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Why The "no" Vote In Northeastern?


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Interestingly but not surprising the "NO" vote came out in the Northeast. This is the same place where TRT have always won in the past. Was vote buying really rampant in these areas or the people are just uneducated? What's the real deal?

Farangs in the NE, what is your opinion?

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Interestingly but not surprising the "NO" vote came out in the Northeast. This is the same place where TRT have always won in the past. Was vote buying really rampant in these areas or the people are just uneducated? What's the real deal?

Farangs in the NE, what is your opinion?

Those are the only 2 choices?

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I wonder if they have even read the new charter.

maybe not ,

would appear that they are aware when their elected representatives are removed at the point of a weapon though ....................

these are the only things i can think of. maybe you can share some more?

see above

Edited by Mid
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It is surprising, the NE said to be the least educated,voting NO,to a constitution put forth by an illegal government.

The rest of the country,said to have a higher level of education,voting for this constitution.Wonder what the rational is behind this.

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I wonder if they have even read the new charter.

or even seen it...........

A copy was supposed to be given to ever household, most every one I know here in the rice paddies has had access to a copy. Read it? Not even TW went through the entire document and she is a salaried, uniform wearing public servant.
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It is surprising, the NE said to be the least educated,voting NO,to a constitution put forth by an illegal government.

The rest of the country,said to have a higher level of education,voting for this constitution.Wonder what the rational is behind this.

Is there any "rationale" to anything in this country?

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It is surprising, the NE said to be the least educated,voting NO,to a constitution put forth by an illegal government.

The rest of the country,said to have a higher level of education,voting for this constitution.Wonder what the rational is behind this.

Interesting question.

Many of my friends in BKK voted Yes, many voted No. In the Northeast, the predominant feeling (based on talking to family up here, taxi drivers etc - totally non scientific) - they LOVED Taksin. He paid for them to vote for him, he gave them 30b healthcare, he gave them free cows and trees, he went and spent time up there in that crazy reality show, he finished the airport when no one else did, now he has gone and shown up the farang by buying a football team. That is their perception and since the coup, few of them have ever noticed or cared about the corruption side; the majority have a no completely naive view of politics; they assume that all politicians are corrupt, so at least this one gives them stuff. THe majority perceive that their hero was unjustly kicked out and their no vote is little to do with the wording of the constitution iMHO, it is a vote against the people who kicked him out. Most will not have read it (there was an article about this in the newspaper over the weekend) and most will not decide for themselves, someone will tell them e.g. headman etc who they should vote for and they will listen and do that. This is how things are done in rural Thailand.

I don't think much payment is required - they already want to support Taksin. The payments have been funding the anti coup campaign in part more than the direct no vote here I suspect; the no vote is like a bonus. It has nothing to do with the actual details of the constitution I doubt, because I bet no one can show me a village where more than (total guess here) more than 20% have read and understand it AND where the majority of villagers will get to decide individually what to vote for. The idea that Thailand has a genuine democracy of any sort in rural THailand is almost hilarious.

And the idea Taksin was the first to give them stuff is nonsense of course - Chatichai gave them stuff (and was loved too and also kicked out in a coup) and there have been more selfless politicians along the way as well. but right now, they are watching a lot of projects get taken apart that they were the direct beneficiaries of; THAT's what the no vote reflects.

For the south, the exact opposite is the case. Since they were totally shafted by TRT in the south and have been Democrats for the most part, they will tend to vote for what they perceive will keep Taksin away. In general, I have found the Southerners to be somewat better educated and more politically aware than the Isaan region at similar levels of poverty - they don't sit around watching channel 7 soaps at night for instance - however again I doubt most have actually read the draft constitution either.

Most referendums worldwide people cast their vote based on very little actual thought or debate; it isn't something most people would feel the need to do a lot of homework on. The military have a wonderful (depending how you look at it) position for negotiation here: vote for our idea we present to you and you get democracy (sort of) or choose no, and you get something else that could be worse.

Hence...most people want a return to normal so they vote yes, despite the misgivings about some new exec powers that the state will have. hel_l, let's just remember they weren't legal but there was a ton of wiretapping and other things in the new constitution that the last elected govt were doing anyway. It is...at the end of the day... just a sheet of paper - the real genuine improvements come with decent leaders and vision. Not with bits of paper.

Edited by steveromagnino
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Why do people automaticaly assume that people from the NE are uneducated? Anyway, my extended family say that despite the alleged corruption of TRT (which they believe will happen with any govt.) at least they did god things for them, they know it will be more for popularity and vote winning but the end result is the same, they got looked after by TRT more than others.

If you are doing better under one bunch and they get kicked out by soldiers, wouldn't you go against the soldiers new constitution on principle? I wouldn't read it either.

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Well out of necessity they are self centered in so far as they are easily exploited for their vote. I hear that they were each given 400 thb to vote no.

Interestingly but not surprising the "NO" vote came out in the Northeast. This is the same place where TRT have always won in the past. Was vote buying really rampant in these areas or the people are just uneducated? What's the real deal?

Farangs in the NE, what is your opinion?

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I would have been totally amazed if the North had voted any other way but "No." Some of you folks must have been drinking the kool-aid dispensed by John K. and SirachaJohn and others about how the influence of TRT was a thing of the past and that in a free election, the people of Isaan would "come to their senses" and vote "Yes". These people feel totally disfranchised by the current government. We have not heard the last of this.

Edited by farang prince
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The outcome of voting yes,or no,is of no personal interest to me,since as my status as a "guest" excludes participation.

What I'm surprised at, is that by voting yes,these individuals condone what has happened,no matter what this constitution states.This will inspire further coups,because they are considered acceptable.I can understand the Thai people wanting things back to semblance of normalcy,but it will also keep this cycle going.

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Well out of necessity they are self centered in so far as they are easily exploited for their vote. I hear that they were each given 400 thb to vote no.
Interestingly but not surprising the "NO" vote came out in the Northeast. This is the same place where TRT have always won in the past. Was vote buying really rampant in these areas or the people are just uneducated? What's the real deal?

Farangs in the NE, what is your opinion?

My wife and other family members went to vote.No one offered any money,to my wife( I was there),nor it seems to other family members.

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Well out of necessity they are self centered in so far as they are easily exploited for their vote. I hear that they were each given 400 thb to vote no.
Interestingly but not surprising the "NO" vote came out in the Northeast. This is the same place where TRT have always won in the past. Was vote buying really rampant in these areas or the people are just uneducated? What's the real deal?

Farangs in the NE, what is your opinion?

My wife and other family members went to vote.No one offered any money,to my wife( I was there),nor it seems to other family members.

None of the people we know were offered anything either

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My wife and other family members went to vote.No one offered any money,to my wife( I was there),nor it seems to other family members.
No money changed hands here either unlike past elections. I guess being located where we are it was going to be a NO vote anyway. Not to say money didn't change hands further South towards BKK.
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There may be a lack of formal education in Isaan....but it's people are not stupid.

The morons are the ones who believe all the crap being slung at them by self imposed dictators.

The idiots are the folks who enjoy being stripped of human rights.

The dullards are the ones that believe Thaksin is hiding behind every coconut tree.

The twits are the folks happy to swallow propaganda.

I've said it before.....don't mention Thaksin, remove him from the equation, (impossible for those who keep looking to the dictators for guidance) then ask your self....is voting yes good for Thailand...or can we do better?

P.S. No stories of any payments being made in my wifes village....though the military government sent thousands of armed soldiers to the Northeast to "promote" the charter.


Edited by pumpuiman
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Just my opinion. Surin voted mostly no. The people I know in northern Surin seem much more interested in Thai TV shows, Thai celebrities, whiskey, and going to the temple than politics. Before when Thaksin was here and now this was true. It could be that Thaksin's Mr showbiz personality brought him favor amoung the people who are thrilled by celebrities. Most Northeasterners over the age of 28 probably haven't graduated from high school. How many rice farmers are high school graduates? Most northeasterners who get educations move to work in the Bangkok area. If most of these people want to vote they have to travel five or more hours to return to their provinces to do it.

Forcing northeasterners to go home to vote is a crime in my opinion. it should be easier for them. They should be able to vote in Bangkok. Or else make the Bangkokians go to NongKhai each time to vote! It's always been easier for Bangkok locals top vote. It's a crime.

So my view is there's a lot of apathy in the north east, a lot of uneducated people, and a lot of difficulty for some northeasterners when voting.

Educating the masses here in Thailand is what needs to be done now that we are moving on. If the government doesn't take action to get people to use their brains and read and learn then the government really doesn't care about the people. If the government fails to educate and improve the lives of the poor the poor will eventually choose violence against the haves as a solution to their problems.

I would bet that many of those soldiers sent to the Northeast were happy to return to their homes!

Edited by Aujuba
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Interestingly but not surprising the "NO" vote came out in the Northeast. This is the same place where TRT have always won in the past. Was vote buying really rampant in these areas or the people are just uneducated? What's the real deal?

Farangs in the NE, what is your opinion?

I'm not in the Northeast, but my opinion and experience of Northern voters, is that these voters perceived Thaksin as being the first prime minister actually caring for them and trying to make a concrete change. Since the current regime is a counter-reaction to Thaksin and his corruption, they are seen as not caring about the disadvantaged.

Regardless of how successful these measures actually were, and how much Thaksin actually cared about the poor, his voters will not forget student loans for all, the 30 baht health scheme and easy credit.

Thai politics tends to form itself around group loyalty, and not much around ideology.

There was no vote buying or cheating outside of Chiang Mai in the village I was - everything went peacefully and according to the book.

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