a 100.000 Bath all problems would be solved.

I do not have this amount of money and as I not did anything wrong I was surely not going to pay anything to anyone I explained to him.

Up to you he said then and added: Are you sure?

I then realized he was just part of it but only trying to play the nice guy.

Next thing that happened that I had to get my picture taken and fingerprints as they told me they found a few bags of drugs and found prints on it and they told me the owner of the bar/house denied it was his so they had to check it out.

So prints and pictures were taken and I was taken back to the waiting area.

Again after a while the ‘big boss’ came in and was shouting to the other officers.

I had to go back to the hospital for another urine check.

I again asked for two bottles and the staff reacted very irritated.

In the pick up truck I was watched by many locals and some were spitting on me.

Again placed in the waiting room.

During this whole experience I kept asking what I was accused of but no reply other then things like you have bad friend, you take drugs, you have big problem.

I was really tired and tried to get some sleep but after a while someone hit me hard in my stomach. It was another officer screaming and shouting to me in Thai.

I was taken to the same room where they previously took me and where they had there fun with the towel and water.

There where about five officers and they were holding me. I tried to resist but they were too strong.

They asked me to admit I buy drugs from the Club/house owner. I told them I never did.

And at that moment they kept on striking me, not in my face but in several body parts especially my stomach. And kept telling me if I admitted taking drugs I would be free.

I kept telling I did not do anything wrong.

After a while they placed me back in the waiting room. And then some guy came in that spoke good English.

I finally found out what the problem was.

This place was observed by undercover police for a few months and they found that drugs were being sold there so they assumed that anyone there was involved.

After the second urine check they confirmed that I did not have anything in it and also they checked fingerprints found on the bags with drugs and found they were not mine.

In the end I had to pay a fine of 300 Bath for drinking after closing time.

They gave back my belongings and told me to have a good time

I went back to my hotel room about 12, confused and hurt.

(Other things have been done to me but I will not them mention here as I think people will react that they not believe that has been done to me.)

For your info the whole police team was replaced there after receiving many complaints about them a year later.

Kind regards,


Is it really what we were waiting for? Nothing impressive, sorry! So maybe you should mention other things that have been done to you...

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Next thing that happened that I had to get my picture taken and fingerprints as they told me they found a few bags of drugs and found prints on it and they told me the owner of the bar/house denied it was his so they had to check it out.

i do not really want to go too long into what you yourself have done to aggravate the situation (a lot) as you stated it was a long time ago and you were kind of 'green'.

In this case, it seems pretty obvious to me you were never the target (else they would not have let you go after a while); they tried to grease up the bar owner, as you would not confess of him being your source, they might have found somebody else or the bar owner paid up finally as intended from the beginning and you were from one moment to the next without any interest to the police.

Sometimes it simply is 'in the wrong place at the wrong time'. You will never know what were the real motivations, sorry you had a bad experience.

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Yep I sold the whole story to a big producer and it will be a mini serie in 10 parts, reality style they told me :o

I guess indeed I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It was at that time that the war on drugs was declared so I think the coppers were a bit motivated to find ways to recieve their bonus.

Oh,and frenchfarang,

Please try at home (just for fun) Sit in a chair, let a few friends hold you tight and give you a good punch in the stomach let them wrap a towel around your head and let them start pouring plenty of water over your face while one of your friends pulls your head backwards.

After you experienced that for a few minutes come back here and tell me if you enjoyed it. :D

Anyway what you need is not the normal number from your embassy but an emergency number.

When have to do a pee pee test ask for two botlles and keep one yourself and hold it thight (assuming you are not an illegal drug user).

Have some picture ID with you at all times or a copy of your passport (I run into problems because I did not have my passport neither a copy of it with me at that time, but that is a long story so I not tell).

Do not shout to the police, another English guy did this and he recieved some serious beating.

When you are asked to empty your pockets do it in front of a camera when there is one, otherwise let plenty of people watch and better undress completely and let the officer empty your pockets after you showed there is nothing (No drugs or other illegal stuff) in there.

Make sure you have on paper a few telephone numbers of friends/embassy incasepolice take your mobile. just stash it somewhere in these small pockets of your jeans.

If you are taken to some special room be prepared and flex your muscless.

Stay calm at all times and tell you are not guilty of anything, never sign any statement unless you know what it says and you agree with it.

Again I say this is a vey good topic for when you come into some problems that you think would never happen to you.

Take care all,


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Thanks for the story Alex. Despite the negative posts, it is very relevant as The former PM is being investigated for the notorious procedures of 'war on drugs' - just a few short yrs ago.

I also suffered a similar tale to you - perhaps we were at the same venue but on different occasions during the famed period of time?

I didn't tell my mum yet - did you? :o

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Cops are never there to help you.

Their mission all over the world is to score money or a notch in their belt.

Many are aggressive type personalities who have disdain for humans.

I've known a few good ones, but that is rare.

Especially in metro areas.

Cops deal with the scum of society and quickly get an attitude.

That said, I was flipping a coin between retiring in Thailand vs. Phillipines.

Now I'm leaning toward the Phillipines.

They have vigilante justice in Cebu, but it's been working okay.

Further advice and comments are appreciated.

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Ok so the officer gave me a number to call.

I tried and nobody picked up the phone.

It was Sunday morning at around 5.

You no lucky the officer told me.

Tell me why you go that bar, maybe I can help you the officer told.

I explained everything and then the officer told me that if I could pay a 100.000 Bath all problems would be solved.

I do not have this amount of money and as I not did anything wrong I was surely not going to pay anything to anyone I explained to him.

Up to you he said then and added: Are you sure?

I then realized he was just part of it but only trying to play the nice guy.

Next thing that happened that I had to get my picture taken and fingerprints as they told me they found a few bags of drugs and found prints on it and they told me the owner of the bar/house denied it was his so they had to check it out.

So prints and pictures were taken and I was taken back to the waiting area.

Again after a while the ‘big boss’ came in and was shouting to the other officers.

I had to go back to the hospital for another urine check.

I again asked for two bottles and the staff reacted very irritated.

In the pick up truck I was watched by many locals and some were spitting on me.

Again placed in the waiting room.

During this whole experience I kept asking what I was accused of but no reply other then things like you have bad friend, you take drugs, you have big problem.

I was really tired and tried to get some sleep but after a while someone hit me hard in my stomach. It was another officer screaming and shouting to me in Thai.

I was taken to the same room where they previously took me and where they had there fun with the towel and water.

There where about five officers and they were holding me. I tried to resist but they were too strong.

They asked me to admit I buy drugs from the Club/house owner. I told them I never did.

And at that moment they kept on striking me, not in my face but in several body parts especially my stomach. And kept telling me if I admitted taking drugs I would be free.

I kept telling I did not do anything wrong.

After a while they placed me back in the waiting room. And then some guy came in that spoke good English.

I finally found out what the problem was.

This place was observed by undercover police for a few months and they found that drugs were being sold there so they assumed that anyone there was involved.

After the second urine check they confirmed that I did not have anything in it and also they checked fingerprints found on the bags with drugs and found they were not mine.

In the end I had to pay a fine of 300 Bath for drinking after closing time.

They gave back my belongings and told me to have a good time

I went back to my hotel room about 12, confused and hurt.

(Other things have been done to me but I will not them mention here as I think people will react that they not believe that has been done to me.)

For your info the whole police team was replaced there after receiving many complaints about them a year later.

Kind regards,


Is it really what we were waiting for? Nothing impressive, sorry! So maybe you should mention other things that have been done to you...

Nothing impressive? <deleted>? Alex, if this had happened to me (thank the Lord, I've never been that unlucky) I can only imagine that I would have been a quivering, emotional wreck & signed any ridiculous statement they wanted me to. I'd like to hope I'd be brave & hold out, but probably not. :D

I think some people watch too many movies & think they're Jean Claude Van Damne :o

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Hi November Rain,

Did you read part one and two of my story?

Indeed a few people here think they are superhumans, up to them.

I just wanted to share an experience that I had and to make clear that these kind of things really happen.

As for me how I feel about it.

The towel and water thing still hunts me at times as it was a really nightmare experience.

It felt if I was going to die.

Those people that do this should be put in jail or give them the same.

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You are not the only one with a story like that - I have friends that were arrested on false charges and spent a lot of time in police custody. They were Asian.

I just sent you a PM.

*just to add to this for everyone else: I know Burmese that have spent a lot of time in the custody of police, or arrested off the streets for no other reason other than being Burmese. The stories they have to tell surpass minor entertainment, and are very painful for them. Bear that in mind when you ask someone to share their story.

Edited by kat
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Hi November Rain,

Did you read part one and two of my story?

Indeed a few people here think they are superhumans, up to them.

I just wanted to share an experience that I had and to make clear that these kind of things really happen.

As for me how I feel about it.

The towel and water thing still hunts me at times as it was a really nightmare experience.

It felt if I was going to die.

Those people that do this should be put in jail or give them the same.

Yes, I did read all of it. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'm so sorry that you (or anyone!) had to (has to) go through that (or worse!). As I said before, all I can do is thank the Lord I've never been unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, as that seems to be the only circumstance needed. :o

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Maybe you got into a shoving match with someone else and a cop happened to be coming out of 711.
I never shove people.
Maybe your Thai girl friend took you too a party and the Cops decide to raid a dice game while you are there.
I never go to parties hosted by strangers.
Perhaps you went to an after hours bar that got raided.
I never go to "after hours" bars.
Someone half your size tried to pick your pocket and you caught him with a mean left hook.
I was a victim of attempted pick-pocketing twice. I just slapped the hand away and looked at the man. They ran away.
You felt the need to use self defense and hit someone with a bat.
I would never get into that situation.
You accidently hit someone with your car.
Never have.
Someone brought drugs into your car without you knowing and it got searched.
Nobody gets into my car who I don't know.

Sorry, can't be much help. But I think you need to change your life-style, otherwise jail.gif

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