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What Time Do You Go To Bed?


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I usually go to bed around 12 to 1 AM in the night.and wake up around 10AM.I need at least 8 hours sleep.If i have to wake up earlier,If i don't sleep this much,I have headache.

I know sleeping too much is a bad habit,but i can't help ;p

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I usually go to bed between 22.30 and 23.30.

Very seldom later.

And I wake up in betwen 6.00 and 7.00.

Meaning 7 to 8 hours in my bed.

And 6 to 7 hours sleep,... :o:D

What about you?

Go to sleep between 0200hrs and 0300hrs and get 7 hours, no less.. no more, sometimes I wish I could sleep for longer, but can't ! :D

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Bed at 2330,read til 0130 and asleep usually by 0200 and up at 0600,seldom nap,,sure wish I could. but as you get older I guess you don't need so much sleep..

Altho I hear with age some folks have trouble with kidneys or bowel movements,, I never have any trouble that way,,every morning at 0430 I have a real good piss,and at 0500 I have a sound bowel movement,,but I sure wish I could wake up before 0600. :o

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Take my pain killers (arthritis) In bed about 12 or 12.30 :D

If im lucky 4 or 5 hours sleep, get up move around a little and if very lucky back to bed for a couple of hours.

Always up by 7am. :o

I can not wait untill i can get back to Thailand, less pain more fun. :D


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Here's the schedule of my past 3 days:

26 hours work.

1 hours sleep

20 hours work.

2 hours sleep.

23 hours work.

Then some 7 hours sleep and i'm up since another 9 hours, but only worked two of them. And i'm the boss of my company, too. But usually i wake up at around 10am and go to bed at 2am.

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I usually go to sleep, anywhere from 11 in night to 3 in the morning and get up between 5 and and 8 in morning. Average bed about 12 up about 6. Usually get up go over the farm to make sure there are no probs, then leave the staff to do the milking.

If one of our cows has a problem I can be up all night, usually let the staff go to sleep cos they have to do the next mornings milk, or we take shifts.

What is nice though is thet 90% of the time I dont HAVE to get up, I'm no longer ruled by the clock.

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OK, I happen to be working in SE Asia at the moment, and my routine is the same as elsewhere - up at five, go for a run, shit, shave, shower and shampoo, at work by seven. Work until seven in the evening - half-hour (max) for lunch.

Bed by nine / ten. Same again next day.

But then I'm well past normaal retirement age, and enjoy my work.

Negotiating a new construction contrct over the past few days - routine varied. No bed before midnight, 'cos we were typing up the day's meetings, revising drawings and engineering calc's all evening.

Good to be in Thailand, ain't it!

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actually, the older I get the less sleep I need. In my teens and 20s I needed a good 8 hours, 40s, 7, now I need 6, that should hold me for a while.

Love to go to bed early, 22:00 and get up around 4:00. Really enjoy morning...

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I'd say I normally sleep at 1am and wake up at 7.30 - but I let my body dictate as I would very rarely set an alarm clock, unless a very important meeting or an early flight was scheduled for the next day...if moderately anxious to get to work I simply leave my blinds up...

Back in uni while doing my thesis I fell (yes, fell!) asleep around 2.30 each night and woke up at 10.20am (+/-5 minutes!!) every fekking day! Go figure...

/// dfw

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I read a survey a while ago saying that on average people need 7 to 8 hours sleep per day and less than that you are always in a state of chronical fatigue.

This study was made in US and they said that a high percentage of American were falling into that category.

I mean not sleeping enough.

Seeing you replies, most of you are also in that category,... :o:D

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Well I am lucky my girlfriend or girlfriends on different days go to bed appox 11 or 12 or 1 after you know what. One gets up at 6 and if lucky wakes me up after her shower for """" b4 she goes to work. She leaves 7-30 I go back to sleep till approx 9-30.

The other one stays up later shes younger, so say bed 1 am after a hard night. I sleep till 7 alarm goes she goes work 8 I fall back to sleep till 9ish.

Happyness cumms in all sorts of ways :o Oh and so does sleep.

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Not being a creature of habit (not too much anyway) I.........

I eat when I'm hungry, drink when I'm dry, go to bed when I'm tired, which can be anytime between 21.00 - 01.00 (maybe 02.00) and generally up by 06..00

If I'm working I'm generally in the cot by 21.00 - 22.00 and up by 03.30 - 04.00

If I've got a bit of fluff stopping over I would get up 06.00 have a check of the mail and who's been upsetting who on the forum, perhaps add my "yii sip haa satangs" worth (perhaps upsetting someone in the process)

Around 08.00 climb back in the cot give her a wake up call, have breakfast (69 "breakfast of champions") perhaps 30 minutes snooze and then get up 'again' make breakfast for her (had mine as noted) :o

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When alone, usually between 2-4am, wake up 8am-10am. Good 6hrs pretty much every night.

Take it really easy when waking up tho. Switch on some tunes, check my mail, read the news - Get in the office between 10am-12pm.

Sometimes end up working on some code right through the night - think that if I sleep I'll loose focus on where I am the following morning.

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Sometimes end up working on some code right through the night - think that if I sleep I'll loose focus on where I am the following morning.

If you do not find the solution.

Sleep on it.

Works for me.

Maybe you should try,... :o:D

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