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Life Is Cheap In Thailand.


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Last Sunday around mid-night a fifteen year old youth walks into 7/11 in our service station. He is accosted & verbally abused by a drunk twenty year old sitting outside with his mates.

The youth walks into 7/11, buys some ciggarettes, walks back out to his bike. More verbal abuse followed him. He calmly opens the seat cover, retrieves a small handgun.

Meanwhile the twenty year old had walked into 7/11 for something. The youth calmly walks into 7/11 holding the gun, walks up to the twenty year old & shoots him in the chest.

Not bothering to run away, he walks back outside, sits down, lit a ciggarette & waited for the police to arrive.

The twenty year old died two hours later in hospital.

This story didn't even feature in the daily news papers.


How can a teenager get their hands on a gun? Why would you shoot someone over a war of words?


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This story didn't even feature in the daily news papers.


How can a teenager get their hands on a gun? Why would you shoot someone over a war of words?


I think i remember that you posted sometime ago in a similar thread a while ago that you life in Samut Prakan area.

Very common there.

Guns are easy to get here, local made illegal guns go for less than 3000 Baht for a passable second hand gun. Pen guns are kids toys and cost a few hundred Baht.

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Last Sunday around mid-night a fifteen year old youth walks into 7/11 in our service station. He is accosted & verbally abused by a drunk twenty year old sitting outside with his mates.

The youth walks into 7/11, buys some ciggarettes, walks back out to his bike. More verbal abuse followed him. He calmly opens the seat cover, retrieves a small handgun.

Meanwhile the twenty year old had walked into 7/11 for something. The youth calmly walks into 7/11 holding the gun, walks up to the twenty year old & shoots him in the chest.

Not bothering to run away, he walks back outside, sits down, lit a ciggarette & waited for the police to arrive.

The twenty year old died two hours later in hospital.

This story didn't even feature in the daily news papers.


How can a teenager get their hands on a gun? Why would you shoot someone over a war of words?


Fifteen years old! I thought you had to be eighteen to buy cigarettes 7/11 should be prosecuted, what is the country comming to, bet he didn't have a licence for the bike either:coffee1:

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Last Sunday around mid-night a fifteen year old youth walks into 7/11 in our service station. He is accosted & verbally abused by a drunk twenty year old sitting outside with his mates.

The youth walks into 7/11, buys some ciggarettes, walks back out to his bike. More verbal abuse followed him. He calmly opens the seat cover, retrieves a small handgun.

Meanwhile the twenty year old had walked into 7/11 for something. The youth calmly walks into 7/11 holding the gun, walks up to the twenty year old & shoots him in the chest.

Not bothering to run away, he walks back outside, sits down, lit a ciggarette & waited for the police to arrive.

The twenty year old died two hours later in hospital.

This story didn't even feature in the daily news papers.


How can a teenager get their hands on a gun? Why would you shoot someone over a war of words?


I have been telling people that smoking is dangerous !
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Last Sunday around mid-night a fifteen year old youth walks into 7/11 in our service station. He is accosted & verbally abused by a drunk twenty year old sitting outside with his mates.

The youth walks into 7/11, buys some ciggarettes, walks back out to his bike. More verbal abuse followed him. He calmly opens the seat cover, retrieves a small handgun.

Meanwhile the twenty year old had walked into 7/11 for something. The youth calmly walks into 7/11 holding the gun, walks up to the twenty year old & shoots him in the chest.

Not bothering to run away, he walks back outside, sits down, lit a ciggarette & waited for the police to arrive.

The twenty year old died two hours later in hospital.

This story didn't even feature in the daily news papers.


How can a teenager get their hands on a gun? Why would you shoot someone over a war of words?


I have been telling people that smoking is dangerous !

he was having a bad day ,knows the law and cant be prosecuted as an adult ,spend 2 years in a reform school and get out and start his life ,way of the world . :o

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yes, when shooting somebody the normal reaction would be to run fast rather than seat.

the murderer was rather an instable person and as such might end up rathen in hospital than prison.

it's not only thailand that life is cheap - in the UK hundreds people, mostly young age, are killed for much less than the verbal abuse. In London alone some 25 kids were murdered from the beginning of 2007. Often there was no any motive to the killing

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One could argue that if more people shot off the drunk abusive people it would be a better place for the rest.

And staying isn't the sign of phsycotic behaivor(!), it's the sign of accepting guilt and being mature about it.

What's next, going to applaude every drunk guy running from a car-accident? "Atleast he isn't phsycotic."

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<br />Last Sunday around mid-night a fifteen year old youth walks into 7/11 in our service station. He is accosted & verbally abused by a drunk twenty year old sitting outside with his mates.<br /><br />The youth walks into 7/11, buys some ciggarettes, walks back out to his bike. More verbal abuse followed him. He calmly opens the seat cover, retrieves a small handgun. <br /><br />Meanwhile the twenty year old had walked into 7/11 for something. The youth calmly walks into 7/11 holding the gun, walks up to the twenty year old & shoots him in the chest.<br /><br />Not bothering to run away, he walks back outside, sits down, lit a ciggarette & waited for the police to arrive.<br /><br />The twenty year old died two hours later in hospital.<br /><br />This story didn't even feature in the daily news papers.<br /><br />Unbelievable!<br /><br />How can a teenager get their hands on a gun? Why would you shoot someone over a war of words?<br /><br /><br /><br />Soundman.<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Because many people are stupid and can never accept they are wrong, its similar in the UK just a "bit" easier in Thailand. Also the fact that for many situations the best thing to do is walk away even though you can be very angry there is little you can do and NO help available from the authorities. Sometimes I am sure many would like to pull out a gun.

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In the developed countires, Scotland ranks as number 1 and England and Wales as number 2 and 3 in terms of most violent countries.

Whoever wrote that should get himself to South Africa or Columbia and start counting. Id prefer 2 pub fights to being shot once.

As people in Thailand have a better chance of getting away with murder (if connected or rich) and less chance of the law protecting them, due to it being "Instituationally Corrupt" then it could be argued that these are factors that will lead to a higher murder rate.

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In my quiet little Thai village (pop. max 2500) there have been 14 murders, all using firearms in the last 18 months alone. Most were male in the 16 to 22 age group, two were highly respected village politicians, one aged 73, and another who was a good friend aged 41 (the latter was executed by AK 47 on his way home from dropping his two sons and other boys at the local High School). A 47yr old woman with a reputation for speaking her mind was shot in the head on her way home from a village funeral. Seems everyone knows who did it too, but no one is saying! The youngest was 12, shot by a friend following an argument at school. One lucky guy managed to escape after his friend was shot dead. The one that died jumped down a well in the dark, the assasin saw him and emptied the clip into the well before calmly walking to his car and driving off. The one that survived hid under a car. No one ever witnesses anything.

The unluckiest one was visiting his pregnant wife's family. He went with his mother in law to help get the cows from the fields. They were attacked by two teenagers with hand guns. Mother in law is now paralysed, the young man, who was from Bangkok, died. He had 11 bullets in his body. Everyone thinks it was a case of mistaken identity, as the young guy had recently been for his Police Cadet interview, had very short hair and was wearing combat fatiques. He had never been to the village before as they married in another village.

On another thread I read with some amusement the gungho attitude of some Farang that think they should stand up to intimidation by Thai men. Such inexperienced attitude could easily be fatal.

Of all these killings, the only one that the police "solved" was the 12yr old boy's slaying. The parents of whom received 50,000Bt in full and final settlement from the young murderer's family. No prosecution.

Yep, the UK is much worse than Thailand :o

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In my quiet little Thai village (pop. max 2500) there have been 14 murders, all using firearms in the last 18 months alone. Most were male in the 16 to 22 age group, two were highly respected village politicians, one aged 73, and another who was a good friend aged 41 (the latter was executed by AK 47 on his way home from dropping his two sons and other boys at the local High School). A 47yr old woman with a reputation for speaking her mind was shot in the head on her way home from a village funeral. Seems everyone knows who did it too, but no one is saying! The youngest was 12, shot by a friend following an argument at school. One lucky guy managed to escape after his friend was shot dead. The one that died jumped down a well in the dark, the assasin saw him and emptied the clip into the well before calmly walking to his car and driving off. The one that survived hid under a car. No one ever witnesses anything.

The unluckiest one was visiting his pregnant wife's family. He went with his mother in law to help get the cows from the fields. They were attacked by two teenagers with hand guns. Mother in law is now paralysed, the young man, who was from Bangkok, died. He had 11 bullets in his body. Everyone thinks it was a case of mistaken identity, as the young guy had recently been for his Police Cadet interview, had very short hair and was wearing combat fatiques. He had never been to the village before as they married in another village.

On another thread I read with some amusement the gungho attitude of some Farang that think they should stand up to intimidation by Thai men. Such inexperienced attitude could easily be fatal.

Of all these killings, the only one that the police "solved" was the 12yr old boy's slaying. The parents of whom received 50,000Bt in full and final settlement from the young murderer's family. No prosecution.

Yep, the UK is much worse than Thailand :o

Find a nicer village.

Nearly 1% of the population being murdered with guns every 18 months is certainly not commonplace in Thailand, whatever you seem to be suggesting.

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Nearly 1% of the population being murdered with guns every 18 months is certainly not commonplace in Thailand, whatever you seem to be suggesting.

It may be a bit extreme in the village described, but not uncommon either. I am aware of several such communities here.

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Gun crime in Thailand seems to be just a another everyday event. It's not like TV doesn't inflate peoples idea that shooting someone is out of the ordinary. Ever single programme I've ever seen show on Thai TV has some one shooting someone or some just waving a gun around as though its totally normal.

Given this kind of example and just how many Thai's are addicted to TV programs does it surprise anyone that they believe this is the norm?

In the western world linking violence and TV has never really been proved - however I am pretty sure if similar research was done in Thailand I think a different conclusion would be found.

I find it hilarious that they 'censor' a gun if it's pointed in shot at someone but they don't censor if the gun is just being held by someone out of shot, let alone actually shooting someone . . . very bizarre and pointless!

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I find it hilarious that they 'censor' a gun if it's pointed in shot at someone but they don't censor if the gun is just being held by someone out of shot, let alone actually shooting someone . . . very bizarre and pointless!

It sems to be that the censors only pixelate the gun or knife if it is being used in a "threatening" manner.

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Given this kind of example and just how many Thai's are addicted to TV programs does it surprise anyone that they believe this is the norm?

It is the norm because it is vice versa. The soap operas on TV are a mirror of the society.

Edited by Rajah
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Last Sunday around mid-night a fifteen year old youth walks into 7/11 in our service station. He is accosted & verbally abused by a drunk twenty year old sitting outside with his mates.

The youth walks into 7/11, buys some ciggarettes, walks back out to his bike. More verbal abuse followed him. He calmly opens the seat cover, retrieves a small handgun.

Meanwhile the twenty year old had walked into 7/11 for something. The youth calmly walks into 7/11 holding the gun, walks up to the twenty year old & shoots him in the chest.

Not bothering to run away, he walks back outside, sits down, lit a ciggarette & waited for the police to arrive.

The twenty year old died two hours later in hospital.

This story didn't even feature in the daily news papers.


How can a teenager get their hands on a gun? Why would you shoot someone over a war of words?

Sounds like just like back home in USA, except an incident like this would be in the news. I think the Thai media does not want to report the seemier side of life here. It is possible there is a lot more of this than we are aware of. A few months ago there was a drive-by shooting a few doors from my house on a quiet residential street. I am not sure it got any news coverage.


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" Why would you shoot someone over a war of words?"

I lose face. You lose life.

I've heard loss of face as such a serious thing with some that they'd just as well die as suffer it.

But then also...

Teens and turf and hormones and being tough, all that stuff happens in every country. The youth don't always get the preciousness of life.

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Given this kind of example and just how many Thai's are addicted to TV programs does it surprise anyone that they believe this is the norm?

It is the norm because it is vice versa. The soap operas on TV are a mirror of the society.

Just because you love watching tv does not mean you are addicted to it. It might be because you are too lazy to do other things (like doing the job, etc).

If the Soaps are the mirror of the society, then we should all watch them in order to learn something.

Soaps are easy entertainment. A fantasy.

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It is a sad fact that life seems can be bought too easily. The face concept is really something that has to be eradicated out of society and seen as detrimental.

Anyone who shoots someone should be accountable and not be allowed to buy there way out of it. I still have never seen the face concept in the UK on a scale as it is here. As someone who worked in the Penal system, the judge never ever took into consideration, the fact that someone made someone lose face, so that was justification in killing a person. I fact the opposite and usually meant a stiffer prison sentence.

The face concept is usually only acceptable to the criminal element in the UK ( you said this about me or did this, so I will kill you). To the average law abiding person it is wrong, something that is not seen here amongst the general population. Lets hope that the tide changes and the face concept is eradicated from society and not given the acceptance that it is here, unfortunately.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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