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Internet Connection Through Mobile Phone Instead Of Home Phone


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In the upcountry village where I live the telephones are not connected by land line but by a sort of white box on a high pole on the roof of the houses. This works well for the normal telephone and also fax use, but not for the Internet and in fact my connection is extremely slow: The two coupled screens on the down right of the computer screen which appear in all the dial up connections show a speed of only 16.8 kbps. The Thai Visa speed test shows my speed as being only 11 kbps download and 26 kbps upload. I dial 1222 TOTonline. I don’t want to buy and pay the monthly rent of a satellite Ipstar connection as some friend of mine already did.

I got the information that if I connect my computer to a special kind of mobile phone instead of to my home phone, the Internet connection speed would considerably increase. I would like to know from your kindness:

1) if there is a truth in this information.

2) if yes what kind of mobile phone must I buy? The old model Nokia mobile I have already is said not to be able to be connected to a computer.

3) what would be the connection cost as I am afraid that the connection through a mobile phone would be considerably higher than the connection through a home phone. Are there special Internet connection-cards that I could buy to reduce the mobile phone connection costs?

I thank you in advance, Kind Regards

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You certainly can connect through cell phone using a phone that is capable of GPRS or EDGE connections. If you buy a phone that is capable of GPRS, EDGE and Bluetooth then you will have all the hardware you need, assuming you have a bluetooth capable computer. If you do not then you must also buy a UBS Dongle for Bluetooth and they cost about 700-1000 baht.

The Bluetooth is used as a wireless phone connection with the computer and the phone is used to connect like any modem to the internet. You will also need to contact AIS or DTAC and get Data services added to your phone number and this assumes that you have a monthly billing plan with either provider. You can contract with them for anticipated useage and for 400 hours montly useage you can expect to pay about 1000 baht a month, with other lower cost plans available that run anywhere from around 250 baht a month up.

The connection speed for GPRS for use varries from around 40 KBPS to 80 and depends somewhat on the connection quality of where your phone is located while making the calls.

It is a much better solution than what you are now using and for sure is well worth the effort to get yourself set up.

Good Luck

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Guest Reimar

First which mobile service works at your area? AIS, DTAC , TRUE move, Hutch or what?

Second you can buy an Aircard connected to a USB port and a SimCard for the available service and connect via GPRS, Edge, CDMA or what ever service is available in your area.

You need to check out to be sure what you can use before you buy anything. Go to the lacal Mobile Shop for to get the info about existing bmobile Service.

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Most modern mobile phones have GPRS capability.

GPRS allows speeds of up to 48 kbps, but on average you'll get probably around 30 kbps.

The more expensive models have Edge capability, which allows faster speeds, up to 238 kbps. Again, the average speed will be more like between 100 and 150 kbps.

To get the Edge speed, you have to be in an area where the operator has upgraded to the Edge system, if no Edge is available, the phone will fall back to GPRS speeds.

So, even the standard gprs, will already be an improvement over what you get now!

Price is pretty cheap, for example on AIS (one2call) you can choose packages. I get 40 hours/month for 214 Baht. Other packages are available as well. That's a bit over 5 Baht/hour, no extra charges apply! You just have to find a monthly package that suits your usage, because any hours left over at the end of the month will be gone!

If your hours are finished before the end of the month, you'll get billed 1 Baht/minute!


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I do not have a wired phone line and only use my cell phone connected to the PC for internet access at my house.

If you need to buy a new phone make sure it is GPRS/Edge capable and allows connecting to PC via Bluetooth or USB. My phone does both but I always use USB connection because phone gets charged at the same time.

I currently use AIS access plan of 100 hours for 350 baht per month. Speed is great most of the time but does slow down in evenings and on weekends sometimes.

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Do you really want moble service or something like a Satillte service with the higher speed. Have to use it at home only but they have a 1024/512 service or as low as 256/128. If you get moble use edge/gprs as gprs only will not work well in alot of places.

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I've had TOT ADSL for 4 months, but it sucked.

It was impossible to know if the connection was okey or not. Very unreliable.

I've decided to try GPRS, I had a prepaid card form DTAC,

so I travelled down to DTAC service center in Surat.

I chose this monthly package: 50 hours of data traffic for 199 baht+ 99 baht in ordinary phonecalls.

I will receive a monthly bill for 298 baht if I'm careful.

If my hours are finished before the end of the month, I will get billed 0,5 Baht/minute.

It suits me well, and the connection is reliable with a speed of 30-40kbps.

Not good enough if you are downloading a lot of stuff,

but okey if you are using the net for e-mail and this forum :o .

By the way, I'm using a Motorola V3i and bluetooth. It works perfect. No problem!

Good luck.

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First which mobile service works at your area? AIS, DTAC , TRUE move, Hutch or what?

Second you can buy an Aircard connected to a USB port and a SimCard for the available service and connect via GPRS, Edge, CDMA or what ever service is available in your area.

You need to check out to be sure what you can use before you buy anything. Go to the lacal Mobile Shop for to get the info about existing bmobile Service.

I agree with this, get an adapter (aircard) that allows you to connect a sim card direct to your computer if the faster EDGE or CDMA are available.

GPRS will not be much faster than you have already

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I know that adsl is with problems just look at the wiring on most any power pole, but you like me don't have phone lines. I used the gprs for two years and it was always slow in the north country. Now I have both Internet and phone service in the house with a VoIP connected to my Sat. modem which never uses any phone lines because it uplinks to sat down links to ToT then up links again to internet back bone that is why my 256 connect is 256 day in a out without all the problems which get posted here. You can get up to 1024 service. I still have a cell phone but now I can call the house and it has a phone. VoIP is 99Baht a month and 1 Baht minute out going calls incoming calls free about the same as cell phone service and can use for internation call 007 ect. but I norm call PC to PC over sat its free. The best deal I ever found for GPRS was 500 baht a month for 200hours which is not really 200 hours because the rate can be higher at time. then it switchs to 1baht a minute until the next month starts. The white box is for phone service is narrow bandwidth channels over UHF links same as they use for remote pay phone sys and you will never get a connection with anyspeed. If you don't need to be mobal you can get alot more speed for the same or near same money with VoIP&internet 1800 month for 256/128 and can drop the other house phone to offset cost because house is then wired. I connected the VoIP box to the Phone wiring in the house and have Dail tone in every room, and another phone out on the front deck. It is a normal R5 service which means you can plug in up to 5 devices like a fax or other phones before it state to load down the ring cur., but if some of the phone have the ringer off you can connect more because you only pick up one at a time maybe two. As far as the phone only works if the modem is on its OK its not using your internet bandwidth it has its own you can use the phone and internet same time, and I leave the Sat up 24/7 and run P2P all night every nite and when I not home I keep the downloads going. Never runs out of air time.

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