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Pattaya Business

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Looking at sunbeltasias website again today,like i do most days,came across a lot of bars that are for sale and only been established a few months or one year at most.Cant understand why they are selling them.I suppose the business brokers dont care if they have any real books and just want to sell them.

Does anyone know if a farang still can register a company to buy a low range business at around 300000 baht?

Also does anyonne know if you need a license to sell alcohol?

Does anyone know which one i can go to ,to get advice to "start" up a business and have them do my company rego etc.

Is thaistartup or sunbelt better?

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Alcohol license is 1,650 government fees. Takes less than 1 day to get.

As for bars in Pattaya, if someone wanted to buy a beer bar in Pattaya they should really think twice if they would make money. For a number of people, money is not why they want to buy. In surveys, people put the reason "to make money" as the reason, they acquire a business as 5th. Pride of ownership, being the boss, hobby, bored comes before "make money."

Some bars make lots of money and some don't. Three bars that were acquired through us this past year are doing 18 million, 11 million and 10 million a year in net profits under the new owner’s mgmt. But they are not beer bars! If I was looking to make money, then a Pattaya beer bar would not be my first choice. Different strokes for different folks. Every body has that choice. If you want to make money, as we always state do a " a very through due diligence"

You have a huge advantage of acquiring a existing business versus starting one up even if it was only open less than a year. Maybe the seller is going through divorce, relocation, partnership dispute, health. Find out the real reason and then check, check and check some more.

As for better on company startups...I'll give IndoSiam the honors. He runs a good business. As for existing businesses, we are considered good. Were the World’s largest so we should be good. :o


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I lived in Narklua, on the outskirst if Pattaya for seven years and I spent my fare share of time checking out the local bar scene (As one does).

Yes some people do make money out of bars, but I have a theory that a lot of bars, a whole lot of bars in Pattaya are not making money, they are laundering it.

I walked past the same two dozen or so bars every day, and I spent many a happy evening at other bars. What I noticed was bars with nobody sitting at them, except a few girls, maybe a customer now and again but essentially empty all year around. The girls would change from time to time but the 'manager' stayed. Not for a few months but for years.

The bars down Narklua Soi 18 are typical of these places, I've sat at them (alone) and had a beer, chatted with the 'manager' and been told the owner is a Farang living overseas.

The laws of ecconomics don't allow for businesses to stay open like this (hobby bar or not) I cannot believe, I do not believe that these bars make a living in Thailand. I can see no other reason they are open than to launder money.

Perhaps they have huge profits, but that I guess is on paper.

Looking at all the beer bars in Pattaya, and I have been around most, I reckon not more than a couple of dozen make the kind of money that will keep an expat, let's say a profit of $2000 a month.

There might be one profit making bar in each bar area, not much more than that, and no room for anyone else to make a profit in each area.

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BILLY .If you think you can buy a profit making business in thailand,If there was a big profit,nobody sell,They keep it

When i was 5 years old i d'it believe in santa claus

First look around ,En take your time,not in a hurry

Cheers et bonne chance

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billy,what do u want to do?what business skills do u have?think about what u would not mind doing,you should come over stay a while ,have a good luck around,its not as easy as seeing a business on sunbelt,paying your money,and thats it your away,u will get ripped off if you buy a bar,and thats from your staff,go to pattata and speak to as many frang bar owners as you can,take care mate :o

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Tornado: Please reread my post. Was taking about BillyBilly :-) Sorry on no info on the Subway. Will PM you.

BillyBilly: Thanks. Looking to hear from you.

exp9696: If you had a divorce and you own the business, what would you do if the business was the biggest asset to be divided?

How bout a partnership dispute.? Would you close the business or sell it?

Retirement? If you had no one in your family to pass it down or your children had their own lives. Would you close the business down or sell it?

You have cancer? Would you sell the business or close it? If you cared about the employees you would sell it, so they have a job as well when you're gone.

If it was losing, would you look to sell? Odds are high you would close it down. You might think about approaching us, we may or may not take the listing. Just depends on how realistic you are. It may be acquired even if it was losing...but around 30- 40% of what you invested.

The bottom line their are good businesses that are for sale. Are all of them?... of course not. But a losing business simply will not stay in business more than 2 or 3 years . They close down. If you are looking to own a business for the objective to make money. acquire one that has been established 5 years or more.

GuestHouse: On Beer Bars, I don't think its laundering. Most beerbars are not a limited company so what would be the point? Its a hobby or pride of ownership. I would surmise most break even or lose 20,000 Baht a month. Guys support Gfs for more so why not a bar that they can call " their place." Its a place they can hang out with their friends.

MyfriendU: The Pattaya beerbar market is a tough way to make a buck. I'ts possible but not likely in my humble opinion. In BKk, a different story, I know several that are making over 500,000 Baht a month NET profit, even in low season. Will they be for sale one day? I hope so as they will be acquired fast.


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