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Ok, so we know that there is a law that allows police to get a few extra baht by stopping folks who are not wearing a helmet. Of course they will only stop you when they feel like taking the time to do so. I see more drivers without helmets than with helmets.


Helmets here are a joke, ok they might give some protection, but they way bus and truck drivers act on the road you will need more than plastic on your head.

ALSO helmets DO NOT protect other drivers. GLASSES are much more important. With all the dust and crap on the road glasses would not only help protect the driver but also other vehicles that the glassless driver would hit.

I understand this is all a hopeless issue and nothing will ever change Thai driving habits, but for those of us that know about driving a vehicle without a windshield glasses provide safety for everyone.

I am proud that my USA state revoked the helmet law if you want to kill yourself go ahead, but GLASSES are still the law for every state.

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What I notice is that even for Thais they dont fit and they hold the helmet with one hand.

Or better still when its raining they hold an umbrella.

Hmm riding bikes one handed is, well dangerous and in the wet!!!!

A Thai friend explained that they have never had a crash but that it all changes after their first.

Having ridden dirt bikes for a long time a quote I use is: "It's not if but when and how hard" and my position is hopefully

"not very often and not very hard" when describing crashes.

Ohh yes some Thais must have a second clear eyelids cause i cant ride for more than 200 meters before I get something in my eye.

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Better a crappy helmet than no helmet.

If you take a crash you take a crash. The tropical climate isn't conducive to armour or heavy helmets alas but thats the risk of life out in LOS.

Some would argue a bit of danger here and there makes for safer driving than a safe environment where everyone relaxes and doesn't drive with edge and focus.

Thai style is thai style. This ain't Europe guys :o Roll with the thai groove and enjoy it.

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Ok, so we know that there is a law that allows police to get a few extra baht by stopping folks who are not wearing a helmet. Of course they will only stop you when they feel like taking the time to do so. I see more drivers without helmets than with helmets.


Helmets here are a joke, ok they might give some protection, but they way bus and truck drivers act on the road you will need more than plastic on your head.

ALSO helmets DO NOT protect other drivers. GLASSES are much more important. With all the dust and crap on the road glasses would not only help protect the driver but also other vehicles that the glassless driver would hit.

I understand this is all a hopeless issue and nothing will ever change Thai driving habits, but for those of us that know about driving a vehicle without a windshield glasses provide safety for everyone.

I am proud that my USA state revoked the helmet law if you want to kill yourself go ahead, but GLASSES are still the law for every state.

The best I have ever seen and it still brings tears to my eyes is ; In Aran down by the bus station the police were pulling over bikes without helmets and from behind me a cycle came up with a old dude wearing a ball cap with FOIL wraped around it! Guess what he got waved through. Sat there for five min. with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard..........
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The habit that bothers me is when they put the helmet in the basket and drive bareheaded. That's how my best student received his fatal head injury.

How about the position of the basket? Right in front of the head light so if the headlight is on, it is obscured by the helmet that sits in the basket! It would be funny if there were not so many of them getting killed!

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Better a crappy helmet than no helmet.

If you take a crash you take a crash. The tropical climate isn't conducive to armour or heavy helmets alas but thats the risk of life out in LOS.

Some would argue a bit of danger here and there makes for safer driving than a safe environment where everyone relaxes and doesn't drive with edge and focus.

Thai style is thai style. This ain't Europe guys :o Roll with the thai groove and enjoy it.

Agreed but how much protection does a cheap helmet really give ?

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But...but...it isn't just the Thai's. I find it laughable to see a significant number of the Harley & larger road bike farang riders

wearing a plastic skull cap. It looks more like a Tupperwear bowl! Okay...'it's a helmet'...but it offers not much more protection

than the Thai who has his helmet in the front basket!

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