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Feeling Blue


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What are the things you normally do when you're feeling down and blue?

When I am depress I try to listen to music, watch a feel-good movie, munch chocolate or eat ice-cream. Call the gfs and meet-up with them for some hardcore girlie talks; shopping; write letters to old friends. I also go to a saloon to get my hair and nails done or go to a spa to pamper myself. :o

When depress I try to put on my nicest clothes and put some make-up - show my glamorous self. :D

What about you?

Edited by GreenShone
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me too- take my dogs to the beach. also go to a spa or get a massage. do yoga. buy myself something nice- a new book, some jewelry, some forbidden food. buy a coloring book and crayons and start scribbling! that really helps! write things down that are making you unhappy, and think of ways you can get over them one by one. do something new! take a walk to somewhere you don't usually go. smile at everyone you meet. make yourself laugh! force yourself to laugh for three minutes, and you will definitely pick up in spirits! ... if all else fails sometimes i just take a sleeping pill and crawl into bed and forget everything, which works too.

Edited by girlx
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What are the things you normally do when you're feeling down and blue?

When I am depress I try to listen to music, watch a feel-good movie, munch chocolate or eat ice-cream. Call the gfs and meet-up with them for some hardcore girlie talks; shopping; write letters to old friends. I also go to a saloon to get my hair and nails done or go to a spa to pamper myself. :o

When depress I try to put on my nicest clothes and put some make-up - show my glamorous self. :D

What about you?

Same as you plus chanting, it's a serious battery charger and very effective almost instantly. Also a massage can be a day changer..

Meeting up with friends? Not ready, I can't face people when I'm blue, don't want to bother them with my mood. I rather sort myself out first, then meet friends, preferably men..

Edited by Ave
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Oh thanks for this thread, some good ideas. Have been down a bit lately. All around the same time I hit my first bout of homesickness, the Thai man thing lost its shine and I had some hard decisions to make in the office. Generally felt alone and I don't know many people here so didn't have anyone to call. Last week I decided to focus on me and had a hair cut and colour and a lovely foot massage and pedi. Went to the gym a few more times than usual. Made an effort to speak to one new person a day, even if it was just to say hi. Thought about learning some more Thai (okay I admit I didn't get further than thinking about it). Read TV religiously including threads I would never normally look at :o I'm starting to feel better.

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Well done! Keep going!

Well, at least homesickness is quite a natural feeling almost all of us get at some point. I still have to get it. It's just not happening to me. The fact is I don't have a place I can call home so when I'm feeling blue I decide that I would feel like that anywhere anyway...so I just get on with the things that make me feel good when I'm blue and the sun shines again.. :o

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All this is so true!! I also listen to happy music and do the whole bubble bath, toe nails, shave legs. Change sheets on bed so that the very clean and pampered me can slip in there and sleep well. I also have a good cry and rant at the world and watch very dumb movies.

I feel 100% better the next day

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Sometimes I cry as well, but I try not to. If I can't see my friends, I'm on the phone or online talking to them. :o Then I eat more M&Ms or assorted chocolate. Take a long long long bath - a book on my hand, a glass of wine, candles. I also buy and put flowers around the place. It lightens my mood. :D

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When I'm depressed I just take it as it comes and continue with the things i need to do, although a bit more quiet then usual. It's just one of those days (or the usual monthly misery) and after rain always comes sunshine.


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What are the things you normally do when you're feeling down and blue?

When I am depress I try to listen to music, watch a feel-good movie, munch chocolate or eat ice-cream. Call the gfs and meet-up with them for some hardcore girlie talks; shopping; write letters to old friends. I also go to a saloon to get my hair and nails done or go to a spa to pamper myself. :o

When depress I try to put on my nicest clothes and put some make-up - show my glamorous self. :D

What about you?

Well, as for me, I just told my boss a week ago that I wanted to negotiate my resignation and that I was looking for another job. She completely changed her tune from abusive brow beater to suddenly glowing with praise for me. Now that I have stepped up and made the decision, potential doors to a better position and quality of life seem to be appearing left and right. And just like that, I feel better. :D

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What are the things you normally do when you're feeling down and blue?

When I am depress I try to listen to music, watch a feel-good movie, munch chocolate or eat ice-cream. Call the gfs and meet-up with them for some hardcore girlie talks; shopping; write letters to old friends. I also go to a saloon to get my hair and nails done or go to a spa to pamper myself. :D

When depress I try to put on my nicest clothes and put some make-up - show my glamorous self. :D

What about you?

Well, as for me, I just told my boss a week ago that I wanted to negotiate my resignation and that I was looking for another job. She completely changed her tune from abusive brow beater to suddenly glowing with praise for me. Now that I have stepped up and made the decision, potential doors to a better position and quality of life seem to be appearing left and right. And just like that, I feel better. :D

Good for you Gal! Great result from taking control of your life! Go get 'em!

If I am feeling a bit blue, what I DON'T do UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE IS..........listen to Dido!! Believe me, she can pull me down even further! :bah:

If I'm a bit blue, I push myself to get in the shower, go out and knock on the door to play with my landlady's kids (3 and 6 - cutest kids around). Playing football and playing with them soon sorts me out and cheers me up :bah: . Another remedy, if the kids are being inconsiderate and are out... :D is I go to the pool and swim until my mind is completely empty!!! One thing I don't do is stay home and feel sorry for myself - it's fatal! I need to get out and about!

Here's to the banishment of all those grey days to all you gals out there! :o

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Karaoke! In a land were loss of face is everything why do you think karaoke is so popular... You get to bawl and howl and sing soppy songs and get it all off your chest in the name of entertainment... get a private room and plenty of drinks and you will be cured of the blues... Marvellous :o

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Put on fun, dance kind of music (especially my favorites when I was a teen) , blast it loud and clean the house. Nothing like throwing myself into hard work to get my mind off of me.

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What are the things you normally do when you're feeling down and blue?

When I am depress I try to listen to music, watch a feel-good movie, munch chocolate or eat ice-cream. Call the gfs and meet-up with them for some hardcore girlie talks; shopping; write letters to old friends. I also go to a saloon to get my hair and nails done or go to a spa to pamper myself. :D

When depress I try to put on my nicest clothes and put some make-up - show my glamorous self. :D

What about you?

Well, as for me, I just told my boss a week ago that I wanted to negotiate my resignation and that I was looking for another job. She completely changed her tune from abusive brow beater to suddenly glowing with praise for me. Now that I have stepped up and made the decision, potential doors to a better position and quality of life seem to be appearing left and right. And just like that, I feel better. :D

Good for you Gal! Great result from taking control of your life! Go get 'em!

If I am feeling a bit blue, what I DON'T do UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE IS..........listen to Dido!! Believe me, she can pull me down even further! :bah:

If I'm a bit blue, I push myself to get in the shower, go out and knock on the door to play with my landlady's kids (3 and 6 - cutest kids around). Playing football and playing with them soon sorts me out and cheers me up :bah: . Another remedy, if the kids are being inconsiderate and are out... :D is I go to the pool and swim until my mind is completely empty!!! One thing I don't do is stay home and feel sorry for myself - it's fatal! I need to get out and about!

Here's to the banishment of all those grey days to all you gals out there! :o

Thanks so much, Andiamo. You know, today I was thinking about banishing the blues even further, and I think I want to volunteer or work part-time as a dog walker/sitter. I love dogs, and I can't have one currently, and I am always petting or seeking out the dogs in the neighborhood. I just love being around friendly animals - and especially dogs - because they are so sweet and innocent and playful - just like children, only less work.

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May I add -

I have two cats and the feel of them cuddling up beside me either on the couch or the bed and their purring just makes me feel good. Listening to sad songs - i have recently become an addict to you tube and listening to old songs from my youth get to me.

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Gosh, I've not been in the Ladies' forum for ages. Some lovely newish members and avatars -- Green Shone, fantastic! Shola -- hehehe, Ave, what is that little insect? And of course, Patsycat's smiling kitty -- can't be depressed when you see that!

I was just going through some old journals. Wow, I've always gone through bouts of depression. But so have some of my fav writers/poets: Sylvia Plath, Papa Hemingway, Akutagwa Ryunosuke, Dot Parker...Unfortunately, I don't write as eloquenthly as they. Glum face. But, I've made re-contact with old old friends and they know my down times and always cheer me up.

Yep, playing with pets is best for me, too. Or doing a beauty regimine or like SBK -- clean up the house to loud music; in my case, that's Gilbert & Sullivan's The Mikado. Koko, YumYum and Katisha always make me laugh, and you can pretend to act out scenes while holding the mop. Ya gotta have fun!

OH, I forgot Tina Turner! Yiu're simply the best.

Edited by Jet Gorgon
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Yeah, cleaning house or doing home repairs or decorating to loud music is great. I also like to do busy, craft-like work, like developing or cropping photos (before digital), or changing the furniture around.

SBK, I love that avatar. It's like the angel that kicks a$$ :o

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Live loud music and/or dancing does it for me as well. And stilettos never solve my problems, but they sure make me feel heaps better. :o

Sometimes, I spray myself with my most expensive or favorite perfume, look-at myself in the mirror and wink. :D

Then there are times when I want to be left alone - never answer mobile phones, never answer e-mails, never answer my msgrs.

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Well,it depends on the time of month I feel down or blue too :D .

If its a just simple blue;I would go shopping , treating my self with some beauty treatment or hair-dying or just hearing some music will makes me feel better.

If it is a mind-work problem ,I would talk it out with friends or family.

If it is a heart issue :D ; I would have eating dis-order for sure(chocolate and ice-cream) :D and I will end up gaining or losing 5 kilos in 2 days!

But heyyyyyyyyyy! what about getting a hug from your lover??? I bet that's the best remedy for blues! :D

If he was there or available of course :o so let's stick to chocolate cause it's always there when u need it! :bah:

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If I'm feeling down/blue...

-I like to listen to happy going music

-Watch DVDs or movies usually comedy as love/drama makes me even more depressed...

-Stay at home (for awhile atleast 1st week) and read books, clean room

-Call my granny and some ol' friends back home when I'm feeling homesick

-Work out at gym

-Shopping, treat myself to a nice hair cut and some mani/pedicure

-Party!!!! :o (once the 1-1 1/2 week of depression has passed)

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If I'm feeling down/blue...

-I like to listen to happy going music

-Watch DVDs or movies usually comedy as love/drama makes me even more depressed...

-Stay at home (for awhile atleast 1st week) and read books, clean room

-Call my granny and some ol' friends back home when I'm feeling homesick

-Work out at gym

-Shopping, treat myself to a nice hair cut and some mani/pedicure

-Party!!!! :D (once the 1-1 1/2 week of depression has passed)

:o Music, movies, lurking in a corner, ole friends, shopping, hair treatments, mani/pedicure + party ROCKS!

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