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Mouth To Mouth Kissing


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The Mrs had never so much as had a boyfriend when we met. When we were wed or there abouts (chaperoned up until then :o ) I could teach her all from ground base. She has no problems mumsie kisses (puckered lips, no tongues) when away from public eyes. Frenchies are for bed time and even then not continual.

Thais do not like kissing in public. A little old lady I saw once chased a young backpacker Scandenavian couple away from the front of her shop; they were having a snog right outside. She had one of those Thai brooms (made from bamboo and grass) - looked kind-a-like the Mama from Tom and Jerry. She was grumbing about bad luck and f'ing farang - in front of me! - for a afir while afterwoods.

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I picked up one of my regulars one time at around 10 PM. 22 hours later she still had "Thai breath" even though I saw her brush her teeth twice and she ate no spicy food during that time. So I think the oder may be coming up from their stomach and brushing does not good.

I used to live in Rio Brazil where they have the best whorehouses in the world. Most of those girls kiss. Same thing in Cuba. But Thailand rules -that's why I'm still here!

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I picked up one of my regulars one time at around 10 PM. 22 hours later she still had "Thai breath" even though I saw her brush her teeth twice and she ate no spicy food during that time. So I think the oder may be coming up from their stomach and brushing does not good.

Certain foods such as garlic and onion can be easily absorbed into the blood stream... when the blood passes through the lungs it can release these odours into the lungs, and then into used air to be expelled, when this air is expelled the odours can be smelt on the breath... this also the same for alcohol... this means that odours can be smelt on the breath long after meals and after brushing teeth.

totster :o

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"I have never seen a working whore anywhere in the world that was into kissing."

And with that kind of attitude I doubt they are likely going to want to kiss you as well! :o

Kevin, me thinks you should hang with a little better quality of tart! :D

I have fond memories of my last week in Pattaya in June when two of the little chrome pole climbers were having a bit of a kissing contest between the three of us. Of course it was a draw so I had to take the both of them along.


Yes, an unashamed monger I am.....


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yep, looks like your two typical bargirls. You can tell from the fake tshirt and the saggy belly as mentioned in another thread :o

of course , they'll do anything for money so i would hardly say now that they are representative of LOs

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You lucky freak! Looks like you had plenty of fun that night.

One question. I have heard the word 'minger' used by you Brit cats. Is 'monger'

the masculine form?

Not to my knowledge, maybe it's short for 'whoremonger'? A physically unfortunate no-life man is usually a 'sad bastard'. :o

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If I had to choose between puting myself in one of the two groups, I'd have to go into the whoremonger group because I'm a dashing young bloke. Now, the man that is both a whoremonger and a sad bastard must have a really full, exciting life indeed!

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I was trying to be polite. Whoremonger whould be the word I was referring to.

And she was kissing her "chin"?

Yeah, right. We'll keep it PG here but that wasn't what I saw or experienced..... :D


Of course they are doing it for money! I'm sure you're live-in is just there 'cause you're such a stud, right? :o:D:D I'm not that delusional, thank you.

Take care,


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It's a subtle thing. You can't inhale like you're taking a deep breath but on the other hand it needs to be enough to let the other person know it's not an "air kiss." I love doing it! :D

yes, very subtle. one of my my TGF s introduced me to it and a do like it as a sort of kissing foreplay. once you go down the neck and the ears it actually turns thai girls on quite a bit. since my TGF s always smell sooooo good anyway, it s great to do. i think it is much more subtle then french kissing, and some thai girls don t know french kissing very well, in these cases i stick to sniff kiss. Also, it is better to sniff kiss then to sweet mouth too much... LOL :D:D:o

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"Can we see the rest of ths great slide show? Seriously now. "

Likely one or two more I can post without mods doing a hatchet job on it.....

Gotta watch the sensitivities of all remember:



It gets a little dicey after that and I doubt the PC amoung us would appreciate what I CERTAINLY APPRECIATED!

Of course it was all for my benefit. They work bar. They go with falang.

Whatever gets the job done.

Go make yourself some memories.

Take care,


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OK...lots of are saying that the Thai women dont kiss mouth to mouth or in this case, tongue to tongue because they never had bf's or husbands that did that to them, even foreplay? Man, then doesn't that mean the Thai men just dont do that? Is it because they dont know how and dont want to look like a fool? Or is it bad breath? I highly doubt it's the breath. They do have mouth wash, gum, and mint there dont they? I think i need to take a trip to Thailand and show some of the men a few things. Someone has to be the aggressive one. :o

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My girlfriend has never kissed before either. I only tried to give her a kiss once and she almost had a heart attack. :o I brought up the subject last night and she said "i dont like kissing, because i never try". Doesn't make sense to me. *Rainman draws up a strategy plan* :D

Is that a photo of your girlfriend you have there? If so, she looks real pretty!

Is that a photo of your girlfriend there?

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"Can we see the rest of ths great slide show? Seriously now. "

Likely one or two more I can post without mods doing a hatchet job on it.....

Gotta watch the sensitivities of all remember:



It gets a little dicey after that and I doubt the PC amoung us would appreciate what I CERTAINLY APPRECIATED!

Of course it was all for my benefit. They work bar. They go with falang.

Whatever gets the job done.

Go make yourself some memories.

Take care,


Dude, you do realize that both "girl boys" in those photos you posted don't you???!!

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Asafa, still wet behind the ears, or should I say "Dude"?

Go try to wind-up someone else.

I've known them both for a couple of years.

You haven't a clue. :o:D

If that's what YOU are looking for, don't b/f these ladies.


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Sorry bro, but the one on the right was DEFINITELY born a boy!! I'd place a sizeable bet that the one on the left was born a boy too. Not tryin to wind you up man. Just stating what would be the obvious for 99% of people. I can't believe that you and people of your ilk can't see it!! It's as obvious as dog's balls!

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ok we know that some wont or dont ,but how to reverse the situation ?

how can they NOT enjoy some deep tongue swapping spit ?

its so erotic , and thai gals are horny bitches anyways , so do we need to send them to kissing school for lessons or what ?

they must have a DNA blockage which says "no kiss me"

how to unlock the mental block ?

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The horny Thai girls are the ones to stear clear of because they are the Thai 'girl boys' i.e. they were born boys, then had a sex change. These girl boys have a much higher testosterone level than a normal Thai girl. Thai women are no hornier than any other race of women!

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My girlfriend has never kissed before either. I only tried to give her a kiss once and she almost had a heart attack.  :o I brought up the subject last night and she said "i dont like kissing, because i never try". Doesn't make sense to me. *Rainman draws up a strategy plan*  :D

Is that a photo of your girlfriend you have there? If so, she looks real pretty!

Is that a photo of your girlfriend there?

Yep :D

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"the one on the right was DEFINITELY born a boy"

Well, that would explain the stretch marks then, huh my little keyboard expert?

I'll break the news to Was the next time I see her! :o:D

I'm betting her son will be pretty surprised as well!

Go away you little pest. The only time you've been to Thailand is in your dreams...


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What’s with the noses on these two girls? One looks like she borrowed her nose of Michael Jackson, and the other looks like she's been sniffing glue. :o

Not that I don't find the thing erotic, but they are typical looking bar girls/pro's. Not the best looking examples of Thai females I have ever seen, but I guess they’d do the trick.

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"Can we see the rest of ths great slide show? Seriously now. "

Likely one or two more I can post without mods doing a hatchet job on it.....

Gotta watch the sensitivities of all remember:



It gets a little dicey after that and I doubt the PC amoung us would appreciate what I CERTAINLY APPRECIATED!

Of course it was all for my benefit.  They work bar.  They go with falang.

Whatever gets the job done.

Go make yourself some memories.

Take care,


Dude, you do realize that both "girl boys" in those photos you posted don't you???!!

Boys?? No way :o

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