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Insulin Dependent Diabetics In Cm


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After more than 38 years battling type 2 diabetes I have finally reached the stage where I will need insulin therapy.

If there are Insulin dependent diabetics in CM you may be able to provide answers to the following:

Where in CM can Insulin and Insulin delivery devices be purchased?

What would be your recommendation/preference regarding insulin delivery devices; syringe, pen (reusable/prefilled?), etc.

What cost for these various products can I expect?

I have done some preliminary 'sourcing' in ChiangRai and have not found a pharmacy that supplies anything related to Insulin or Insulin delivery systems. The pharmacies keep referring me to the hospitals! The problem that I foresee is that the hospital charges will be 'inflated'!

Any recommendations will be very appreciated.

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I realise that I am not in your area as I live in Korat but I thought I would let you know about here and what it costs etc.

I went on insulin 2 years ago when I was still in the UK, having been a type 2 for many years and have now moved to Korat permanently 7 months ago. The specialist in the UK was excellent and I trust that you have been told by a doctor that the time for insulin is here. Normally you would go on insulin and they would let you know how much to take and when and you would monitor the sugar levels and report it to them until you get to a level of insulin that is good for you.

There are not many pharmacies that keep insulin as most Thais do not use it because of the price, but I was fortunate to find one that does as the old father is on it and also this is a place that supplies other pharmacies. They get all their insulin from Bangkok, because occasionally they have non in stock I always keep a months reserve at home and it normally takes only a few days to get it back in stock.

In the UK I was on the disposable Novo Mix type pens which you can get here but they cost 1,500 baht for 5. So I use an alternative which my Diabetic consultant in the UK via a phone call said was ok. I bought a Novopen 3 dispenser which I put the phials of insulin in. I bought this for a one off 1,800 baht and the thing is guaranteed for life!!, and then buy Novomixtard 30 at 750 baht for 5 phials. The needles Novofine 31g number 6 which I use are 600 baht for a box of 100. Of course they also stock test strips and testing needles as well but so far my stock from the UK is still lasting out.

I did go an see a doctor at the hospital after I got here but it was not too helpful and the pharmacy there charge double the prices above.

I do keep a tight check on my sugar levels and also my mother in law is a nurse so she checks my blood pressure etc and can arrange blood tests. It was through her I found this place as it is where she gets her supplies from.

Good luck in your search in your area, maybe try and find a pharmacy that supplies the others.

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After more than 38 years battling type 2 diabetes I have finally reached the stage where I will need insulin therapy.

If there are Insulin dependent diabetics in CM you may be able to provide answers to the following:

Where in CM can Insulin and Insulin delivery devices be purchased?

What would be your recommendation/preference regarding insulin delivery devices; syringe, pen (reusable/prefilled?), etc.

What cost for these various products can I expect?

I have done some preliminary 'sourcing' in ChiangRai and have not found a pharmacy that supplies anything related to Insulin or Insulin delivery systems. The pharmacies keep referring me to the hospitals! The problem that I foresee is that the hospital charges will be 'inflated'!

Any recommendations will be very appreciated.

Also a Type 2 on insulin. When in Bangkok I use a local hospital that has a diabetic clinic. They are quit reasonable in cost when compared with USA or Korea and provide the same insulin product as I get when outside Thailand. CM has several excellent hospitals that cater to farangs and can help you with diabetic maintenance and insulin.

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Got a potential tip for you about a gov't hospital where things are cheap. Not sure about insulin availability however, you may be better off looking for a diabetes center like the Korat guy mentioned.

As for me, whenever I need a prescription medication I go to Suan Prung at the Southwest Corner of the Old City, outside the moat. Yes, it's the 'loony bin' as far as the Thais are concerned but certainly many a normal-ish folk going there to pick up some medicines now and then. If you don't mind the occasional joke from your Thai wife, it's perfectly fine to go there. It's pretty much opposite Suan Buak Had, the jogging park inside the moat. Anyway, I pay about half price as I would at Ram to see the Dr. there and get the Rx filled. Everybody's friendly and their English is alright if you don't speak Thai. Maybe better to bring the missus along as you fill out the paperwork to get your registration paperwork taken care of.

As they see all kinds of rural and local Thais with and without resources, I'm betting they're equipped to handle/help all kinds of people who've never been treated for all kinds of neglected issues - and diabetes seems to be one of those that gets to a point b4 proper diagnosis with quite a few folks. That's why I figure they'll have some sort of insulin care. At the very least they know where to refer others for other care for the right price too, as they know people who bother to got to Suan Prung aren't in it for the glamor.

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'realthaideal', (Google.com?), and 'rawdonald'

Thanks for the information. The CM suggestion is what I am looking for. I just wish I new of a pharmacy that could supply 'everything', but I guess that would be asking to much - TIT.

Presently gathering all the information that I can regarding 'insulin' dependent diabetics from internet searches. Have a pretty good idea as to what I will have to do. Getting what I will more than likely need, may be a problem.

When I first arrived in Thailand I could not purchase AccuChek Strips or Needles. I found that Roche had an office in Bangkok and emailed them. Within 24 hours I was given a complete list of supplies that I could purchase directly from Roche. This may be an option that I could use for "insulin' supplies and equipment. Of course, prescriptions will be required so I don't know how Roche, Becton Dickinson, etc. would handle that!

Again, thanks for the help.

Edited: Keep getting 'Google.C--' when I submit the post with (Google.com) (Humm!)

Edited by grumpy_old_retired
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Since you re-emphasize the point about the full 'supply' chain and one-stop shopping, I'm thinking of another choice for you. Try Pharma-Choice. They're a chain that's all over THailand and CM as well. There's a branch on Moonmuag inside the moat b4 you hit Thapae, kind of close to the Falafel place, then there's one on Suthep rd out by the Maharaj hospital, then there's another out by Tesco Lotus on Hang Dong right b4 it and next to Klaimor Hospital. They should have alot of answers for you about what they can order for you and get supplied via their supply lines in BKK. Most have fairly good Eng speaking staff.

Good luck....

Grandpa was a diabetic and for 35 yrs or so of his life had to take insulin. He didn't expect to live long once he got to that stage but he just kept on going......And as a kid, it was very fascinating watching him stick the needle in. These days I hear the medication is much better than 20-30 yrs ago and gives a better regulation of things..

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Having lived with an insulin-dependent wife for over 5 years in Chiang Mai, I fully understand the sourcing problem you are facing. After being given the run-around by Chiang Mai Ram, we finally managed to accidentally come across the solution. 'Pharmachoice' are able to supply everything! My wife uses insulin pens and needs both fast-acting and long-acting insulin. She also uses the 'One-Touch Ultra' monitoring system. Pharmachoice was able to provide all her needs; insulin, needles, test strips, etc. If they did not have insulin on the premises, they were able to get it from Bangkok within a few days. We usually use either the Pharmachoice near Tops supermarket in Kad Suan Kaew, or the one on the Maejo Road near some hospital I can't remember the name of, but it's near the inner ring road. We would sometimes use the Pharmachoice near Wat Suan Dok if we had to and if we were in the vicinity. In all cases, there was no problem, except sometimes waiting for a few days before getting insulin.

Hope this helps you out!

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Having lived with an insulin-dependent wife for over 5 years in Chiang Mai, I fully understand the sourcing problem you are facing. After being given the run-around by Chiang Mai Ram, we finally managed to accidentally come across the solution. 'Pharmachoice' are able to supply everything! My wife uses insulin pens and needs both fast-acting and long-acting insulin. She also uses the 'One-Touch Ultra' monitoring system. Pharmachoice was able to provide all her needs; insulin, needles, test strips, etc. If they did not have insulin on the premises, they were able to get it from Bangkok within a few days. We usually use either the Pharmachoice near Tops supermarket in Kad Suan Kaew, or the one on the Maejo Road near some hospital I can't remember the name of, but it's near the inner ring road. We would sometimes use the Pharmachoice near Wat Suan Dok if we had to and if we were in the vicinity. In all cases, there was no problem, except sometimes waiting for a few days before getting insulin.

Hope this helps you out!

Very helpful info. I do not get to CM often but do plan to go in November. Will check with Pharmachoice for the needed supplies. Will try to stock 6 months and revisit as necessary.

'realthaideal' - Thanks for your input as well. Pharmachoice it is!

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