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Thailand: Coup Leader Appointed As Thailand's New Deputy Pm

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oh how nice, the boys in green are not going anywhere, but in actually, shoring up their control........oh well so much for democracy

welcome to your police state

Thailand: Coup Leader Appointed as Thailand's New Deputy PM Coup leader General Sonthi Boonyaratkalin is expected to be appointed as deputy prime minister with responsibility for national security in the coming days. There has been considerable speculation as to what Sonthi would do after retiring at the end of this month as head of the army, with his entry into politics considered the most likely option. Although Sonthi ruled out a political career in the early days following the coup, he has become increasingly embroiled in political affairs. There has been much speculation that he would enter politics ahead of the December general elections, and this now looks assured. The next step is to secure the approval of interim prime minister Surayud Chulanont, who is currently in the United States attending the annual UN General Assembly meeting. This is largely a formality, and no cabinet reshuffle is expected, given that the cabinet is currently below its full compliment of members. The Bangkok Post reports that with Sonthi seemingly on the brink of entering government, there is now additional speculation that he will take also take on the post of interior minister. This is being fuelled by the anticipated resignation of the incumbent, Aree Wongraya. Aree has, along with two other cabinet colleagues, been accused of having excess shareholdings in private firms (meaning beyond the 5% allowed). Aree's colleagues, the information, communications and technology minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom, and deputy commerce minister Oranuj Osathananda, have already announced they will step down in the face of similar accusations.

Significance: The fact that Sonthi looks set to join the cabinet is significant in itself, but should speculation prove correct and he takes on the interior ministry it would give this retiring military commander direct control over the forthcoming elections. This can only exacerbate fears that the military is looking to play an increasing role in politics in the coming years.


This is a first for me. I am unsurprised yet lost for words. I get the feeling this is gonna be one entertaing thread...

This is a first for me. I am unsurprised yet lost for words. I get the feeling this is gonna be one entertaing thread...

to appoint a deputy means thet aint going nowhere fast soon ,things are gonna get worse ,very soon. :o


Burma part two! What is Thailand to become? Some I will run out of fingers and toes to count the coups. As I work in the Military I can say not all support this #$%^&*()!!!!


i hear myanmar is nice this time of year.......junta in control, civil rights nonexistent, lack of free press, and economy in the crapper......wait is that thailand or myanmar i just described?

oh how nice, the boys in green are not going anywhere, but in actually, shoring up their control........oh well so much for democracy

welcome to your police state



I'm confused. Don't policemen usually wear brown? Wasn't Mr.T ex-police? I thought the army ousted him? Are you saying the police and Mr.T are back again already? I thought Mr.T's "team" played in blue now like English bobbies?

It doesn't feel like a police state to me. Perhaps they're just out to get you and the rest of us are safe :o


oh how nice, the boys in green are not going anywhere, but in actually, shoring up their control........oh well so much for democracy

welcome to your police state



I'm confused. Don't policemen usually wear brown? Wasn't Mr.T ex-police? I thought the army ousted him? Are you saying the police and Mr.T are back again already? I thought Mr.T's "team" played in blue now like English bobbies?

It doesn't feel like a police state to me. Perhaps they're just out to get you and the rest of us are safe :o


thanks fletch, let me know when your midlife crisis breaks and you become more lucid

This is a first for me. I am unsurprised yet lost for words. I get the feeling this is gonna be one entertaing thread...

to appoint a deputy means thet aint going nowhere fast soon ,things are gonna get worse ,very soon. :o

No it doesn't, it means theres too much work for one person.

It doesn't feel like a police state to me.


If you start disagreeing with the way things are run here, especially in public, or even if you are just friends with people who disagree in public, then you will notice that this is a police state here, and increasingly so.

It doesn't feel like a police state to me.


If you start disagreeing with the way things are run here, especially in public, or even if you are just friends with people who disagree in public, then you will notice that this is a police state here, and increasingly so.

lol, what a complete load of claptrap, completely unbelievable.

Wasn't it just the other day that 40,000 people attended a meeting by one of the political parties formed from the ashes of the TRT party? Your posts used to sound quite sensible, what happened? Its all paranoia and tin foil hats nowadays.


Lots of money in politics in Thailand and everyone near the top wants their slice. <deleted> the country, just get the cash.

I seem to remember the Chinese had a saying which was roughly translated to mean that it did not matter what you did to get wealthy, merely the fact that you had attained wealth was sufficient. Seems very apt here in Thailand but then the top is not really Thai is it.

It doesn't feel like a police state to me.


If you start disagreeing with the way things are run here, especially in public, or even if you are just friends with people who disagree in public, then you will notice that this is a police state here, and increasingly so.

lol, what a complete load of claptrap, completely unbelievable.

Wasn't it just the other day that 40,000 people attended a meeting by one of the political parties formed from the ashes of the TRT party? Your posts used to sound quite sensible, what happened? Its all paranoia and tin foil hats nowadays.

I do not like the tone of your post. Mind your manners.

Just because you don't see something, or don't see it in the heavily censored news doesn't mean that it is not existing.

I would suggest to add alternative news sources such as Prachathai.com, or asiasentinel.com to your reading material, and see what is written there about the situation of the opposition.

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