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Taksin's Swiss Bank Accounts Frozen


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Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere but I have not seen it.

In the Straits Times yesterday there was a small piece about an article that is to be published in a Swiss Magazine soon where Thaksin rails about the Swiss banking not being secret anymore as his Swiss bank accounts have been frozen too.

As this been mentioned anywhere else?

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Cheers - had stopped reading that thread.

But surely Thaksin will have known, if he had cash there, that Swiss bank secrecy is a thing of the past

Seems he has moved so much money maybe he lost track of some of his moves - remember this guy is only an ex policeman. Just because he made it to the top of thai politics doesnt mean he has any inteligence

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Cheers - had stopped reading that thread.

But surely Thaksin will have known, if he had cash there, that Swiss bank secrecy is a thing of the past

Pleasure, oddly enough your neck of the woods {Singapore} is the place of choice for secrecy these days.


Indeed - its a big sticking point in the extradition treaty between Indonesia and Singapore I beleive too - Singapore will not disclose the dirty money in the banks or property bought.

Just looking at my banks Asia Treasure Private Banking today and reading between the lines it would be safe enough there.

Luxembourg is safe for a few more years too as well I think - they will comply with the EU directive later than most. In Lux its even illegal for a branch to tell HQ who has an account there or something to that effect - its where the Belgins and other hide dirty money.

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Cheers - had stopped reading that thread.

But surely Thaksin will have known, if he had cash there, that Swiss bank secrecy is a thing of the past

Seems he has moved so much money maybe he lost track of some of his moves - remember this guy is only an ex policeman. Just because he made it to the top of thai politics doesnt mean he has any inteligence

He is not that daft - MBA from a pretty good school and a PHd

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Cheers - had stopped reading that thread.

But surely Thaksin will have known, if he had cash there, that Swiss bank secrecy is a thing of the past

Seems he has moved so much money maybe he lost track of some of his moves - remember this guy is only an ex policeman. Just because he made it to the top of thai politics doesnt mean he has any inteligence

He is not that daft - MBA from a pretty good school and a PHd


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Cheers - had stopped reading that thread.

But surely Thaksin will have known, if he had cash there, that Swiss bank secrecy is a thing of the past

Seems he has moved so much money maybe he lost track of some of his moves - remember this guy is only an ex policeman. Just because he made it to the top of thai politics doesnt mean he has any inteligence

He is not that daft - MBA from a pretty good school and a PHd


LOL - I am keeping well out of this one :o

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Billionaire, immensely popular leader elected in a landslide three times and now owner of a football team in the most watched league in the World.

I'd hate to see what he could do if he was clever.

Privilged and connected doesnt equal clever. Although he sure studied the right subjects to serve - kenyucky universty :o all the great scholars graduated from good ole kentuky. ( just because the chicken is popular dont make it good)

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Billionaire, immensely popular leader elected in a landslide three times and now owner of a football team in the most watched league in the World.

I'd hate to see what he could do if he was clever.

Privilged and connected doesnt equal clever. Although he sure studied the right subjects to serve - kenyucky universty :o all the great scholars graduated from good ole kentuky. ( just because the chicken is popular dont make it good)

The junta are clever?

Brute force, tanks in the streets...and all they have been doing is - going after the money Thaksin has stashed.

They simply just hated him and have no other vision (what they had was humiliated in the referendum they organized + a day off for everyone).

TRT comes back with their support, under a different name, junta makes yet another coup...and the spiral the junta has introduced goes on....

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Billionaire, immensely popular leader elected in a landslide three times and now owner of a football team in the most watched league in the World.

I'd hate to see what he could do if he was clever.

Privilged and connected doesnt equal clever. Although he sure studied the right subjects to serve - kenyucky universty :o all the great scholars graduated from good ole kentuky. ( just because the chicken is popular dont make it good)

The junta are clever?

Brute force, tanks in the streets...and all they have been doing is - going after the money Thaksin has stashed.

They simply just hated him and have no other vision (what they had was humiliated in the referendum they organized + a day off for everyone).

TRT comes back with their support, under a different name, junta makes yet another coup...and the spiral the junta has introduced goes on....

As i said in a prior post the new 'SPWAN' Party (Same Party With Another Name Party) is sure to win the election

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Billionaire, immensely popular leader elected in a landslide three times and now owner of a football team in the most watched league in the World.

I'd hate to see what he could do if he was clever.

Privilged and connected doesnt equal clever. Although he sure studied the right subjects to serve - kenyucky universty :o all the great scholars graduated from good ole kentuky. ( just because the chicken is popular dont make it good)

The junta are clever?

Brute force, tanks in the streets...and all they have been doing is - going after the money Thaksin has stashed.

They simply just hated him and have no other vision (what they had was humiliated in the referendum they organized + a day off for everyone).

TRT comes back with their support, under a different name, junta makes yet another coup...and the spiral the junta has introduced goes on....

If there proves to be a spiral, it's one that's perpetuated by misinformed Thai people who think like you. The junta may not be perfect, but don't use that as an excuse to defend Thaksin and his cronies.

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criminal justice, and a phd, well he certainly did get it right :D:D:o:D

If he has a PHD where are his published papers, his dissertation?

I don't think he is cleverin the conventional sense, he is certainly from a well priviledged background and is exceptionally good at playing people off one against the other and building alliances with equally greedy people of priviledge.

I doubt very much if he would have made much of himself had he not had the connections and concessions though.

There are not many big Thai business that can cut it and compete on the world stage, I think the level playing fields and more honest ways of business are completly alien to them which they find difficult.

Chang is an exception, this is probobally the best run large company in Thailand, they are very transparent.

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Billionaire, immensely popular leader elected in a landslide three times and now owner of a football team in the most watched league in the World.

I thought DL was elected twice, in 2001 & again in 2005, before his resignation in January 2006 led to the later-annulled election in 2006 ?

I'd hate to see what he could do if he was clever.

Agree that he was a very clever politician, not so sure about his business-skills, and saddened by the way the power seemed eventually to go to his head. He might otherwise have ranked alongside General Prem, for his early achievements, in government.

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If he has a PHD where are his published papers, his dissertation?
His dissertation is entitled "An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Criminal Justice Educational Process and the Attitude of the Student Toward the Rule of Law. 1979" and features, though is not available from UMI {ProQuest}.


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He is not that daft - MBA from a pretty good school and a PHd

Masters in Criminal Justice from Eastern Kentucky University (1975). Doctorate in the same from Sam Houston State University (1978).

Everything he does is surrounded with controversy.

How he really obtained those is his best kept and darkest secret of all. We're now looking at the wreck but someone is due to find and open that chest someday.

Ohh the face... :o

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He is not that daft - MBA from a pretty good school and a PHd

Masters in Criminal Justice from Eastern Kentucky University (1975). Doctorate in the same from Sam Houston State University (1978).

I thought he had a MBA from Wharton?

Seems not!

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