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Thai Pauly - You Online? You Up To A Challenge?

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Full Moon of Loy Kratong this year (2007) is 24th Nov (a Saturday)

So how's about a special expat kroaky (karaoke) competition at your restaurant? Maybe sharing a 2nd round and final with other venues such as Tusk-tusk (tut-tut?) and The Pub - nice beer shame about the ......... (? insert your own preference of noun)

1st Round - Week before LK (Sat 17th Nov) is "Constructive lyrics night" - how much can you "localise" the lyrics of your favourite English language song - "Hotel Huay Kaew Road", "Midnight at the Khao San Road" etc etc etc - not about singing, but about lyric writing. BUT - you write it = you "sing" it !!! (That's Austhaied totally knackered then - hehehehehe :D )

2nd Round - Week after LK (31st Nov) starts to be about singing ability, but includes a new song localised by the singer = combo of the two skills (best singer might not win through to the final, but the most entertaining one might :D:o ).

Final (7th Dec and start of Xmas run-up) is finals = combo of singing skills and lyricism and entertainment and making a total plonker of yerself :D


WHITE CHRISTMAS (Bong Crispy version)

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,

Just like the ones I used to know.

Where those beer-tops glisten,

And bargirls listen

To hear khatoeys in the show.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,

With every cute face that I sight,

"May your smiles be merry and bright,

And may all your bar-fine bills be light".

blah blah blah

What da ya say oh shiny headed one - ya up for hosting & sponsoring something like this?

C'mon - give the whole Chiangmai forum something to look forward to for the chilly season.


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Jolly good - as you know, your kroaky skills make you a Pavarotti compared to my Kermit the Frog :D

Just thought it could be a good wheeze for the build up to Christmas, without interfering with the overload of Christmas festivities we have each year :o

Now if we can get a few others to go for it and build some momentum into such an event ...........


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