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Dell Laptop Computer, Where To Send For Repair


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I am writing this for a friend.

He bought a Dell Laptop Computer in the UK about 1 year ago, off the internet.

Apparently this was made in Ireland, this model is no longer in production.

He dropped the Laptop and the case was damaged.

He is looking for a Dell repair facility in Thailand if possible to enable the case to be replaced.

Many thanks in advance for any useful feedback


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i dont know if the situation has changed but as of last year there was no Dell service centre in Thailand. Parts etc are shipped out of Malaysia and they have local companies who act as their service agents and perform repairs etc.

this is the toll free number for their technical support: 1800-0060-07

i had my laptop repaired under warranty about 2 years ago. was pretty painless but it was purchased from Dell Thailand. A friend purchased his laptop in the UK and Dell Thailand took about 3 months to repair it due to international warranty issues.

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i dont know if the situation has changed but as of last year there was no Dell service centre in Thailand. Parts etc are shipped out of Malaysia and they have local companies who act as their service agents and perform repairs etc.

this is the toll free number for their technical support: 1800-0060-07

i had my laptop repaired under warranty about 2 years ago. was pretty painless but it was purchased from Dell Thailand. A friend purchased his laptop in the UK and Dell Thailand took about 3 months to repair it due to international warranty issues.

thanks for the information.

This is not a warranty claim, the guy has accepted to pay for the repair cost to replace the case.

All he needs is a recognised Dell repair facility that will accept to repair this laptop.

The model of the Laptop is a XPS M1210

I have had a look at Dell website and it appears if you have not paid for a service agreement you cannot get a Dell computer repaired.

So beware if you are thinking of buying a Dell computer

More feedback would be welcome

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i dont know if the situation has changed but as of last year there was no Dell service centre in Thailand. Parts etc are shipped out of Malaysia and they have local companies who act as their service agents and perform repairs etc.

this is the toll free number for their technical support: 1800-0060-07

i had my laptop repaired under warranty about 2 years ago. was pretty painless but it was purchased from Dell Thailand. A friend purchased his laptop in the UK and Dell Thailand took about 3 months to repair it due to international warranty issues.

thanks for the information.

This is not a warranty claim, the guy has accepted to pay for the repair cost to replace the case.

All he needs is a recognised Dell repair facility that will accept to repair this laptop.

The model of the Laptop is a XPS M1210

I have had a look at Dell website and it appears if you have not paid for a service agreement you cannot get a Dell computer repaired.

So beware if you are thinking of buying a Dell computer

More feedback would be welcome

I wonder what is there to be repaired. When my company replaced my DELL laptop after 3 years, I asked what to do with the old one. They said "let us take the disk out and chuck it in the bin or keep it as it is if you like."

Most of the things were soldered and impossible to upgrade/reapir, pretty much like a disposable camera.

I took it to BKK and it's sitting in the drawer as a backup if my desktop fails.

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I had resigned myself to no repairs available in Thailand for Dell personal laptops due to prior posts and not getting any response from Dell.

Within this month, there was an article, I think in the Database section of the BKK post, that Dell was making a major push in Thailand and would be offering repair services throughout Thailand to support Dell boutique sales outlets. You may have heard that Michael Dell went back to running the country in January and had started a new mechandising model that includes Dell departments in many retail stores. This is in sinc with what I read in the BKK post.

Announcements are one thing in Thailand and reality is another. I would try BKK information and ask for the telephone number of the Dell repair facility in BKK, surely the first place the announcement would bear fruit.

No joy there, search the BKK post online or call the editor of the database section and try to get a copy of the article, as I think there were some numbers listed therein, however, I believe they were 800 numbers which led me to believe they were not for Thailand.

Contacting any Dell representative, even in the U.S. might be a way as well, as their service departments must have numbers for all the other service departments, especially if they must direct you to one closer to Thailand than the U.S. I do know there is a big one in Singapore and have been told to ship my laptop there for repair by Dell reps before I say this recent announcement.

Please post any success you have and I will be grateful as my old Dell carcass could sure use a D/C.

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I also had the same problem with my dell laptop. Some little spoilt brat kicked a ball, smashed the screen and after many arguments with their parents [and backup liars] over who was responsible they finally paid half, aparently he only half kicked it. 22,000 baht and 2 months later i got it fixed. [/angry rant] :o

Pantip plaza 3rd floor, theres a specialist dell [and other exotic brands] laptop repair shop there. I have their card at home, ill pass along the contact details tonight when i get back.

Edited by ukjackthai
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Thanks to all for the very good feedback, it does seem a problem to get a Dell Laptop repaired.

That Laptop repair shop in Pantip Plaza UKjackthai sounds good, most appreciated if you could please post the card details .


Sorry for the late reply...

here we go:

"Notebook House Integration"

Pantip Plaza 3rd Room No. 3113

Tel: 02245 9797 ext: 5196

Direct: 022560387 OR 022549937


I highly recommend them, they are well established and speak english. Just sit in their office for 5 minutes and you'll see half a dozen guys walk in with broken laptops!

Hope this was of some help,


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I have bought Dell laptop parts on ebay and done similar repairs / upgrades myself. The service manual is usually readily available online.

I have also seen laptop repair shops at Pantip (towards the back on the upper floors) with piles of Dell parts in their display cabinets.

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