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Do You Think Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legal?


Do you think same sex marriage should be legal?  

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  • 3 years later...

Can you imagine 2 katoys approaching you and saying(in a very deep voice) hello sexy man want to loom with my husband,who is dressed up as a lady and have ham yai and nom yai,he lady but man realy,but my husband too and i am lady,but man etc etc.

a bit confusing aint it.

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Why not ? I am no way inclined to lean that way myself.

but for the folks who are I say up to you.

It is after all Discriminating to the people who for one reason or another are attracted to the same Sex.

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Why do people want to deny the free will choice of other people that has no effect whatsoever on you? Seems mean hearted. Legal gay marriage doesn't mean all gays will marry or that you have to marry gay. Just another option for people, Up 2 U.

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Why do people want to deny the free will choice of other people that has no effect whatsoever on you? Seems mean hearted. Legal gay marriage doesn't mean all gays will marry or that you have to marry gay. Just another option for people, Up 2 U.

I definitely agree with you here . It should be free for all to decide , not for people

who tell them they can or not . But of course I am from the Netherlands , and we are

more open minded then many countries most of you come from , and I'm not gay by the way . :o

Edited by tijnebijn
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Why not? It's not 1910 anymore, let people live their lives however they choose.

Fifty years ago people were against mixed race marriages. Judging people by sexuality or race wasn't right then and it sure as hel_l isn't right now.

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NO, it is not natural :o

Of course it is natural. For the minority of course but that doesn't make it unnatural. Homosexuals of either variety are not manufactured. Imagine the Chinese saying that negroid or caucasian peoples since they are in the minority were unnatural.

Most like to huddle with the majority; it brings comfort to us heterosexuals. Not so with those of different sexuality. No need to make their lives more uncomfortable that I assume that they are.

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What other people do together has no impact on me. So why would I care what they do, to include getting married?

Agreed let people do as they please, but in English schools homosexuality is currently promoted as normal, and it most certainly isnt in my book.

Gay couples should also not be allowed to adopt IMO.

Edited by boiledegg
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No,no and NO

It shouldn't (be made legal)

There are enough serious issues to be dealt with :D

Imagine meeting up with a friend (male) and him introducing you to 'his husband'


Oh goodness! I'm sure it would be a horror! Just because of that instance we should not give them the right to marry!

I'm so glad that you'd restrict a whole community of people from equal rights for the sole reason that it would "scare" or "disgust" you.

It's wonderful that you don't consider it serious enough to be made legal. Obviously two people that love one another should be considered second-class zitizens.

Hmm. Imagine your "life partner" (if we had the right to marry, they'd be called our husband/wife) being in the hospital, dying, but since you're not considered "equal" you can't be with them in their last moments, etc. Just an example of legal impacts, I'm not even going to go into the social impacts.

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It is not just the right to be married, but people living together from the same sex as a couple should have the same rights.

Couples cannot go and live somewhere else where their marriage is not recognized by the authorities.

So that could mean the one with the job could be atmitted, the partner cannot.

Or the members of that family cannot have an insurance, or there would be no tax reduction, which for " normal" couples is the norm ( in the situation I am talking about now).

Social secutiry is not there for the partner, if the breadwinner dies, the earned pension is not available for the partner. And so on and so on...

It is not just the marriage, sometimes the implications go much and much further than just that.

I am talking " married" couples here of the same sex. Some of them have a better marriage than their so called " normal" equivalents.

"It is not normal" is a typical answer, or it is not right is another one. To me it is like people saying: I am white, and all others are ......and therefor it is "not normal" or " not right" or "not healthy"...or not....whatever.

`The bible says so` is another great excuse, but at the same time not recognizing someone elses right to read `the other` bible.

It are all the same arguments that start wars, and the excuse is that the people in the country attacked" donot act normal or donot even dress like us" and therefor it is ok.

And we call ourselves " human". And we have `the norm`, of what is right or wrong. We have not got <deleted>. Most of us are stuck in "their norm" or their governments norm. Well I am glad that some humans are not stuck , and whatever it is, or takes , that humans love each other in whatever way or form, is absolutely fine with me.

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A marriage between homosexuals or lesbians should never be legalized.

A certificate of marriage means they can adopt children and it seems no one considers the children in these matters.

In nature most species of animals have a mother and a father.

Homosexuality is bad for society and should not be encouraged.

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It is not just the right to be married, but people living together from the same sex as a couple should have the same rights.

Couples cannot go and live somewhere else where their marriage is not recognized by the authorities.

So that could mean the one with the job could be atmitted, the partner cannot.

Or the members of that family cannot have an insurance, or there would be no tax reduction, which for " normal" couples is the norm ( in the situation I am talking about now).

Social secutiry is not there for the partner, if the breadwinner dies, the earned pension is not available for the partner. And so on and so on...

It is not just the marriage, sometimes the implications go much and much further than just that.

I am talking " married" couples here of the same sex. Some of them have a better marriage than their so called " normal" equivalents.

"It is not normal" is a typical answer, or it is not right is another one. To me it is like people saying: I am white, and all others are ......and therefor it is "not normal" or " not right" or "not healthy"...or not....whatever.

`The bible says so` is another great excuse, but at the same time not recognizing someone elses right to read `the other` bible.

It are all the same arguments that start wars, and the excuse is that the people in the country attacked" donot act normal or donot even dress like us" and therefor it is ok.

And we call ourselves " human". And we have `the norm`, of what is right or wrong. We have not got <deleted>. Most of us are stuck in "their norm" or their governments norm. Well I am glad that some humans are not stuck , and whatever it is, or takes , that humans love each other in whatever way or form, is absolutely fine with me.

I believe people should have the free right to do as they please so long as it against the will of another.

But more importantly those who dont agree with things such as homosexuality should be allowed to put their view across without people insinuating theyre somehow uneducated, racist, sexist, homophobic, less human or whatever name middle class liberals have conjured up to stifle free thought, speech and debate.

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