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Will Thaksin Prosecution Complete Before Election?


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Just wanted to get a feel if most people think the Sonthi government will complete the prosecution of Thaksin before the upcoming election? Or will we have to wait for justice to be served during the next government?

The military went after Thaksin's money and has been trying to discredit him. To no avail.

The next government could be - his. Thaksin's mates and his followers.

That's the worst nightmare the junta has.

Don't forget the landslide his party won in the last elections.

Or even the elections before. The junta has overestimated their popularity figures.

That's where the problem is, now.

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Extradition from the UK is not possible as long as he can maintain that the corruption charges he is surely guilty of are labeled "political" due to th coup government trying to try him.

Best chance is to leave a couple of the most easily proven charges until the next government takes over and hope that the independent judiciary and the new independent prosecutors office extradites him and convicts him. UK should grant extradition then, I would think.

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Extradition from the UK is not possible as long as he can maintain that the corruption charges he is surely guilty of are labeled "political" due to th coup government trying to try him.

Best chance is to leave a couple of the most easily proven charges until the next government takes over and hope that the independent judiciary and the new independent prosecutors office extradites him and convicts him. UK should grant extradition then, I would think.

IMO, what you said is a science fiction.

It is clear now that the junta has no support.

The new government could be Thaksin's or swaying towards him.

They may zero any charges. UK knows the mickey mouse politics in Thai, especially the junta that has been laughed at all around the planet.

No extradictions or things like that.

More uncertainity ahead.

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Just wanted to get a feel if most people think the Sonthi government will complete the prosecution of Thaksin before the upcoming election? Or will we have to wait for justice to be served during the next government?

Your question is fairly disingenuous. In the last month the Thai authorities have issued two arrest warrants or Thaksin for failure

to appear. The trials have not even started. Are you suggesting they could be completed , even in absentia , before the election?

I do not discount the other posts which speak of a pro-Thaksin element winning that election.

However , to paraphrase Joe Stalin (was it?) "how many divisions does Thaksin have ?".


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I'm just asking for your opinions, no need to get nasty. I do appreciate all perspectives, as we all do.

Like deposing of the elected PM who got elected by numbers almost twice what the junta "yes" votes in the "first in history" referendum? With a "holiday for the people" attached.

Populist who was?

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Just wanted to get a feel if most people think the Sonthi government will complete the prosecution of Thaksin before the upcoming election? Or will we have to wait for justice to be served during the next government?

He can claim aslyum if he feels his life is in danger, so the chances of him coming back now are zero.

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Thanks for your responses. It appears that unfortunately no one believes that Thaksin will be prosecuted before the election next year. Quite sad really.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the election is set for 23rd December,this year.

I agree that it is sad that the justice-process runs slowly, perhaps it might be speeded-up, if Thaksin had not claimed first to be ill, and then failed to show-up in court ?

By the way, people who still refer to DL as the 'elected PM' might also care to remember, that he resigned last year, when he called another election, unnecessarily.

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Next week is D day because the judges of The Political Crimes Court will decide whether to go ahead or not with the defendant in absentia.

In normal criminal courts the defendant must appear at least once for the case to proceed but as this is a special court for political corruption that may not apply. Whatever, the decision will set a precedent, if the judges decide Thaksin must appear all the following cases will grind to a halt as they will proceed in the same court.

If the judges decide to proceed with the defendant in absentia the cases will be concluded at a fast rate, 2 or 3 months per case as unlike other Thai courts the judges meet continuouslyuntil the case is finished, not once a week, a month as in other courts.

Rakkiart's case was a good example from a few years back.

I forget the day thejudgeswill decide about proceeding or waiting, I think it's September 14.

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the quick answer is no. has any other deposed thai leader been successfully prosecuted while in exile? history says no too.

and besides, will a court convened under the junta possibly be considered to be legitimate or indeed impartial? if the legitimacy of a court is in question, what does it matter the judgements it makes?

the junta has worked itself into a corner and it gets more difficult to see how they can maneuver a way out without looking very undemocratic. they know thaksin is just biding his time as the junta's position is weakening as the elections draw near.

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One must remember he was appointed the caretaker PM. :o

Quite right, appointed caretaker PM by the Head of State, not elected as such, and he then took care to arrange the new elections very slowly, whilst moving-in yet more TRT-loyalists to positions of authority.

But so far, I think the answer to the OP is a 'no, across the board.

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