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Underpass Update And Photos

Maejo Man

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Congratulations to the government and completing it without waiting for the outcome of any litigation against the defaulting contractor.

What surprised me was the ingenuity they used in building the bridge before excavating under it for the tunnel.

Why do I think they would have excavated first in the U.S. and then used scaffolding to support the bridge concrete during the pour?

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Nice report. It looks a very good job and I had noticed they are working very rapidly. Upon completion, I'd like to see the savvy engineer who oversaw this job put in charge of fixing the ingress/egress ramps just beyond the San KamPaeng underpass that lead to Airport superhighway. What a cockup that is.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I stopped today on my travels, and had a long chat with the project manager and his engineer, and took a heap of photos.

For all of you interested in seeing the completion of this project and the latest info click THIS LINK

This will be a major event when this is finally finished. Then they can start on the fourth ring road which by my estimate will be just short of Chiang Rai :o


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Looking at the photos (bottom right)you can see them diggiing in a previous construction spot. It makes me think the first contractor really screwed up the job and it had to be fixed.

They didn't "screw up" That was the eastern side, and as far as the last contractor got before leaving. To answer your previous post, on my tour of the site yesterday, I didn't see any blatent breaches of safety anywhere on the site, and surprisingly it could have been any western construction site.

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