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Detailed Account Of 'tv Run' To Vientiane?

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Hi everyone,

I'm due to go get a new tv in vientiane shortly. Would like to know if anyone has posted a detailed explanation on how to proceed (train schedule, border crossing, then to vientiane, where to go to apply for tv, delay..). If yes, could you please give me a link. Otherwise if anybody is kind enough to give it a go, would be great.

Thanks in advance :o

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This report by Rito in the 2nd link is also excellent.



The hardest or most troublesome part for me was being unwittingly led astray by the touts each time you got offf

the bus or tuk tuk. A polite something or other in Thai generally works.

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Thanks for your replies. Thats a start..but not exactly what i was looking for since i intend to make the journey by TRAIN from BKK. The main things i wanted some details on were the different steps from Nong Khai train station (i presume that's where i'd have to stop) to Vientiane, meaning getting to the border, getting a lao visa, entering lao, getting to Vientiane. Also, where do i have to go to get a TV in vientiane? And about how long do i have to wait in order to get my visa (i'm guessing about 1 or 2 days) Any info/help areciated . Thanks :o

Train fares and (aproximate) time tables would be good to.

Thanks again

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Well, you could start planning here..

State Railways timetables Clink on link for North-Eastern line

Suggest overnight second class sleeper, lower bunk. If air-con take something warm to slip on.. :o In my experience it can get mighty cold overnight...

Tuk-Tuk from station to Friendship bridge, exit Thailand, Get Laos visa (35US$ I think, better to pay in dollars too), arrange transport from Laos side to Vientienne..

Sorry, can't be much use after that.. I've only ever been to drink Beer Lao...

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when i last got the train to nong khai the train stopped at the station (there are 2),which was easy walking distance from the border (i found this out after getting a tuk tuk there).you just jump on a bus 15 baht to take you across the bridge.they would not let me walk across.you can get a laos visa at the border,easy enough,but can be a pain as sometimes you can be waiting with 50 or so others,as the passports get handed out with a shout of a name,plus any change from the money given.

there are laos tuk tuks waiting after you've gone through immigration,its better to get on one thats loaded up a bit if you want to pay 40 baht to the main guest house area by the mekong.its better to walk straight ahead behind all the food shacks where theres a local bus,that stops there that will take you to a bus station for 15 baht (approx) which is walking distance from the backpackers area.if your thais not that great,maybe just say mekong,or ban pak (guest house) for a local to point you in the right direction.a tuk tuk from the tourist area to thai immigration office will cost around 40 baht.its not that far,& i quite liked walking it.you will need copies of your passport,& photos.the copies can be got at a restaurant type place about 400 mtrs before the thai consulate.dont use the people outside the embassy as you will pay something silly for it.application for the thai visa is done in the morning,& pick up in the afternoon.

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