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Thai Ghosts


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What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

Yeah, I can't explain why chemo worked for me but doesn't work for so many others. I can't explain why the car behind me didn't run me over when I had a bad motorcycle accident many years ago, but many people I used to know have died on motorcycles. I can't explain why I have dreams all the time with various people I've know through my life but are now deceased. When my mother died last year, I could feel her presence in her & my father's bedroom, where she expired. These things along with several years now of being with my girl, seeing the Buddhist was of life, spirit houses and all that, I don't "eff" with karma anymore. I'll take all the good karma I can generate and get from other people. My last day might be soon or way off in the future, but I can't explain that either. Every day is special, one more than I had the day before.

Nice post Spee,

jeees man, you ain't been posting for a while, welcome back .

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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

Saw a ghost the other day. Was in the kitchen just floating around looked at me and then buzzed off quick. Think I scared the living crap out of it.

Edited by RakJungTorlae
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I have never seen a ghost, nor have I seen any evidence to support the conclusion there are ghosts. However, I have never seen any evidence to support the conclusion there are no ghosts. I, like most people, simply do not know. I will keep an open mind until I see something to convince me otherwise.

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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

I would venture to say - to a man woman & child our hosts believe in them.

Ask? Ever seen one? No. Have you ever seen any solid item moved by a ghost? No

Yet what do you think is the NUMBER 1 topic of Thai horror films? Yeah Ghosts.


I'll go with Stevie Wonder.

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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

Saw a ghost the other day. Was in the kitchen just floating around looked at me and then buzzed off quick. Think I scared the living crap out of it.

LOL :o , I guess you really did saw a ghost, you found this post 10 months later.

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Dead is dead and the only "ghosts" are the legacies of the actions we take while we are alive. Any belief to the contrary is evidence of a weak or defective mind: that is, lack of intellectual rigor, susceptibility to suggestion, or physical damage to or a chemical imbalance in the brain.

:o that's funny. I think you need to meditate now and then and zip consciously out of your body a few times before you convince yourself they actually don't exist. Thost ghostly buggers are real enough and some need a good spanking too with some of the pranks they pull on us.

Edited by dude123
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Dead is dead and the only "ghosts" are the legacies of the actions we take while we are alive. Any belief to the contrary is evidence of a weak or defective mind: that is, lack of intellectual rigor, susceptibility to suggestion, or physical damage to or a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Spoken like a true scientist. Try telling that to a young child who wakes up in the night with hairs on the back of the neck raised. Try telling it also to millions throughout history in different places in the world who absolutely believe in a spirit world. It's a myth to believe that ancient societies were all backward. In many ways they were far more advanced than we are and not distracted by the constant noise and entertainment that lock us into the purely physical world. The world of our 5 senses. The limited world that prevents us achieving higher states of consciousness and awareness.

Cultures such as the American Indians were absolutely in tune with nature, without the distractions and 'reason' we have and we know, believe in a spirit world.

Some who have intense or near death experiences aren't suffering from a chemical imbalance. They are more 'alive' than in their 'normal' state. What about during wars when wives just 'know' their husband or lover has died? Animals who know a tsunami is coming and head for the hills? Dogs that growl at 'nothing'?

Many a priest or seeker in days gone by has used herbs or mushrooms to reach altered states. It's a media myth to believe every drug experience is a negative one. If you remember Bill Hicks, you'll be familiar with this positive story...

"Today, a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves."

I was as cynical as they come. I used to watch Christian 'nutcases' falling on the floor, screaming or giggling like madmen at religious retreats. One day, years later, I attended an 'Art of Living' course. This is where they practice breathing and yoga exercises. There is one breathing exercise called 'Sudarshan Kriya'. You flood the body with oxygen for 30 minutes. After the exercise you lie on the floor and just see what comes up. The first two times I tried, nothing happened for me. A few people did the hysterical laughter thing but nothing for me. Then on the third occasion I was lying down and my body was 'vibrating' (with all the oxygen intake). I heard a low moan develop into an unearthly howl and to my embarrassment, realised it was me. I 'saw' a dark shape/force/energy travel down my body and exit through my feet. The fear was intense. As soon as it exited I stopped howling. After, I definitely felt lighter.

What had taken place?

I tried to recall how an entity could have entered my body and remembered a night when I woke up from a restless sleep and to my horror 'saw' a dark shape enter my body through my feet. At the time I thought 'alien' although the shape was hard to describe. I was frozen in fear while it happened, however, dropped back off to sleep and forgot about it.

It's true I was going through a very stressful period at the time (your 'defective mind'?) But that's precisely the point isn't it? That it's when we are going through an intense emotional/psychological period, then our own frequency changes and perhaps we attract certain entities.

I know meditators who practice Vipassana and claim they can leave their bodies and 'travel'. One claimed she had watched me make love to a friend. She had asked me if I was sleeping with her and I said 'No'. She said I was lying and I asked how she could know? She said 'I watched you'.

How would you explain this?

For me, there is more to this world than logic and reason. Just ask my long dead grandpa who is standing next to me. :o

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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

Saw a ghost the other day. Was in the kitchen just floating around looked at me and then buzzed off quick. Think I scared the living crap out of it.

LOL :o , I guess you really did saw a ghost, you found this post 10 months later.

Hehe its wakening up the Dead!!!

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Recently a good Friend of mine very sadly died of cancer in his home, I was there and held his hand when he died, almost immediately his bedroom became a no go area for his Thai girlfriend and her family and it still is ( 2 weeks later ), not only that but most of the Thai women living in the houses around have now had ghost like experiences, my Friend have been said to have turned on and of lights in the homes, and opened car port and garden gates, a few ladies staying alone in their homes stayed together at night until their boyfriends/husbands came home again, my Friends girlfriend has also been and given me a few small items that she claims that my Friend have told her to give me, about a week after his passing away she even came and asked me to give her one cigarette because my Friend had asked her to go to me and get one aso. aso. so the conclusion is that really many of the Thai ladies believes strongly in ghosts/spirits.

As an earlier poster mention my Girlfriend explained to me that her parents through all her childhood filled her up with ghosts stories to keep her indoors after dark, she said that even though she now not believes to much in ghosts it has been really hard to shake of.

Regards. :o

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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

complete rubbish, no evidence that such things could exist.

No pictures or anything like that.

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Yes have met a few ghosts. but most of the time it turns out to be over active imaginations triggered by intense emotions that impreganate a place due to long term or intense emotional experiences of someone living in the local. But he real ones are quite real and a very intense experience. I did some ghost busting for the am northwest television show a number of years back. y

I'm going to be humming that tune all afternoon now... "Who you gonna call..." :o

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For a few years after the Tsunami none of my friends would take a holiday to Phuket caus they were all scared of ghosts there. Guess its a little weird but it did give me the chance to visit a lot of other beaches I normally wouldn't have been to.

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Whilst out the other evening taking onboard a beverage or three and chatting to the nubile hostess I suddenly felt the hair on the back of my neck prickle, the air become much colder and suddenly I was aware of a dark, manavolent presence at my side.

The missus had found which bar I was drinking in!

Just getting into the spirit of things when disaster strike's, lucky you didnt need the last rites!

I am not inclined to believe in ghosts however I suspect there may be some truth in the stories told by bar ladies who claim to have experienced an alien entering their bodies from time to time.

Roy gsd :o:D

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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

As so many Thai people belive in Ghosts can some explain why so many of them commit murder each year?

Clearly they are they not afraid of their victims Ghost returnng, or is it, as I suspect, a case of the murderer paying

a sum of money to the Priest/ Temple and all is forgiven?

Roy Gsd

Edited by roygsd
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I suspect there may be some truth in the stories told by bar ladies who claim to have experienced an alien entering their bodies from time to time.


Overstayer's are likely suspects

well some of them.

Roy Gsd

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My students often ask me if I'm not afraid of ghosts. But the the problem with Thai ghosts is that they are afraid to speak English. The ghosts says BOOOHOO, you say hello and gone is the ghost. Seems the Thais get all the fun.

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remembered a night when I woke up from a restless sleep and to my horror 'saw' a dark shape enter my body through my feet. At the time I thought 'alien' although the shape was hard to describe. I was frozen in fear while it happened, however, dropped back off to sleep and forgot about it.


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have you experienced anything which seems to be so culturally accepted here?

Do they exist or is it a case of " yes I saw a ghost too" .........

What is your experience? Ever ran into something you can't explain?

"Ever ran into something you can't explain?" Yes, most of my various GF's storys. I'm still waiting for the Easter Bunny to show up.

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Dead is dead and the only "ghosts" are the legacies of the actions we take while we are alive. Any belief to the contrary is evidence of a weak or defective mind: that is, lack of intellectual rigor, susceptibility to suggestion, or physical damage to or a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Thats your opinion - which you so dogmatically assert! However, i have seen the movie 'Ghostbusters' and i would suggest all you sceptics/cynics watch it before you end up looking like bigger fools :o

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If you believe something then it is so.

i think that is a very weak argument.

i guess i think like a scientist. i am agnostic about most things. sure things like gods, ghosts, aliens etc. might be possible, and the percentage of things we actually know and understand in the universe is pretty small. but i don't believe anything unless i see it. i spent a lot of my childhood trying to find ghosts (wanted to be a parapsychologist since i was tiny) and never found a one. have had some strange experiences, but nothing that can be proven as ghosts. my mother's friend who was a prominent journalist gave me a subscription to the 'skeptical inquirer' when i was a kid, and i have learned a lot of "supernatural occurences" can easly be debunked.

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If you believe something then it is so.

i think that is a very weak argument.

i guess i think like a scientist. i am agnostic about most things. sure things like gods, ghosts, aliens etc. might be possible, and the percentage of things we actually know and understand in the universe is pretty small. but i don't believe anything unless i see it. i spent a lot of my childhood trying to find ghosts (wanted to be a parapsychologist since i was tiny) and never found a one. have had some strange experiences, but nothing that can be proven as ghosts. my mother's friend who was a prominent journalist gave me a subscription to the 'skeptical inquirer' when i was a kid, and i have learned a lot of "supernatural occurences" can easly be debunked.


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Whilst out the other evening taking onboard a beverage or three and chatting to the nubile hostess I suddenly felt the hair on the back of my neck prickle, the air become much colder and suddenly I was aware of a dark, manavolent presence at my side.

The missus had found which bar I was drinking in!


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remembered a night when I woke up from a restless sleep and to my horror 'saw' a dark shape enter my body through my feet. At the time I thought 'alien' although the shape was hard to describe. I was frozen in fear while it happened, however, dropped back off to sleep and forgot about it.


Hehe. I know, I know. Mad as a march Hare.

What can you do? Ya gotta call it as ya see it. :burp:

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A guy I know uses ghosts to get out of spending time at home with chicks who get on his nerves. "Well, sure, you can come over to my condo, but the ghosts might bother you. They're always slamming doors and waking me up." Never fails to shed him of the excess baggage. This is the one case I've found where the superstitious belief is beneficial.

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Interesting that no one can ever provide evidence of there being ghosts. Oh sure, there are people who label themselves as "paranormal" experts", but none of these experts has any actual education in detecting energy and electromagnetic fields. They do have nice equipment wih flashing noises and that make nice noises. Remember Uri Geller the psychic who alleged he could bend spoons using his mental powers? Johnny Carson exposed him when he switched the fellow's pre damaged spoons. It's a classic. (Credit goes to james Randi the magician for tipping the great Karnak off.) Must see episode.

Speaking of James Randi, the 80 year old gent has spent decades exposing the fraudsters and con artists claims of ghosts. He established the James Randi Education Foundation's million dollar challenge offering a prize US$1,000,000 to anyone who can demonstrate evidence of any paranormal, supernatural or occult power or event, under test conditions agreed to by both parties. No one has ever claimed the prize. I wonder why?

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Watched a Ghost of Mae Nak w/ Ms. Brit couple days ago, quite good for a thai ghost movie.

Mae Nak

The story of Mae Nak Phra Khanong (or simply Mae Nak) is a well known and popular Thai ghost story. The story is believed to actually have occurred during the reign of Phra Bat Somdet Phra Poramin Maha Mongkut (King Mongkut). The story concerns the beautiful Mae Nak (means "Lady Nak"), a native of Khet Phra Khanong in Bangkok, and her husband, Mak.

With Nak pregnant, Mak is called off to war (in some versions of the story the war is against the Shan tribe, while others are not specific), and is severely injured. While he is being nursed in central Bangkok, both Nak and the child she is carrying die during the childbirth owing to the anomalous posture of the child in womb. They are burried by neighbors. When Mak eventually returns home however, he is cast under a spell and finds his loving wife and his new child waiting for him and nothing wrong. Neighbors who try to tell Mak of the death of his wife and to warn him that he is living with the ghost, meet with grizzly ends.


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It's a bit of a no-win question since those who have seen 'ghosts' are never going to be believed by those that don't. And if your idea of a ghost is 'Casper' or 'The Exorcist' you'll already be well down the road to cynicism.

You also need to factor in the fear factor. What if there really WERE 'ghosts'? Could you sleep at night? Would you be wrapping a string of garlic bulbs around your child's neck? I don't think our minds want to accept.

If you are wrapped in the religion of 'science' then of course your belief system is going to need scientific proof. If you are a Shaman or Witch Doctor or Medium, then you have different ideas. How many people reading this have been to a Spiritualist Church? Read Tarot Cards, tea leaves or have lucky lottery numbers? We really are a superstitious lot. These beliefs don't occur in a vaccuum.

The plethora of Harry Potter movies and magic books and paraphernalia, the Halloween festival, are not harmless fun. They have an effect on our perceptions and our minds. According to the FBI there are 4 million Satanists in the U.S. These guys certainly believe in magic and sorcery and demons. You don't think the tide of occult movies and symbolism swamping us is an accident do you? Some very sinister folk are working out an agenda and that agenda is not the elevation of mankind.

By being so quick to dismiss, you are doing exactly what these elements want you to do. Closing yourself off to genuine spiritual enquiry. It isn't bombs and bullets that are going to advance the world but taking back our knowledge of ourselves and stop giving our power away.

Who is more in tune with the natural order of things? The man who's idea of love, is farting when he comes, or the man who makes love to a beloved and feels it as a transcendent state? One is basic and animal while the other is accepting of a spiritual aspect... body, mind and soul.

Are there other dimensions? People who have 'died' and come back or been in critical surgery will tell you there is. How many stories have we heard of people who say they were looking down on their own body? Is there a world between worlds where souls get trapped? It's a re-occuring story.

It's true that we can be made to believe almost anything. There are 2 billion people who absolutely believe in 'ghosts'. They believe that a man came back to life after being dead for three days and proved it by showing the 'doubting Thomas's of the world, the holes in his hands. They also believe in a virgin birth, Santa and the tooth fairy. In the same way, there are probably another 2 billion who believe what they see on TV or read in the newspapers, is true. Must check up on the Uri Geller exposure. I missed it. :o

It's hypocritical to somehow think you can stand aloof and mock 'ghosts' (which the OP hasn't really defined) when the rest of your 'truth', fed you through school books, the media, priests, leaders, etc.. is mostly hogwash. The power of suggestion, the herd instinct, the need for acceptance, to conform. All these are reasons why we swallow the crap we are fed.

'Need another billion, Mr Rumsfeld?'


'Ok. How does Bird Flu sound? Can't use Swine Fever again, they'll be on to us.'

'Like it. Like it'.

Although 'tipsy' is a (git! :D ) for piss-taking, it's a normal reaction. It doesn't change my experience nor other experiences I have had. Writing off 50,000 years of others subjective experience just because 100 years of 'science' says it ain't so or you haven't experienced it is hardly fair.

Refering to my own experience, when I say 'alien' I mean it in the context of 'otherworldy' rather than a shape-shifting green lizard or 'ET' slipping under the covers. Look up 'Jinn' or 'Djinn' or 'Genie' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie

I'm not sure million dollar challenges mean anything. How can you reproduce such an experience on cue? Or prove the existence of something that is not of this physical world? This site is trying to do it and what do we see? .. Yep! Casper the ghost. :Dhttp://spiritualresearchfoundation.org/spi...oween/index.php

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