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If Your Thai Wife Isn't With You Now...


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'Are you married?' I asked..... 'I dont know....' She replied.

Now, this is interesting. Quite often Asian people say "maybe" to imply "no", but "I don't know" :o ? Are you sure she understood what you were saying ?

She knew exactly what I was asking and spoke fluent english - with a somewhat grating American accent. (For the record... her friend did tell me she was married to some guy who lived in Qatar. She wore her engagement ring on her right hand - a whopper it was too.) But honestly, it really is too pathetic. If you are going to get married and commit underdying loyalty to some bloke why be in some club saying 'I dont know' 6 months later. I could have respected her a bit more if she had just lied about it but who the ###### doesnt know if they are married or not. I went home with her friend...

6 months? Wow, that's a long time for some people. I was once asked back to the home of a Thai chick in a village who had not been married more than a few weeks (unbeknown to me). When I arrived on the agreed day and time, her Mum came running out the house to head me off at the pass, saying it was impossible for us to meet. when pressed for a reason ( I just assumed I was invited round to the home of a nice looking girl I met on the bus), her Mum blurted out "Noi, daeng-ngan laew". I learned later from a neighbour the wedding had occured just a few weeks beforehand and her hubby (Thai I believe), had returned to work in the city leaving tender young bride at home with the parents. Strange situation in Thai context, as she must have realised it wasn't the normal thing to do when newly married, but still went ahead and invited a single farang round the house. Always wondered if the hubby got to find out or not. :D

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I think it's pretty much a "given" that the Thai woman's major interest in a Farang man is money. If you (the man) can find some other percentage values in what you are getting for the money, it may be tolerable. Love is likely down the list several points. It is a very "iffy" situation to have a serious GF and/or wife, to whom you are giving money, when you do not live with them or see them on a daily basis. I have had ladies cheat on me, under my very nose, in the same day.

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A School teacher friend in Uk told me that OVER 50 percent of kids now are living in broken homes , most with there mothers as one parent familys , marriages and relationships fail all over the world Thailand is no different :o .


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I think it's pretty much a "given" that the Thai woman's major interest in a Farang man is money. If you (the man) can find some other percentage values in what you are getting for the money, it may be tolerable. Love is likely down the list several points. It is a very "iffy" situation to have a serious GF and/or wife, to whom you are giving money, when you do not live with them or see them on a daily basis. I have had ladies cheat on me, under my very nose, in the same day.


Are you over 60?

Are you very ugly?

Are you a very bad person?

Do you treat people very badly?

Do you have a very low IQ?

If you say yes to 4 of the above, then your post is 100% right!

I do not know if it is good or not. My problem has always been girls wanting me too much. And I can tell you it might not actually be a good thing if you do not intend for a long relationship.

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I think it's pretty much a "given" that the Thai woman's major interest in a Farang man is money. If you (the man) can find some other percentage values in what you are getting for the money, it may be tolerable. Love is likely down the list several points. It is a very "iffy" situation to have a serious GF and/or wife, to whom you are giving money, when you do not live with them or see them on a daily basis. I have had ladies cheat on me, under my very nose, in the same day.


Are you over 60?

Are you very ugly?

Are you a very bad person?

Do you treat people very badly?

Do you have a very low IQ?

If you say yes to 4 of the above, then your post is 100% right!

I do not know if it is good or not. My problem has always been girls wanting me too much. And I can tell you it might not actually be a good thing if you do not intend for a long relationship.

I can say yes to # 1. The remainder is a definate NO and I am not an excessive drinker or make my selections from bar girls. I treat them very well and if anything I am to nice to them. From what I have seen, 95 % of them think Farnags are stupid chumps to be taken advantage of. Lying and deception from them is the order of the day.

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I think it's pretty much a "given" that the Thai woman's major interest in a Farang man is money. If you (the man) can find some other percentage values in what you are getting for the money, it may be tolerable. Love is likely down the list several points. It is a very "iffy" situation to have a serious GF and/or wife, to whom you are giving money, when you do not live with them or see them on a daily basis. I have had ladies cheat on me, under my very nose, in the same day.


Are you over 60?

Are you very ugly?

Are you a very bad person?

Do you treat people very badly?

Do you have a very low IQ?

If you say yes to 4 of the above, then your post is 100% right!

I do not know if it is good or not. My problem has always been girls wanting me too much. And I can tell you it might not actually be a good thing if you do not intend for a long relationship.

I can say yes to # 1. The remainder is a definate NO and I am not an excessive drinker or make my selections from bar girls. I treat them very well and if anything I am to nice to them. From what I have seen, 95 % of them think Farnags are stupid chumps to be taken advantage of. Lying and deception from them is the order of the day.

I agree totally. Doesnt mean there isnt the odd genuine diamond amongst the masses and that's what allows us to believe that our one is special. I know two women waiting to go to falangland who are just ripping off the guys, all the girls know that the plan is to get to falangland, split up after self harm and call the cops. Doesn't mean they will do it but its certainly a topic well aired in the bars. You can't blame them all the guys butterfly and lie so whats sauce for the goose..........no one will thank you for saying it though............everyone has a vow of silence on the subject of bar girl wives. My wife never worked in a bar thank God so I never had the dilemma and yet is close friends with several from the village who do. They have masses of men on the go and all have season tickets to the WU booth. Some will make good marriages, and faithful marriage partners, more will ruin some suckers life......if the sucker is dumb enough to leave his critical faculties behind when he gets on the plane. If you can't pull in the US or Oz or Europe and are a pulling machine in Thailand it's your money they are after.

Edited by ratchabuild
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I think it's pretty much a "given" that the Thai woman's major interest in a Farang man is money. If you (the man) can find some other percentage values in what you are getting for the money, it may be tolerable. Love is likely down the list several points. It is a very "iffy" situation to have a serious GF and/or wife, to whom you are giving money, when you do not live with them or see them on a daily basis. I have had ladies cheat on me, under my very nose, in the same day.


Are you over 60?

Are you very ugly?

Are you a very bad person?

Do you treat people very badly?

Do you have a very low IQ?

If you say yes to 4 of the above, then your post is 100% right!

I do not know if it is good or not. My problem has always been girls wanting me too much. And I can tell you it might not actually be a good thing if you do not intend for a long relationship.

I can say yes to # 1. The remainder is a definate NO and I am not an excessive drinker or make my selections from bar girls. I treat them very well and if anything I am to nice to them. From what I have seen, 95 % of them think Farnags are stupid chumps to be taken advantage of. Lying and deception from them is the order of the day.

I am sorry about your experience. I could be wrong about thai girls. I don't really know. Who knows?

But are you actually looking for a long term relationship but can't find one? Or is it just an observation? Is your communication skills good especially when dealing with thais? Being overly kind is not always a guarantee of return of sincerity. You have to choose the right people.

I do also think you and I will have to admit to reality that it is more difficult for a man over 60 than a young man to find a woman genuinely falling in love. You also have to understand for a farang like you in thailand which the average people are working class and farmers which means they are poor, you are more likely to attract people that are interested in your money than in countries where average people are as wealthy as farangs. But there you might perhaps find it more miserable that people aren't even interested in your money.

Just my humble opinion, Sir. I wish you good luck. :o

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My wife called me from Thailand asking me to post a warning to Farang with a Thai wife. She is upset because she knows several Thai women that are using farang husbands to finance their lives with Thai husbands back in Thailand.

My wife is with my kids in Phatthalung where my sister-in-law has a small roadside restaurant. A Thai woman was eating noodles and bragging how she was taking advantage of her farang husband living in farangland.

I told her I would pass this warning on to ThaiVisa.com and that is what this post is about.

Now personally, I think this topic has been discussed so often on the website, but I find it interesting that the behavior of these Thai women really makes my wife so upset. Anyway, I've put out the warning though I doubt it will have any real impact.

I disagree, my wife is here with me now and she is still using me for money :o

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by the way, my wife is going abroad tomorrow for a couple of weeks. she does that every now and then. before she leaves she always insists that i should not eskrew around with any females. neither in the vicinity nor in more distant places. although she did not specifically request that i post this in TV-forum i feel obliged to do so and warn all fellow farangs not to eskrew around. i do hope you get the message... or else!


Troll? :D


Probably. :D

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Donx, Its very much the Topic in my Local Noodle shop also. probably in ever knoodle shop in Thailand where there a a few Farangs around.

When my wife tried to put them straight (she doesn't bother now), they looked at her as if she had just landed from the red planet. There are farangs sitting with these girls (The Girls are ruff as a Bears Arse) while they have the conversation, drinking beer and oblivious. Don't worry about anyone else mate, Don't try to understand it, I certainly don't understand it, just keep an eye on your own relationship.

Its regarded as perfectly normal in my village, Its not just Farang, but Japs, Singaporeans and Older wealthy Thais. A lot of Thai girls keep a Man for MOney (regardless of his nationality), and a boy for Love. The poor girls appear to have aged before there time though, as its quite hard work all the story telling and deceipt , I'm quite sure a couple of them don't know which world they are living in anymore, the world with there Thai Husband/Boyfriend/Gardener/He's Family thats why he's having breakfast with us, or there Farang Husband cum ATM. There are regional variations on whats acceptable, they still sell there daughters up here.

There are also some really nice sweet girls in our village with really nice farangs. We have our eyes open , thats all that matters, I can spot or smell a wrong one from a distance, it shows on there face and it shows on there belts as there's usually more than one Mobile Phone attatched, one for each different story ;-)

These Girls go to great lengths to keep there Farangs away from me because as you've probably noticed, I'm a gob-<deleted> ! ;-)

By the way guys, I'm new to these forums, whats a TROLL ? (please, Don't tell me its a Character from Folklore)

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By the way guys, I'm new to these forums, whats a TROLL ? (please, Don't tell me its a Character from Folklore)

But they are. Way back in the dark ages, when screens were black and green came silly little <deleted> who were starved for attention making usenet postings designed to provoke a response, similar to putting out fish bait. They've multiplied enormously over the last decade or so as the internet became easier and easier to use.

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By the way guys, I'm new to these forums, whats a TROLL ? (please, Don't tell me its a Character from Folklore)

But they are. Way back in the dark ages, when screens were black and green came silly little <deleted> who were starved for attention making usenet postings designed to provoke a response, similar to putting out fish bait. They've multiplied enormously over the last decade or so as the internet became easier and easier to use.

thanks, I was starting to get the picture but wasn't totally sure, excellent description ! :o

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I can spot or smell a wrong one from a distance, it shows on there face and it shows on there belts as there's usually more than one Mobile Phone attatched, one for each different story ;-)

Apologies for being a bit thick :o , but i don't understand why you'd need more than one phone to execute a deception ?

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One for you, one for me, one for you, two for me.

I can hear a cartoonish voice in my head saying this but no image ... who used to say that ??

Think it was Laurel and Hardy or larry, Moe and Curly who I was thinking, or was it Simons wife.

It is so old that Laurel & Hardey, The 3 Stooges and The Marx Brothers all used it in different movies. Probably comes from a vaudville act that none of them wrote.

The cartoonish voice would have been the 3 Stooges version.

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Think it was Laurel and Hardy or larry, Moe and Curly who I was thinking, or was it Simons wife.


It is so old that Laurel & Hardey, The 3 Stooges and The Marx Brothers all used it in different movies. Probably comes from a vaudville act that none of them wrote.

The cartoonish voice would have been the 3 Stooges version.

Thanks, folks, that makes sense.

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If Your Husband Isn't With You Now... He is <removed> Around!

Over 50% of the men I know visit brothels! I dop not have the idea of the percentage of the other 50% who does. Most do not let their wives know. I was with my friends in this karaoke bar and a friend of mine insisted that I post here to warn women here.

Actually I am curious. Are there more farangs with thai wives who fvcks around or the other way round?

um, the percentage of the other 50% would be 50%

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Well Well Well what else is new in Thailand

I have a better one for you My wife family who as money base on waht i give to them in tyhe apst 3 year never consider me as part of the family NOW MY RETIRED VISA IS DUE and they do not wnat to help me even if they own 120 rai of land thus i have to choice than to live this country once and for all .

Thai Lady are just very selfish , insecure do not want to learn about western culture or the way we do thing's in our country

and very money hungry like the whole Thai society for that mattter

Now i have Australian friend who as been married to one also and she as been asking more and more money very month for the child who is 4 year old milk ask him to stop at BIG C when he come back not at the airport and greet him so he can buy two mobile and a washing machine an ask for Dior perfume .

Horse shit if you ask me

Not worth living in this country anymore and i do not wnat to generalized here some are very nice and good by 80% of them are corrupt like the whole majority of the police force .

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WaiWai, you wouldn't necessarily need more than one mobile phone to execute a deception. The ones we know do, one for business and one for pleasure maybe, one of the girls is juggling 3 or 4 Foreign Husbands at a time, and they all appear oblivious to it, I've met two of them, they probably ring there 'Tee-Lak' regularly to say how much they are missing her and that the moneys on its way. Set each different phone to a different vibrate and you've got it sorted.

Anyway, its not really that important just an observation I made whilst 'Thai watching'

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I can spot or smell a wrong one from a distance, it shows on there face and it shows on there belts as there's usually more than one Mobile Phone attatched, one for each different story ;-)

Apologies for being a bit thick :o , but i don't understand why you'd need more than one phone to execute a deception ?

Different SIM cards = different numbers. Saves the trouble of having to change SIM cards in the same phone - quicker & more efficient. The phone switching scam is probably # 1 on the list with the little lovelys.

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Sorry; I really still don't get why they would need more than one phone OR number to speak with different people.

I am curious because I have noticed it, too, but never understood. I can only see that if one of the teeraks became aware that someone else had been dialling the same number often, they might become suspicious, but that seems unlikely.

danmtl, sounds like you've had a bad experience there :o .

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Sorry; I really still don't get why they would need more than one phone OR number to speak with different people.

I am curious because I have noticed it, too, but never understood. I can only see that if one of the teeraks became aware that someone else had been dialling the same number often, they might become suspicious, but that seems unlikely.

danmtl, sounds like you've had a bad experience there :o .

It is easier to keep the calls & callers seperated. If she has a Thai BF, she can keep one # for him & another for the Farangs Thai BF will likely be checking her call list, time used, etc. Use the appropriate phone for whichever gent is in residence at the time, no confusion, etc, etc. I would say I have had a bit of personal experience with this. Many of the ADEPT ladies have several phones & SIM cards for "multi-tasking".

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Why not just clear the calls/messages after use ?

OK; maybe I just got it - can't keep the one phone switched off/on silent all the time. If there's a call while the other guy is there, he'll want to know why she didn't answer.

Yes ?

I am learning :o .

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There Thai, keep it simple, 5 husbands = five mobiles; easy , each husband gets to buy her a phone. only speaking from my wifes understanding of what goes on, I'm sure some have more than one for fashion reasons. The bent copper I dealt with at the weekend had two mobiles also, wonder why that was. ! ? ;-)

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The motives of man and woman are as old as sin.

The man instinctively chases skirt and gets hooked and the woman reaps the cash harvest.

It's not just Thai or farang, it's universal.

Anyway, you've all managed to depress me so much, I've dropped the idea of marrying a Thai and I'm going back to soapies whenever the mood takes me. :o

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