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Uk Settlement - How Does My Case Sound?

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Ok, well my Thai wife and I have been married for nearly 5 1/2 years and living in Thailand all that time.

We have a 2 year old daughter (with dual nat), and want to move back to the UK sometime soon. I do not wish to leave Thailand without them and wish to travel back together.

I have about 25k pounds in the bank, and a small online-based income of about 7000 pounds a year, though the money is paid at various times of the year. I plan on getting full-time employment in recruitment which my research online indicates jobs are fairly plentiful in and and have had a couple of positive emails though nothing too solid, mostly along the lines of give us a call when you get to the UK.

My wife has a Masters degree from a top British Uni, and has been granted two previous visas (a student and and visitors), she also intends working in interpreting or HE admin, but we're not sure if we should mention this initially, hearing mixed reports that this is not wise and that I should look the breadwinner only..

Proving our marriage should be no problem, as we have all the documentation, photos etc. stretching back 5.5 years.

Accommodationwise, my folks have left the UK for sunnier climes which means I will have to get rented accommodation. How easy is this to arrange vis a proxy (my sis)? What kind of arrangement do I need? One year? Or can it be shorter as we're not definite as to where we want to end up. What documentation do I need to show here?

Do I sound like a rejection case here? I reckon reading this, that we look ok, but looking at the stickied guide from this forum I don't feel so confident...especially on the maintenance part. Getting interviews from here seems next to impossible, or should I try it on with a fake offer from my cousin's business? I'd really like to do this as honestly as possible so avoiding this is preferable.

Thanks for any advice.

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Overall, your case appears sound. The only thing you need to address is the accommodation angle which, as you suggest, you should be able to sort out through a proxy. You're probably best getting a contract of at least six months' validity.

That you and your wife have been married and together in Thailand for the last 5+ years means that if she can demonstrate the language/citizenship requirement of the Immigration Rules, she can apply for indefinite leave from the outset. However, the catch twenty-two is that these tests can only be sat in the U.K. Despite this, there is a provision in the relevant regulations which allows the Secretary of State to designate an individual abroad who may pass such applicants as having the relevant knowledge, and as your wife has a Masters from a British university, she sounds like an ideal candidate for such. The trouble is this provision was meant to be used in relation to foreign spouses of British civil servants who were posted abroad and I'm sure the embassy wouldn't like it if a member of the perceived hoi-polloi were to attempt to use the same. Additionally, I am unaware of who may have been designated in relation to Thailand, or, indeed, whether anyone has been so designated. Failing this, your wife will get the standard two years after which she should then apply for indefinite leave in the UK at additional cost.


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