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Bread-machine Baking: What to do when the power fails...halfway through?

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Dear Folks, 


The vagaries of the local power supply are fairly well-known to a few of you.


Now, here I am.


Halfway through the bread-machine baking process....


And, the grid has failed, not surprisingly.


Therefore:  What can be done with a loaf that is not really a loaf, but more of a half-baked glob of dough?


Do I make some sort of dough-soup with it?


I know there is such a thing as dough soup, but is this the ONLY remedy?


Or, could I just pop this unbaked thing into my large Electrolux convection oven...and take a different route?


The power fails quite regularly here, which is just about the ONLY thing about the power supply that is regular.


I am sure that this type of thing will happen to me frequently.


And so, such a question as this is definitely worth asking.


Thanks for any creative suggestions.


Best regards,





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