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Settlement Visa Info

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Hi all,

Well over the last couple of months or so ive run a few posts regarding a settlement visa for the wife.

We will be putting it to the embassy in a couple of months when im back there.

Theres a few points i need answering if its possible.

I will be setting the application out in sections for example.

1. EMPLOYMENT, then write a little note regarding my job and include all the relevent docs, example, pay slips, my contract of employment etc, then put this section in a plastic sleeve folder with a little white label on the front saying 1 EMPLOYMENT.

2. RELATIONSHIP HISTORY, again write a little note explaining how we met, how many times i have been to visit and where we travelled during these times, how we have stayed in contact during our relationship and then include a copy of my passport with stamps, photos, air tickets, hotel reciepts, phone bills etc etc then again put it into a little plastic folder with again the little white label on the front.



And so on and so on, i think you get the picture.

At the end of my welcome/introduction letter i will state what is included in the application, example






I will be writing a section regarding the wife for example her name, address and how much she wants to join her husband in the uk etc etc and include to this section her passport, a completed VA2 settlement application, copy of her i.d card, her T.B result document, 2 passport photos and our marriage certificate etc etc again put all of this into a plastic sleeve folder with a label on the front stating what is inside.

Regarding the welcome letter do i simply just state my name, address, that i have always been a resident of the uk, explain that i am providing supporting documents for my wife to join me in the uk on a settlement visa and briefly explain when we met and our plans for the future???

I also am involved in a I.V.A its a form of bankruptsy but not as serious, i pay a standing order of £250 a month thats it.

Should i explain this in my income/expenditure section? or not?

My bank statements just say standing order £250 each month.

My job is £22500 - £23000 a year and if my wife was to join me phone costs would be dramaticaly reduced.

I would say after the I.V.A, rent to my mother, and my phone line RENTAL i would have approx £900 a month, is this enough?

My wife also wants to work in computers once she has settled in.

Should i state for her in her section that she intends toi find work in England? or not?

Regarding our contact history we have never emailed eachother as we have spoken everyday day since we met eachother, will they see not emailing each other as a problem?

We speak around 5 times a day and like i said this has been the same since we met everyday.

I also use international phone cards which cost £5 each.

When using these cards my free mins on my contract phone get used, after my mins run out i use another third party phone company called TELE SAVERS, which is around 14p per min.

When i am at home i call her from my laptop which is free, i pay 10 euros and i can call her for free for 120 days, yes 120 days.

The company i use for this is VOIP DISCOUNT, i can print an itemised bill of this.

The trouble is with the international calling cards only the dialling access number shows up on my bill, its a london number, also with TELE SAVERS again its the access number which shows up on my bills.

I will explain this in our contact history section.

My phone bills range from £250 to £500 a month so i cant see this being a problem, i hope.

I have kept all the phone cards also.

Yes im paranoid, yes im not wanting to get anything wrong, and yes im bricking it.

Please help, i just need to get this write.

Thanks all, realy appreciated...


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See also international call checker for cheap phone rates.

You may find the following useful: 13.5 - Spouses/civil partners and how they qualify and Chapter 9 – The maintenance and accommodation requirements

For example:

The following list, which is not comprehensive, is intended as a guide to the factors which may need to be considered when assessing means of maintenance:

* the applicant’s past and current employment;

* the applicant’s educational qualifications and any other skills or qualifications which the applicant has that could be of assistance in getting started in the UK;

* the sponsor’s current or proposed employment.

* any plans the applicant has for employment in the UK;

* any arrangements which have been made, or could be made, by the sponsor, any other relatives, friends or contacts in the UK in connection with the plans for employment;

* any support which will be forthcoming from others.

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Should i state for her in her section that she intends toi find work in England? or not?

Yes and you should and give them details of any qualifications that she has, if any.

Sounds like you have it all covered Scotty

Edited by markr
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Cheers mark,

Yes im confindent of the visa, ill put it into sections then put each section in a folder.

At the end of my intro letter ill state what is included in the application and write down in order how they are presented.

Example at the end of the intro letter ill state






And so on and so on, when they come to the sections they will see that they are in order as stated in the intro letter.

What about the intro letter? do i just state my name, residence, that i am providing supporting docs for my wife to join me, and give them a brief run down on our relationship and how much we want to start a life in England???

Also the I.V.A, do i need to tell them this in my income/expenditure section? on my bank statements it simply just says standing order £250 each month.

Also after i will have paid everything out i will have around £900 for me and the mrs, is this enough?

What about her number not always showing up on my bills, only the london access number from the cards? is this a problem? ill explain how it works in our contact history section.


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What about the intro letter? do i just state my name, residence, that i am providing supporting docs for my wife to join me, and give them a brief run down on our relationship and how much we want to start a life in England???

Also the I.V.A, do i need to tell them this in my income/expenditure section? on my bank statements it simply just says standing order £250 each month.

Also after i will have paid everything out i will have around £900 for me and the mrs, is this enough?

What about her number not always showing up on my bills, only the london access number from the cards? is this a problem? ill explain how it works in our contact history section.


I know you have read and re-read the requirements to support your wife in an application of a settlement visa so don't lose sight of what is required. You need to prove your income ( and you do that by giving 6 months pay slips), you need to prove you are supporting yourself on your income (and you do that by showing 6 months bank statements with a steady flow of outgoings and expenditure and an increasing or steady balance at the end of each month).

What you spend your money on is of no business or any concern of the British Embassy, they dont ask for the detail so dont give it to them they really are not interested.

The amount you have to live on is irrelevant provided your account shows you manage on what you receive.

As for the phone bills, explain it as you have here to us, the Embassy are fully aware of the methods used these days so will have to accept what you say (anyway if you have no record you cannot give one)

As for an intro letter, there is no need for a detailed letter as all they need (proof of accomodation, identification etc) will be in your package. If you wish to put a covering letter just say something simple like." Please find attached documents in support of the application for a settlement visa for my wife Mrs Nitiya Scotty"

Good luck with it

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Also if all goes to plan we are wanting to fly back together.

My flight is with etihad, which is via abu dabi.

If my wife was to get on the same return flight as me, does she require any visa for dubai?

My stop over in abu dabi is only 2 hours before connecting to manchester.

Hope you can help.

Thanks all.....

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Also if all goes to plan we are wanting to fly back together.

My flight is with etihad, which is via abu dabi.

If my wife was to get on the same return flight as me, does she require any visa for dubai?

My stop over in abu dabi is only 2 hours before connecting to manchester.

Hope you can help.

Thanks all.....

Hi Scotty,

you won't need any visa's for Abu Dabi as you wont be going out of the departure lounge. Also thats a lot of money to be paying for phone calls, if you use a number like 08719991991 and follow the instructions it should only be 10 pence a minute to call Thailand.

All the best,


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Yes i agree its alot,

I use phone cards which come off my free mins, i get 2000 a month.

After they finnish i use tele savers, thats what has been costing alot.

I have since discovered voip discount where i can call the mrs from my laptop for free.

I just pay 10 euros and its about 8 cent a txt and i can call her free for 120 days...

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Yes i agree its alot,

I use phone cards which come off my free mins, i get 2000 a month.

After they finnish i use tele savers, thats what has been costing alot.

I have since discovered voip discount where i can call the mrs from my laptop for free.

I just pay 10 euros and its about 8 cent a txt and i can call her free for 120 days...

Yes, I was paying 80 pence a minute for bloody months. Now the wife is here I don't really care how much she calls home it seems my bill is only about 40 quid a month. Like I said Abu Dabi is no problem because your ticket is to England all you do is change plane. I flew Etihad last November and they're a good airline.

Good luck with your wife's visa, you seem to have everything covered.


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It has been said that when you make an application you need to get translations of all submitted documents that are originally written in thai, I got everything translated when I did it, but on speaking to the Embassy they told me that it did not need doing at all, and that they had translators working in the Embassy.

So, who knows?

Any one??

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What papers do i need translating for the settlement visa?.

No translations required to apply for a settlement visa as there are Thai readers in the Embassy.(some posters here have even said the UKVAC didn't accept translations that they had done)

However you should get a certified translation of your marriage certificate to take home with you in case you need to show it for anything in the UK. It'll be a lot cheaper to get it done in Thailand.

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I would not even mention the IVA. They do not credit check u. Its more about funds you can show after your expenses rather than explaining what our expenses are i think. I actually got my wifes visa while an IVA i had failed. (rip off b'stards).

Go to 1899.com & register, i have used it for over a year & its 2p per minute to Thailand no scams. Alternatively telediscount.com is 5p per min both u can do between mobiles as well.

I am sure we spoke before Scotty


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Go to 1899.com & register, i have used it for over a year & its 2p per minute to Thailand no scams. Alternatively telediscount.com is 5p per min both u can do between mobiles as well.

Better you go to Vinnys link to international calls above or Nifty List you will find numbers for calls to Thailand land lines at Half p/min and mobiles 1p/min. No scams either.

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Hi everyone.

How does this sound for my introduction letter?


My name is ****** and i am supplying documents in helping my wife ****** with a settlement visa application.

My wife and I are deeply in love and have recently married and are hoping this application is granted so we can settle in England and live a very happy and wonderfull life together.

Please find sectioned and attached to the application, documents in according order.










Signed by me................

How does that look? i will include all the documents in there correct section, example

Copy of my passport, birth certificate in section 2 along with a brief note about myself.

Photos, hotel reciepts, flight tickets etc will be in section 7 with again a brief note explaining when we met, when and where we have travelled etc etc.

Section 8 will include phone bills, used international phone cards, jiffy bags from gifts i have sent her through out our relationship etc

You get the picture how i will set it out.

Also section 3 about my wife, do i need to make it out as if my wife was writing it? or is it ok for me to write it and explain about her? example ill explain her name, age, address that she is divorced etc and include in with this our marriage certificate (thai copy/English copy) her divorce paper, copy of her i.d, passport, two photos, t.b test paper etc

Like i said does this section have to be put forward to the embassy as if my wife was explaining about herself or would it be ok for me to explain about her?

I hope this is ok how i will be setting out the application.

Ill put each section into a plasic sleeve folder, and then put inside one big binder folder with of course the bankers draft fee :o .

Thanks all, im nearly there....


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Hi everyone.

How does this sound for my introduction letter?


My name is ****** and i am supplying documents in helping my wife ****** with a settlement visa application.

My wife and I are deeply in love and have recently married and are hoping this application is granted so we can settle in England and live a very happy and wonderfull life together.

Please find sectioned and attached to the application, documents in according order.










Signed by me................

How does that look? i will include all the documents in there correct section, example

Copy of my passport, birth certificate in section 2 along with a brief note about myself.

Photos, hotel reciepts, flight tickets etc will be in section 7 with again a brief note explaining when we met, when and where we have travelled etc etc.

Section 8 will include phone bills, used international phone cards, jiffy bags from gifts i have sent her through out our relationship etc

You get the picture how i will set it out.

Also section 3 about my wife, do i need to make it out as if my wife was writing it? or is it ok for me to write it and explain about her? example ill explain her name, age, address that she is divorced etc and include in with this our marriage certificate (thai copy/English copy) her divorce paper, copy of her i.d, passport, two photos, t.b test paper etc

Like i said does this section have to be put forward to the embassy as if my wife was explaining about herself or would it be ok for me to explain about her?

I hope this is ok how i will be setting out the application.

Ill put each section into a plasic sleeve folder, and then put inside one big binder folder with of course the bankers draft fee :o .

Thanks all, im nearly there....


I have NOT yet made our SV application - so bear this in mind when reading my comments! My initial thought is that it sounds good! But you have raised a question for me about whether da Missus has to "write" bits.

Although I have not yet decided on a final format (and content) of our paperwork, putting the Index in the covering letter is also what I am intending to do, on the basis that it cannot then get seperated (or discarded? :D ).

I recall reading a few times that organising the paperwork using plastic sleeve folders sometimes seemed to cause a problem and that folk have been told to remove all documents from them when submitting. (probably to do with the fact that IME it is a PITA when reviewing documents to remove them from a plastic sleeve just to read page 2 )...........No idea whether this is still the case with Embassy etc...............but I was thinking that to try and forestall this and still have the documents capable of being put back in order / still to be capable of being easily identified when reading the SV application form / covering letters to give each and every document a unique reference number i.e.......... "appendix 7 (iv)" etc etc and if a specific document is referred to in any of the covering letters (ABOUT MY WIFE, ACCOMODATION, MY EMPLOYMENT etc etc) to also refer to the document i.e......"I am employed with XYZ Ltd earning 1 squillion pounds a week, in accordance with my Contract of Employment dated 16/6/2005 (appendix 5.1)".

Please note that I am not saying the above is the right approach, just perhaps to think about how the application would look / read if the paperwork was all jumbled up / was removed from all of the plastic sleeves - would someone who was not familiar with your paperwork then still easily be able to make sense of it?

I hesitated to post the above, as I guess like me the more you read the more your head hurts as their is never a clear "answer".

Just dug out my last version of the covering / sponsorship letter (pretty similar):-

Dear Sirs,

The documents enclosed with this letter are to support the Settlement Visa application by my wife that will allow us both to live permanently together as Husband and Wife at my home in Jersey, Channel Islands, UK.

My name is Mr David XXXX XXXX and I am and always have been a British Citizen, born and always resident in Jersey, UK.

My wife Mrs XXXX XXXX (Neé XXXXXXXX) is a Thai Citizen, born and always resident in Bangkok, Thailand.

Supporting Documentation for Settlement Visa Application

1 ) Not yet decided!

2 ) Not yet decided!

3 ) But pretty much the same as your list

4 ) etc

5 ) etc!

Yours faithfully


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Two questions here,

1. We are hoping to travel back together if the visa is granted, should i state this in the covering letter that we intend to travel back together on the day i fly back? or should i just see how it all pans out?

When putting forward the application i will have around 2 and half weeks left in Thailand, during that time we are hoping we get a decision, and are hoping my wife to be can travel back with me.

So should i let them know that we want to travel back together???

2. Do you know a hotel next to the English embassy or near abouts????

Thanks all....


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Well im starting to make the visa later and obviously i will be starting with the intro letter.

What i want to know is, should i name the letter introduction letter? sponsership letter? or something else?

Also should my soon to be wife add a letter to the application, or is a completed VAF 2 form enough, along with my supporting docs?

Thanks all.....


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  • 2 years later...
Also if all goes to plan we are wanting to fly back together.

My flight is with etihad, which is via abu dabi.

If my wife was to get on the same return flight as me, does she require any visa for dubai?

My stop over in abu dabi is only 2 hours before connecting to manchester.

Hope you can help.

Thanks all.....

Hi Scotty,

you won't need any visa's for Abu Dabi as you wont be going out of the departure lounge. Also thats a lot of money to be paying for phone calls, if you use a number like 08719991991 and follow the instructions it should only be 10 pence a minute to call Thailand.

All the best,


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