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More 'bike Lanes' In Bangkok


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More 'bike lanes' in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is building more 'bike lanes' in all the capital city's 50 districts.

This is to serve people's demand for the cheap and environmentally-friendly way of communication amid rising air pollution and higher transport costs due to the current oil price hike, according to the Director of the BMA's Traffic and Transportation Department, Chitchanok Kemawutthanon.

"A number of people have lodged complaints to Prime Minister Thaksin Shinwatra through the prime minister's complaint box in front of his official residence, Ban Phitsanulok, that they want more bike lanes in the capital. So, BMA is building more bike lanes in all the city's 50 districts to serve the public's demand", he told journalists here yesterday.

"BMA sees the importance of this issue, as the use of bicycles is a sustainable way of communication. It is also environmentally-friendly, and helps save energy and transport costs. It is also a mean of physical exercise which promotes good health among the public", he noted.

Mr. Chitchanok said that in the short run, or over the next one year, BMA would improve two existing bike lanes--the first 10-kilometre one on Pradit Manootham Road, and the 6-7 kilometre one on Petchakasem Road.

"We are doing some reparations, and adding some more facilities on the two exisiting bike lanes. The improvement work is expected to be completed within one year", he disclosed.

"BMA will then building more bike lanes in other areas in all the city's 50 districts", he added.

-- TNA 2004-08-03

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More 'bike lanes' in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is building more 'bike lanes' in all the capital city's 50 districts.

with the price of oil expected to go on up to 50$ and not come back down again they had better get building fast !

what else will you see in the bike lane ? buffalos, dogs, mobikes , tuktuks , food carts ,

beggers ?

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"A number of people have lodged complaints to Prime Minister Thaksin Shinwatra through the prime minister's complaint box in front of his official residence, Ban Phitsanulok, that they want more bike lanes in the capital. So, BMA is building more bike lanes in all the city's 50 districts to serve the public's demand"

Good vote catcher - should be ready in time for the next election...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

they would have to build roads first before they can add bike lanes to them. right now there are only superhighways that pose as roads and dead-end sois everywhere. what if a bicylce rider ever decides that he needs to turn right instead of left on a road? is it safe to assume that people would make roundtrips and travel in both directions? (although I am sure a thai would be able to convince me I was stupid for using logic). is he or she then supposed to turn left, cross three or more lanes of traffic, travel up to 2 or 3 kilometers, make a u-turn by gambling with your life, cross more lanes of traffic, then stop and say a prayer to thank God you are still alive.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bike lanes in Bkk.??! Yet another example of the unexamined, thoughtless, illogical, worse than useless "ideas" the Thais come up with for show purposes only. Kind of like the zebra crossings all over Bkk. that might fool the unsuspecting tourist into thinking that they are there to make it safer to cross the road on foot. :o

Bike lanes in Bkk. would actually be motorbike lanes, and any non-motorized bicyclist would quickly learn to get out of the way, as we hapless pedestrians do when a motorcycle comes at us (legally???) while we are walking along a "foot" path.

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Well, seems the head up the arse team is out and about again!

Every Tuk Tuk powered by YaBa will be in those lanes smashing cyclists like meter taxi's running over a Soi Dog! Anybody that differs in opinion ought to rent a bike and give it a try! Sawadee Sucker!

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I ride my bike in bangkok - and it is no pleasure cruise. the worst are the kamakazi bus drivers. i usually get into a fight with at least one bus driver per trip. I am not really for these bike lanes unless they are separate 'highways', that is, they have their own right of way (like I used when I lived in Hong Kong)

Even in NY where there are a lot of bike lanes, a lot of experienced riders don't used them. It is actually safer to ride faster and out in traffic. no cars doors opening, no one turning, no one walking out to their cars, etc.

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There is a bike lane along the highway coming from the Ramindra road down to Rama IX.

It's not a bike lane in the pointless British sense (of a painted line on the road that nobody takes any notice of - bloody stupid idea) - but is actually a painted off tarred section of the pavement... (i.e. for a bike lane - it seems relatively useful - at least between junctions).

Admittedly, I've only ever seen motorbikes using it (when going opposite the direction of traffic)

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